刘俊孝,王庆杰,李洪文,何 进,卢彩云
刘俊孝,王庆杰※,李洪文,何 进,卢彩云
(1. 中国农业大学工学院,北京 100083; 2. 农业农村部河北北部耕地保育科学观测实验站,北京 100083)
精准点播可保证播种作业的播量、播深及株距的均匀度,增强个体发育,但因小麦种子具有籽粒小、种植密度大等特点,目前尚缺少小麦精准点播装备。针对这一问题,该文设计了一种基于气力吸附、定点打穴、精准投种的针孔管式小麦精准点播装置,并对其吸种性能进行研究。确定了该播种机构的工作原理及主要结构,通过理论计算,确定适宜株距为2.73 cm,针孔吸种管扰动距离为7.86 cm,应分3行排布。以吸种孔位置、吸种孔直径和吸种面形状为因素,以漏种指数、重种指数和单粒指数为指标进行正交试验,得出最优参数组合为:吸种孔位置为顶面,吸种孔直径为2 mm,吸种面形状为凸面;在此条件下,试验结果为漏种指数为4.1%,重种指数为7.3%,单粒指数为88.6%,满足设计要求。
近些年,国内外对于单粒点播技术与装备的研究大多围绕玉米、大豆等播种密度较小的作物[9],而针对小麦等密植类作物的研究极少,仅有少数的精量排种及投种方面的研究。Yasir等[10]对气力式小麦精密排种器进行改进,并采用ANSYS-CFX耦合方法对不同参数下的气力分布进行了模拟。Lei等[11-12]采用DEM-CFD耦合方法,对气力集排式播种机从气场和种子运动两方面研究和分析了喉部面积、喉部长度、气流入口速度和进种率对作业效率的影响。赵晓顺等[13-14]设计了一种小麦槽缝气吸式排种器,对比分析了不同形式的槽缝结构对排种器吸种均匀性的影响,并进行了试验优化。上述研究为小麦精量排种的实现打下坚实基础,但并未涉及小麦的投种方面研究。定点投种方面的研究大多针对玉米等作物展开,John Deere 公司[15]研发了毛刷带式输种装置用于将种子运送到种沟,通过实时调整毛刷带转速,可使种子落入种床的水平分速度与播种机前进速度抵消,达到零速投种。陈学庚等[16]设计了一种传动与投种机构一体的带式导种装置,并确定了其主要结构参数。刘宏新等[17]研究了一种滚筒穴式免耕播种成穴机构,可实现在不对地表覆盖物进行处理的情况下穿透成穴。
1.种箱 2.针孔吸种管 3.播种轮 4.气力分配机构
1.Seed box 2. Pinhole seed suction tube 3.Seeding wheel 4.Pneumatic distribution mechanism
图1 针孔管式小麦精准点播装置
Fig.1 Pinhole-tube wheat precision seeding device
针孔管式小麦精准点播装置基本结构尺寸:播种轮直径为600 mm,装置横向最大宽度为170 mm,播种行距为200 mm,种箱容积10 L,播种带宽度为80 mm。
Ⅰ.吸种区域 Ⅱ.清种区域 Ⅲ.运种区域 Ⅳ.投种区域
Ⅰ.Sucking zone Ⅱ.Clearing zone Ⅲ.Carrying zone Ⅳ.Throwing zone
图2 气压分配示意图
Fig.2 Diagram of air pressure distribution
1.3.1 精准点播株距计算
根据文献可知[25-26],小麦种子发芽率F取90%,小麦田间出苗率取95%,行距取常用值0.2m,公顷基本苗数取150万/hm2。解得植株的纵向株距(即在行进方向上株距)为2.84 cm。
1.3.2 土壤扰动距离研究
Note:lis the distance between the top of the pinhole seed suction tube and the contact place of the seeding wheel when it touches the ground,cm;is the angle with the vertical direction and pinhole seed suction pipe when touchdown,(°);lis the arc length corresponding to,cm;is the radius of seeding wheel,cm;lis the length of pinhole seed suction tube,cm.
图3 针孔吸种管触地位置关系示意图
Fig.3 Schematic diagram of contact position relationship between pinhole seed suction tube and ground
针孔吸种管直径应稍大于小麦种子,小麦种子长度一般不超过0.8 cm,综合考虑取1 cm,播种轮为金属制品,相较于橡胶制品滑移率较高,一般在14%~20%之间[27],应取最大值以保证相邻的针孔吸种管不会相互干扰,因此播种轮滑移率取20%,播种轮半径取30 cm,针孔吸种管长度为小麦播深,取3 cm,因此可解得针孔吸种管扰动距离l为7.86 cm。
1.3.3 针孔吸种管分布设计
解得每排个数为22.12个,为避免播种量不足,向上取整得23,因此播种轮圆周上每排有23个针孔吸种管,每个吸种管角间距约为15.65°。对之前计算的株距进行修正则可得实际株距为2.73 cm。
Note:Ris the distance to the seed hole, m;is the angle between the seed absorption boundary and the vertical, (°).
