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Ranked seventh in the world according to the QS World University Rankings2018,The University of Manchester is a prestigious(声誉高的)Red Brick University and is also a member of the Russell Group.The University is investing£1 billion over 10 years into its campus and facilities,helping to sustain its incredible history of innovation,with 25 Nobel Prize winners among its current and former students and staff.The University helped with the development of the world's first modern computer in 1948,and was where Ernest Rutherford first split the atom in 1917.
Today,The University of Manchester is at the forefront of cutting edge research in science and engineering,particularly in new treatments forlife-threatening diseases.In 2015—2016 alone,The University of Manchester attracted over£342 million in external research funding.
Making up 25%of the student population,The University of Manchester has the highest percentage of international students in the UK;as many as 180 nationalities are represented on campus.The university offers a number of postgraduate scholarships to international students.
Beyond academics, The University of Manchester offers plenty of extracurricular activities and opportunities for development.The Student Union is the largest in the UK,with more than 480 different clubs and societies.There is also a specific international society,where you can make friends from all over the world,go on trips around the UK and learn about different cultures.
The University provides a great support network for students,with counselling services,free sports and well-being activities,and workshops for academic and personal skills such as time management,essay writing or referencing.Social responsibility is very important at The University of Manchester,and there are many volunteering opportunities across the city,where students work together to tackle (处理) problems facing the world today.
The city of Manchester is perfect for students:It is not only ranked as one of the best cities to live in the UK,but it is also very affordable in comparison.The centre of Manchester is vibrant(充满生机的)and lively,with a diverse food and drink scene,thriving nightlife and inspiring cultural centres.
Finally,the city has great travel links.The bus is free for students and will take you to each end of the university campus.There are three major train stations in the city centre,which will take you anywhere in the UK,including London in just two hours.Manchester is also home to the biggest airport in the UK outside of London,with low-cost flights to anywhere in Europe as well as connections all around the rest of the world.
红砖大学(Red Brick University)是指在大英帝国时期的维多利亚时代,创立在英国英格兰的六大重要工业城市,并于第一次世界大战前得到英国皇家许可的伯明翰大学、曼彻斯特大学、谢菲尔德大学、利兹大学、布里斯托大学和利物浦大学这六所世界著名大学。这六所红砖大学是除牛津大学和剑桥大学以外,英格兰最著名、最顶尖的老牌世界名校。
罗素集团 (The Russell Group)成立于1994年,由24所英国一流的研究型大学组成,是全世界产生诺贝尔奖得主最多的大学联盟。罗素集团名称的由来,是因为这24所院校的校长,每年春季固定在伦敦罗素广场旁的罗素饭店举行研究经费会议而得名。该高校联盟被称为英国的“常春藤联盟”,代表着英国大学的最高学术水平。罗素集团内的大学机构成员每年囊括全英大学65%以上的科研经费和赞助资金。