Sometimes doctors give people medicine so they wont feel pain. Certain drugs block1 pain or make people fall asleep. But people and other animals are not the only living things that these drugs work on. They can “knock out”2 plants, too.
Scientists studied a plant called the Venus flytrap (捕蝇草). It closes its leaves to catch bugs. When these plants received sleep medicine, they were unable to close their leaves for a few minutes. Another kind of plant moves its leaves when coming in contact with an object. But the drug kept the plants from moving for several hours.
Scientists are not sure how this kind of medicine works in people or plants. But they think studying plants will help them find out.
有時,医生会使用麻醉剂帮助人们摆脱疼痛。这些药剂或是阻断痛觉,或是让人昏睡。 如今研究发现,植物对麻醉剂的反应类似于动物和人类,它们一样会被“放倒”。