◆唐 涛/编译
The article in Time on May 12th 2019, Austerity-Battered U.K.‘Retreating Behind a Nuclear Shield’ mentions that the budget cutbacks have contributed to growing doubts in Washington about whether Britain remains capable of fighting a war alongside the American military.France is gradually supplanting Britain as the leading European military ally of the United States, further weakening the “special relationship” between Britain and America.
最新一期的美国《时代》周刊题为《英国军费捉襟见肘,靠核力量撑腰》的文章提到,英国军费预算削减让美国对英国是否仍有能力与美军并肩作战产生了越来越大的怀疑。法国正在逐渐取代英国成为美国在欧洲的主要军事盟友, 这进一步削弱了英美之间的“特殊关系”。
The article with the title saying Capitalism in Crisis in Washingtonpost on May 3rd, 2019, mentioned that Democrats and Republicans have hailed America’s business elite, especially in Silicon Valley,as the country’s salvation.The government might be gridlocked, the electorate angry and divided, but America’s innovators seemed to promise a relatively pain-free way out of the mess.For the first time in decades, capitalism’s future is a subject of debate among presidential hopefuls.There is a sense that the kind of capitalism that once made America an economic envy is responsible for the growing inequality and anger that is tearing the country apart.