
2019-07-18 03:43:22浙江宁波市惠贞书院
疯狂英语·新悦读 2019年7期

浙江宁波市惠贞书院 秦 邵

题材文章词数人际关系302 难度 ★★体裁建议用时记叙文6′

Whenpeopleareinneedofhelp,whateveryoudotohelpmakestheirlifealittlebit easier,whetherit'saboutofferingawarmblanketforacoldnightorjustgivingsomeone aridetowork.

I'm in the restaurant business,and Iclose the place just about every night.It's cool,but I have one situation.My dishwasher is riding his bike to work.He rides his bike against rain sleet(冻雨) or cold,and his better days are when it's nice.That's not the problem.The problem is that he's over sixty and being in the restaurant business.He rides to his first job in the morning,returns home to take a nap,and then heads towardme for his second job.

While he's finishing up in the dish room,I'm unlocking his bike,riding it tomy truck,getting the bike in the truck and closing it for a warm safe ride home at the same time.Igo back in,take all the garbage out,grab the floormats and head back to the office to finish my work so we can get out of there!

At the end of the night,Iget him and his bike home.Ihelp people who need my help.In life,it's not so much about improving your life but about being important in someone else's life.

This creates some type of bond.You find out things you never knew about that person.Ipullup to his house,take the bike out,and put the kickstand(支架)down.While I'm doing all of this,he's just getting out of the truck.He walks around to the back where I am,shakesmy hand,and says “Thank you.” “No,thank you,My Dishwasher.”

Reading Check

Don'tmiss doing any good thing nomatter how insignificant it looks because a small kind act can make a big difference to others.Have you ever given a hand to someone elsewhen they are in need of help?Please share your story with your classmates.

Language Study


When people are in need of help,whatever you do to help makes their life a little bit easier,whether it's about offering a warm blanket for a cold night or just giving someone a ride to work.当人们需要帮助时,无论你做什么来帮助他们,都会让他们的生活变得轻松一些,不管你是在寒冷的夜晚给他人提供一床温暖的毯子,还是送某一个人去工作。


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