
2019-07-01 07:43尚晋
世界建筑 2019年6期

1 公共设施入口/Entry to common public facilities

2 食品零售和卡车设施/Tuck shop and truck facilities


















传达设计会使公共设施更加易用。“休憩室”从高速公路上500m外就有标识,主入口、各个区以及每个设施的门上都有标识。所有的标识都用两种语言设计,便于本地人和卡车司机识别。□(尚晋 译)

Redefining restrooms

Who among us has not felt horrified by the thought of using a public toilet? Or the lack of one during long road trips?

India's trade and transportation relies heavily on trucks and truck drivers, a profession that has seen a rapid decline in numbers, due to negligible amenities and excessive responsibilities. At present,truck drivers have little to no restrooms or pit-stops during long distance journeys; and the ones available are rarely more than a toilet. Looking at this data,Pause is designed for long distance travellers of all kinds and age groups on the Mumbai-Goa Highway.

Introducing Pause: more than just a public toilet

Pause is not just a public toilet. It is a campus that hosts an array of facilities that serve long distance truck drivers. The cluster has several access points, defining separate facilities for separate user groups. The main entry focuses on a verandah niche for women, senior citizen and the differentlyabled, so that one does not have to go deep into the complex to access the facilities. The women's section has 4 toilet cubicles, a nursing station, a sanitary napkin vending machine and wash basins.

On the right hand side is a passage leading to the men's zone, with a wash basin area, 4 toilet cubicles and 8 urinals - out of which one is designed for kids.

In the centre of the front façade is the Suvidha Kendra for truck drivers (convenience centre) that has banking and transaction facilities. The entry to the truck drivers section is to the extreme left that has amenities like a tuck shop, a hair cutting salon,two Indian-style toilets, a pantry and a designated space for washing and drying clothes. All these amenities are arranged around an open pavilion that is a recreational space for resting and entertainment.

Design principle

Pause is conceived based on two principles

(1) The idea of colour - taking cues from other public utilities, including London's famous telephone booths, post boxes and buses, all coloured in red, Pause is painted in the same colour to allow passersby to quickly identify its public facilities.

4 看向卡车司机入口/Looking towards truck drivers entry

5 侧立面/Side façade

(2) Natural light and ventilation - natural light and ventilation helps to lit the spaces and allows drying the toilet quickly. A simple architectural move that pushes the external wall of the building beyond the line of the external beam opens up the space to the sky and light. These open to sky niches are then used for plants, fixtures and for light and ventilation.

Light plays an extremely important role in public spaces as women feel safe in well-lit and well ventilated public spaces.

The structure and material palette

The main building is conceived in brick and concrete with external walls as plastered surfaces and weather shield red paint. The edge verandahs are built in 50mm × 50mm M.S box columns and beams with shera board roofing on top. These Verandahs are read as circulation spaces, extension to recreational space and in some cases as pocket verandahs. The variation in scale of the verandahs allows interaction between people at different scales,at times collectively or between individuals.

Ease of maintenance and the robust use formed to be the guiding principles for material selection inside the spaces. The walls inside the toilets are painted in weather shield paint so it is easy to clean and wash. Inside Flooring is conceived as large granite slabs to minimise the joints and increase the durability. The outside flooring is kota stone which is a combination of polished and rough finish.

The doors to various spaces are designed based on the activities. The main door is conceived in perforated metal so that the broader spaces are constantly breathing and door to toilet spaces are in solid block board for privacy and are painted with automotive paint so they can be cleaned easily.

Communication design

Communication design enhances the accessibility to the public utilities. At Pause there are signages starting from the highway at a distance of 500m from the location, then at the main entry point, then at the individual zones and then on each door that houses each facility. All signages are designed in two languages so that it is easy for the locals as well as truck drivers to understand and communicate.□

6 首层平面及公共空间分析图/Ground floor plan with public space diagram

项目信息/Credits and Data

建筑类型/Type: 洗手间与便民中心/Restrooms and Convenience Centre

地点/Location: 印度马哈拉施特拉邦卡纳拉鸟类保护区北侧,孟买果阿高速公路边/Side of Mumbai-Goa highway,north of Karnala Bird Sanctuary, Maharashtra, India

主持建筑师/Principal Architect: 罗汉·恰范/Rohan Chavan实习建筑师/Intern Architect: Prateek Malewar

商标与传达设计/Branding and Communication Design:Monish Ganesan and Riddhi Parikh

承建/Contractor: Shelke

场地面积/Site Area: 230m2

建筑面积/Built Up Area: 152m2

项目面积/Project Area: 155m2

设计时间/Design Period: 2017.11-2018.05

竣工时间/Completion Time: 2018

摄影/Photos: Hemant Patil

7 剖面A-A/Section A-A

8 小便池处光线质量/Urinal Light quality

9 回看男厕前厅/Male toilet lobby back

10 女厕/Female toilet

11 休闲空间/Recreational area




12 美容中心/Grooming centre


TANG Yong: The Pause Restrooms on the Mumbai-Goa highway is a characteristically smallscale integrated service centre. In addition to the toilet facilities, it also provides a tuck shop,a grooming centre, washing/bathing areas, seating, laundry rooms and much more, ffiering numerous convenient services to the drivers and passengers. This architecture is structurally well articulated with enclosed private space in the centre. The outer layer forms a range of open and flexible functional areas which derive from its steel frame structure. The public furniture and flower beds are also designed to express the same architectural details, especially through bold colour and signage design. The architect has embedded a sophisticated design throughout this project as well as a human approach for providing services. This building can be seen as portraying "Yam" along the highway. (Translated by Jue Chen)

ZHONG Qiao: As a convenient service facility particularly designed for coach drivers, the project is very practical as well as replicable. The red colour provides the buildings with a recognisable standard mark, while due to closely related to the environment, each building shows their distinct characteristics. It can be imagined that when the project is associated with the woods, the mountain, and different villages, it will respectively present diverse attractiveness according to local conditions. Besides, the completed and thoughtful multifunction facility creates a networked and mobile gathering place for this special group of people - it is a place for not only physical rest, but also spiritual exchange and consolation. (Translated by PANG Lingbo)

第九道 灵化阁入口保卫战