图4 针孔吸种管外部气场截面示意图
Fig.4 Schematic diagram of outside gas field of pinhole seed suction tube
由式(11)可知,气场中的气流速度与吸种孔的直径成正比,而与种子与吸种孔的距离成反比,吸种孔直径是影响吸种效果的关键参数之一。而吸种孔的直径主要是由种子尺寸决定,对小麦种子进行测量,其种子长度范围为4.46~7.93 mm,种子宽度范围为2.0~4.26 mm,种子厚度范围为1.81~3.98 mm。为防止小麦种子被吸入气道内部损坏风机,其最大直径只能取2mm。考虑到小吸种孔直径易使吸附力不足造成漏种,而大孔径易造成重种,因此选择1,1.5,2 mm 3种孔径进行试验,以确定最佳吸种孔直经。
图5 针孔吸种管吸种孔位置示意图
2.2.1 触土背面吸种分析
2.2.2 顶面吸种分析
Note:is the gravity of wheat seeds, N;F1is the static friction force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on reverse side of contact soil surface, N;1is the centrifugal inertia force on wheat seeds when absorbing on reverse side of contact soil surface, N;F1is the suction force for seeds when absorbing on reverse side of contact soil surface, N;1is the supporting force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on reverse side of contact soil surface, N;is the angular velocity for sowing wheel, rad·s-1;isthe angle for pinhole seed suction tube and horizontal plane, (°).
图6 触土背面吸种时种子受力示意图
Fig.6 Seed force diagram of absorbing seeds on reverse side of contact soil surface
Note:F2is the static friction force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on top surface, N;2is the centrifugal inertia force on wheat seeds when absorbing on top surface, N;2is the suction force for seeds when absorbing on top surface, N;2is the supporting force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on top surface, N.
图7 顶面吸种时种子受力示意图
Fig.7 Seed force diagram of absorbing seeds on top surface
2.2.3 触土面吸种分析
2.2.4 各吸种孔位置所需吸力对比研究
注:F3为触土面吸种时针孔吸种管对种子的静摩擦力,N;3为触土面吸种时小麦种子所受的离心惯性力,N; F3为触土面吸种时吸种孔对种子的吸附力,N;3为触土面吸种时针孔吸种管对种子的支持力,N。
Note:F3is the static friction force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on contact soil surface, N;3is the centrifugal inertia force on wheat seeds when absorbing on contact soil surface , N;3is the suction force for seeds when absorbing on contact soil surface, N;3is the supporting force of pinhole seed suction tube for seeds when absorbing on contact soil surface, N.
图8 触土面吸种时种子受力示意图
Fig.8 Seed force diagram of absorbing seeds on contact soil surface
小麦千粒质量取46.5 g,小麦精准点播相较于条播结构复杂,其工作速度相较于条播机构较低,文中计算及试验选用的前进速度为6 km/h,对应播种轮角速度为5.56 rad/s。可得
图9 三种形式吸种面剖面图
为研究针孔管式小麦精准点播装置的吸种性能,加工了吸种试验装置,在搭建的播种装置试验台上进行试验。试验所用小麦种子为烟农19,千粒质量46.5 g。由于装置模型比较复杂,利用机加工制作成本较高,因此选择3D打印技术进行加工,使用材料为未来8 000低粘度光敏树脂,硬度79,断裂延展率6%~9%,抗拉强度35 MPa。为方便观察吸种过程及规律,种箱使用材料为透明光敏树脂,硬度87,断裂延展率10%,抗拉强度50 MPa。在试验台上播种轮为旋转件无法被固定,整机质量完全由支撑架与气力分配盖的螺栓承受,气力分配盖为薄壁结构,载荷有限,考虑到本试验仅进行吸种试验,因此对模型进行简化,将播种轮直径减半,并将3排针孔吸种管简化为1排,简化后的试验台装置如图10a所示。
1.支撑架 2.种箱 3.气力分配机构 4.针孔吸种管 5.播种轮 6.试验台梁架 7.高压风机 8.播种装置 9.直流电机 10.变频器
1.Support frame 2.Seed box 3.Pneumatic distribution mechanism 4.Pinhole seed suction tube 5.Seeding wheel 6.Girder frame 7.High pressure air blower 8.Seeding apparatus 9.Direct current motor 10.Frequency converter
图10 试验样机及试验台
Fig.10 Test prototype and test bench
试验配套风机为德国好凯德2HB320H36高压离心风机。吸气管连接负压接口,吹气管连接正压接口,为播种装置提供气源。变频器为Rexroth VFC3610,动力为12V直流电机,播种装置试验台如图10b所示。
表1 试验因素和水平
图11 针孔吸种管实物图
图12 土壤对吸种影响试验
在播种轮角速度为5.56 rad/s,真空度为6 kPa的条件下进行试验,记录试验结果,试验重复3次,选用漏种指数、重种指数和单粒指数为评价指标[36]。并对正交试验结果进行极差分析,最佳参数组合的选择依据为:漏种指数与重种指数越小,则作业效果越好,单粒指数越大,则作业效果越好。所测各指标平均值及基差分析结果如表2所示。
表2 试验结果及分析
表3 权重影响指数计算结果
权重影响指数越小则作业效果越好,最终确定的最佳参数组合为133,即吸种孔位置为顶面,吸种孔直径为2 mm,吸种面形状为凸面。在其条件下,试验结果为漏种指数为4.1%,重种指数为7.3%,单粒指数为88.6%,满足设计要求。
1)提出了一种基于气力吸附取种、定点打穴、精准投种的精准点播方法,并设计了针孔管式小麦精准点播装置,确定了该播种机构的工作原理及主要结构,通过理论计算,确定适宜株距为2.73 cm,针孔吸种管在土壤内的扰动距离为7.86 cm,分3行排布,间隔角度15.65°。
3)通过正交试验,确定了吸种孔位置、吸种孔直径和吸种面形状均对吸种效果有显著影响。设定各评价指标权重,得出最优参数组合为吸种孔位置为顶面,吸种孔直径为2 mm,吸种面形状为凸面,该情况下漏种指数为4.1%,重种指数为7.3%,单粒指数为88.6%,满足设计要求。试验结果基本与力学分析结果一致,验证了其准确性。
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Design and seed suction performance of pinhole-tube wheat precision seeding device
Liu Junxiao, Wang Qingjie※, Li Hongwen, He Jin, Lu Caiyun
(1.,,100083,; 2.100083,)
