谢海华 孙辉 龚文引
Abstract:To accurately and quickly solve the optimal operation problem of cascade hydro-power stations is a challenge in the field of water conservancy.A new multi-strategy artificial bee colony algorithm was proposed in this study.In order to better balance the global search and local search capabilities of the algorithms,two representative solution search strategies were used in this new algorithm,and they were combined to form a new search strategy while retaining the original two solution search strategies.Therefore,the new algorithm contained three candidate solution search strategies in the process of searching new solutions,which was convenient to strengthen the adaptability to various optimization problems.The adaptability and feasibility of the new algorithm were tested in the classic benchmark function and applied to the optimal operation of cascade hydro-power stations.Experimental results showed that the new algorithm had the advantages of stronger adaptability and faster convergence speed.
Key words:cascade hydro-power stations;optimal dispatch;artificial bee colony algorithm;rate of convergence;multi-strategy
梯級水电站的优化调度,是一个高维、多约束、非线性问题。解决该问题的核心是建立准确反应实际优化调度问题的模型和采用适当的求解方法[1]。目前,优化调度的数学模型相对成熟,但对于多约束条件下,快速及准确求解是该问题的难点所在。传统方法和群智能方法是解决优化调度问题的主要方法[2-3],其中传统方法包括:线性规划(Linear Programming,LP)[4]、非线性规划(Nonlinear Programming,NLP)[5]、动态规划(Dynamic Programming,DP)[6]和大系统法(Large-scale System,LS)[7];群智能方法包括:人工蜂群(Artificial Bee Colony,ABC)算法[8]、蚁群算法(Ant Colony Optimization,ACO)[9]、遗传算法(Genetic Algorithm,GA)[10]、粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)[11]等。传统方法能有效解决单库水电站调度问题,但对于梯级水电站的优化调度问题,不仅方法复杂且存在“维数灾”、易陷入局部最优等缺点。相比传统方法,群智能算法具有实现简单、求解速度快等优点[12]。
目前的研究表明,更好地平衡ABC算法的全局搜索与局部搜索能力,可有效改善算法的总体性能。为此本文提出了一种新的多策略人工蜂群算法(Multi-strategy Artificial bee colony,MsABC)算法。
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