Zhen-Kun Wu(吴振坤) and Yu-Zong Gu(顾玉宗)
Institute of Micro/Nano Photonic Materials and Applications,School of Physics and Electronics,Henan University,Kaifeng 475004,China
AbstractWe investigate numerically the curious evolution of self-decelerating Airy-Bessel light bullets carrying different topological charges(TC),launched in the three-dimensional(3D)Schrödinger equation with an induced parabolic potential.We present their spatiotemporal profile during propagation.In our paper,the number of TC,the modulation depth,and the induced potential are considered simultaneously.The propagation properties of light bullets result from a combination of these effects.Our scheme is distinctly different from the linear light bullets in free space,in which the localized wave packets propagate in a self-consistent trapping potential.
Key words:Airy-Bessel light bullet,self-decelerating,optically induced potential,topological charges,3D Schrödinger equation
Airy beams in free space or in linear dielectric media have become an active research topic and many literature associated with this subject were published in the past decade,[1−9]the intriguing features of which were revealed as self-acceleration,self-healing,and nondi ff raction over many Rayleigh lengths.Among a quiverful of the previous literatures on Airy beam,various three-dimensional(3D)spatiotemporal wave packets or light bullet were constructed by Airy pulse in combination with other nondi ff racting field configurations.They may arise in dielectric media for a robust balance between di ff raction/dispersion and medium’s nonlinearity.The generation of light bullet is a nontrivial task from the analytical and numerical points of view,and even more complicated in real experimental settings.For example,Abdollahpour et al. have introduced the spatiotemporal Airy light bullets composed by Airy pulse in time with two spatial Airy beams.[10]To date,research on linear light bullets as solution of the 3D potential— free Schrödinger equation,including spatiotemporal Airy-Bessel light bullets,[11]Airy-Laguerre-Gaussian(AiLG)[12]wave packets,Airy-Hermite-Gaussian(AiHG)beams[13]localized wave peckets,Airy-Kummer-Gaussian(AiKG)[14]and Airy-Ince-Gaussian(AiIG)[15]light bullets,have been reported.Owing to without external potential,the reported spatiotemporal wave packets would retain their energy features over several Rayleigh lengths and other properties in free space.In addition,study of Airy light bullet is still an active topic,and recently the evolution dynamics of nonlinear Airy light bullets,and vortex-like and the Guassian-like Airy wave packets in selfdefocusing kerr medium have been reported in Refs.[16–17].
Here we are specifically concerned with what happens in an external parabolic potential—a workhorse of the introductory quantum mechanics.[3]The external parabolic potential is used in but not limited to Bose-Einstein condensates,laser-plasma physics,ultracold atoms,ion-laser interactions,and optical lattices.In this work,we simulate the propagation properties of Airy-Bessel light bullets in 3D Schrödinger equation with a self-consistent trapping potential,which has attracted little attention to the best of our knowledge.The light bullet used in the article is constructed by Airy pulse in time and a spatial 2D Bessel beam(not nonlinear mode solution),which will be the input when we execute the propagation.We demonstrate that not only the form and topological charges(TCs)of the incident light bullet but also the external parabolic potential greatly a ffect the evolution of Airy-Bessel light bullets in the medium.Its profile undergoes a profound change during propagation,which is quite different from the case in free space.
In the polar coordinate a slowly-varying spatiotemporal wave packet is considered to propagate in the dimensionless(3+1)D Schrödinger equation,evolution of which is greatly a ffected by an optical trapping potential:[11,18]in Eq.(1),the complex envelop of the beam and width of the potential,usually coming from an appropriate change in the medium’s refractive index,are represented and controlled by ψ (ζ,R,φ,T)and α,respectively.We normalize coordinatesand Y=y/w0.Here,the variables w0and t0are corresponding to the initial beam width of Gaussian beam and temporal scaling parameter,respectively.The propagation distance is normalized by ζ=z/ζRwith Rayleigh length ζR=kw02and the wave number k=2π/λ0(λ0is the vacuum wavelength).
Without considering the last term αR2/2,the solution of Eq.(1)can be written in the form ψ (ζ,X,Y,T)=ϕ(ζ,T)N(R)Φ(φ).After plugging this ansatz into Eq.(1),we end up with the following equations
where β=0 and m(integer or half-integer)denote the separation constant and TC,[19−20]respectively.In particular,if β = −1/2,we recall that an exact analytical solution of Eq.(2)is well-known as Airy-Bessel light bullet,expressed in term of Airy and Bessel function,[21]
Communications in Theoretical Physics2019年6期