Precise seeding on point is a wheat seeding method which can control the spatial distribution of seeds in the soil effectively and strive to achieve equal seeding amount, grain spacing and seeding depth, so as to further improve the seeding quality of wheat. In order to achieve this goal, the organic combination of precision seeding and accurate seed casting was put forward. The functions of quantitative seed separation and stable seed transportation of seeder were integrated into the seed casting device to change the form of seed transportation, so as to realize the precision fixed seeding of single grain of wheat. This paper put forward a method based on seed adsorption, point perforation and precision seeding. According to this method, the pinhole-tube wheat precision seeding device was designed. The main working principle is as follows: The outer wall of the seeding wheel is pressed on the soil, and the pinhole seed suction tube is inserted into the soil. When the seeding wheel rolls, the pinhole seed suction tube is driven to rotate. The pneumatic distribution mechanism is connected with the fan that is divided into negative pressure area and positive pressure area to provide pressure for the pinhole seed suction tube in the position of seeding and throwing. The pinhole seed suction tube with negative pressure picks up the seeds in the seed box, and transports the seeds to the soil with the rotation of the seeding wheel. When the pinhole seed suction tube reaches the designated seed drop point, it is in the positive pressure area of the pneumatic distribution mechanism. The seed suction hole changes from negative pressure to positive pressure, and seeds are blown into the soil to complete the sowing. According to the number of basic seedlings required by precision seeding method, the planting frequency was calculated to determine the plant spacing. The appropriate directional planting distance was 2.73 cm and the spacing angle in seeding wheel of pinhole seed suction tube was 15.65°. When the pinhole seed suction tube was inserted into the soil, the rotation of seeding wheel and other factors would produce displacement in the soil. The stirring distance in the soil was 7.86 cm by calculating, which was greater than the plant spacing. 3 rows should be arranged because of the less the row number of pinhole seed suction tube, the greater the absolute distance between 2 plants. The seed suction hole diameter had a great influence on seed suction effect by studying the principle of pinhole seed suction tube to absorb seed. The mechanical model of seed suction was established when seed suction holes were arranged in different positions of pinhole seed suction tube. The factors arranged from largest to smallest by the seed suction force requirement was reverse side of contact soil surface, top surface and contact soil surface. It was concluded that it would have a great influence on seed suction by analyzing the seed suction surface shape of pinhole seed suction tube. Therefore, the above 3 factors were taken as influencing factors, and the orthogonal test was conducted with the parameters of leakage seed index, multiple seed index and single seed index. The optimum combination was obtained as follows: the seed suction hole position was in the top surface, the seed suction hole diameter was 2 mm, and the seed suction surface shape was convex. Under the condition of optimal parameter combination, the experimental results showed that the leakage seed index was 4.1%, the multiple seed index was 7.3%, and the single seed index was 88.6%, which met the design requirements. By analyzing the experimental data, it was concluded that the 3 factors had significant influence on the experimental results. The reliability of the theoretical analysis results was verified by comparing with the experimental results. The rationality analysis of the differences between the results and analysis is carried out to lay a foundation for further research. It provides a reference for the design and performance improvement of precision seeding machinery and promotes the development of precise seeding on point of wheat.
mechanization; design; crops; wheat; pinhole-tube type; seed adsorption; point drilling; accurate point seeding
刘俊孝,王庆杰,李洪文,何 进,卢彩云. 针孔管式小麦精准点播装置设计与吸种性能研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(11):10-18. doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.11.002 http://www.tcsae.org
Liu Junxiao, Wang Qingjie, Li Hongwen, He Jin, Lu Caiyun. Design and seed suction performance of pinhole-tube wheat precision seeding device[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(11): 10-18. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.11.002 http://www.tcsae.org