1 村口厕所鸟瞰/Aerial view of Toilet at the Entrance
2 村口厕所立面/Elevation of Toilet at the Entrance
3 总平面/Site plan
4 村口厕所平面/Plan of Toilet at the Entrance
5 村口厕所A-A剖面/Section A-A of Toilet at the Entrance
6 村口厕所外景/Exterior view of Toilet at the Entrance
Commissioned by Jiangshan Fishing Village in Gaochun District, Nanjing, and with the basic goal of meeting the local villagers' needs for modern functions and cultural life, Mix Architecture worked out an "acupuncture style" renewal programme for the village, in which the construction of rural sanitation facilities is an important part.
Rural public toilets are designed to meet the needs of villagers to easily access nearby toilets in their daily life and work. The first two public toilets are built respectively at the entrance of the village and beside the grove in the village. Both are designed with the simplest architectural forms, from the perspective of space design and cost control.The volumes or roofs are staggered to form a "crack"that guarantees the building good ventilation and natural light even with limited auxiliary equipment,so that the cost of construction, operation and maintenance is optimised to the greatest extent.Apart from considerations about the cost, the low-tech construction of modern materials and their expression is another focus of the design.Through the constant communication between the designers and the construction team and their experimentation, the simplicity of modern aesthetics in the combination of fair-faced concrete and metal is finally presented within a relatively small budget and local construction techniques.
After completion, the two "gadgets" received considerable attention from the villagers. Distinct from the common toilets in the village, they appear wild and rough from the outside while the interior is fairly clean and bright. As a simple exploration of the design and construction of public toilets in the practice of rural renewal, it attempts to find a relatively better balance between modern and local,costs and effects, and to provoke some reflections on the current rural practices and the construction of public toilets. □ (Translated by ZHU Lin)
彭小松:该项目采用简洁的“错位”元素来形成基本体量,用有限材料映射出强烈对比,平面布局的把控简单而有力,体现出设计者在处理乡村建设过程中对尺度的精准拿捏与空间构想。两个厕所充分尊重了原生态的渔村风貌,同时提供了有效的乡村公共空间,身段谦逊,张弛有度。屋顶正负形体的处理灵活多变,不拘泥于双坡屋顶原型的简单重复,内部的材料使用更为现代,这有利于进一步降低维运费用,也为渔村堂前旧貌注入了当代活力。(肖靖 校)
项目信息/Credits and Data
地点/Location: 江苏省南京市高淳区蒋山村/Jiangshan Village, Gaochun District, Nanjing, Jiangsu, China
主持建筑师/Principal Architects: 吴子夜,周苏宁,唐涛/WU Ziye, ZHOU Suning, TANG Tao
设计团队/Design Team: 刘漫,毛君鹏/LIU Man, MAO Junpeng
材料/Materials: 小木模板清水混凝土,钢板,金属网/Small wood formwork fair-faced concrete, steel plate, metal mesh
占地面积/Building Foot Print: 86m2(村口厕所/Toilet at the Entrance),81 m2(树林厕所/Toilet in the Forest)
建筑面积/Floor Area: 48 m2(村口厕所/Toilet at the Entrance),35 m2(树林厕所/Toilet in the Forest)
造价/Cost: 约30万人民币/About 300,000 CNY
设计时间/Design Time: 2017.04
竣工时间/Completion Time: 2017.10
摄影/Photos: 侯博文/HOU Bowen
7 树林厕所鸟瞰/Aerial view of Toilet in the Forest
8 树林厕所平面/Plan of Toilet in the Forest
9 树林厕所B-B剖面/Section B-B of Toilet in the Forest
10 树林厕所外景/Exterior view of Toilet in the Forest
11 树林厕所内景/Interior view of Toilet in the Forest
WANG Hui: Different from regular countryside toilet form, the design plants comparatively modern and strange architectural language into traditional countryside. The design forms a contrast and a sense of neterogeny to its surrounding environment,and provides contemporary material carrier for the creation of new rural life. The design finds the balance between practical functions and architectural expression at a limited cost; in addition, it carries out innovative exploration in terms of the environment,form, material and construction, and opens up new possibilities for traditional rural environment through a self-disciplined expression of architectural art.(Translated by QIAN Fang)
PENG Xiaosong: The project makes use of a simple"displaced" element for its basic body. Using limited materials yet with strong contrasts, this project shows a simple but powerful control over the layouts, which reflects the designer's precise handling of scales and spatial concepts in the process of rural construction.The two toilets fully respect the original ecology and atmosphere of the fishing village while providing an effective rural public space. The design is modest and relaxing. Roofs articulate a flexible system of positive and negative forms, not repeating a careless double-pitched prototype. Internal materials are pretty modern, and further reduce the operative and maintenance costs. The fishing village restores its formal glory yet with the vitality of contemporariness.(Translated by HAN Li, proofread by XIAO Jing)