摘 要:建筑业是国民经济的支柱产业。改革开放以来,随着我国建筑业快速发展,带动建筑装饰行业的产业规模不断扩大,对城乡建设和民生改善做出了重要贡献。同时,由于人民物质生活水平的提高,人们开始追求更舒适和高质量的居住环境,对于装饰风格、格局和颜色配比有了更高水平的要求。为此,建筑装饰工程实际施工的质量好坏不仅关系到每个公司的信誉和形象,也与每个家庭居住体验的安全感和幸福感息息相关。文章根据笔者既往的工作经验,简要分析了建筑装饰施工过程中可能存在的问题,并针对可能发生的问题简述了相应的解决对策,以求在之后工程的实际执行时能尽可能的规避风险,精益求精。
中图分类号:TU767 文献标志码:A 文章编号:2095-2945(2019)14-0130-02
Abstract: The construction industry is the pillar industry of the national economy. Since the reform and opening up, with the rapid development of China's construction industry, the industrial scale of the architectural decoration industry has been expanding and has made important contributions to the construction of urban and rural areas and the improvement of people's livelihood. At the same time, due to the improvement of people's material living standards, people began to pursue a more comfortable and high-quality living environment, for decorative style, pattern and color ratio has a higher level of requirements. Therefore, the quality of the actual construction of architectural decoration engineering is not only related to the credibility and image of each company, but also closely related to the sense of security and well-being of each family living experience. Based on the author's previous work experience, this paper briefly analyzes the possible problems in the process of architectural decoration construction, and briefly describes the corresponding countermeasures in view of the possible problems, in order to avoid the risk as much as possible and strive for excellence in the actual implementation of the project thereafter.
Keywords: architectural decoration construction; problems; Countermeasures
1 建筑装饰施工中存在的主要问题
1.1 建筑装饰材料质量参差不齐