任智星 林珊 李立颖
摘 要:传统架空刚性接触网的安装存在施工成本高、土建結构破坏等问题,而预埋槽道的安装方案不再需要打孔,安装更加便捷环保。对比单槽道预埋与双槽道预埋方案受力形式,单槽道方案中槽道同时受到拉力与弯矩,而双槽道方案中槽道仅受到拉力作用,受力形式更简单。确定了预埋双槽道为最优方案,并通过强度校核验证了方案的可行性。
中图分类号:U231 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)14-0134-03
Abstract: The installation of the traditional conduct rail has problems such as high construction cost and damage to the civil structure. The installation scheme of the pre-buried channel no longer needs to be punched, and the installation is more green and convenient. Compared with the single-channel pre-buried and double-channel pre-embedded scheme, the single-channel scheme is subject to both tensile and bending moments, while in the double-slot scheme, the channel is only subjected to tensile force, and the force form is simpler. The pre-embedded double channel is determined as a relatively optimal solution, and the feasibility of the scheme is verified by strength check.
Keywords:prefabricated station; conduct rail; embedded channel