INDO INTERTEX 2019:Investment toward making Indonesia 4.0

2019-06-11 20:40:36
China Textile 2019年3期

Interview with Mr. Paul Kingsen, Project Director of Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT

INDO INTERTEX 2019 is just around the corner. As the official media partner, China Textile had an interview with Mr. Paul Kingsen, Project Director of Peraga Nusantara Jaya Sakti, PT, for a better preview of the exhibition.

China Textile: Could you please talk about the satus quo of textile machinery industry in Indonesia? How about the imports and exports?

Mr. Paul Kingsen: A major weakness of the Indonesian textile industry is that most of its manufacturers still use old, inefficient machinery and technology which further reduce their competitiveness. Of more than 4,100 textile companies, at least 774 companies need to replace their old machinery. It is predicted that between $5 billion USD to $6 billion USD is required to rejuvenate existing machinery and equipment.

The Indonesian government has set a target to increase the export value of textiles and garments to $75 billion USD by 2030 to contribute 5% to global exports which will put the country among the top five global textile manufacturers.

Based on data from the ministry of industry, imports of textile products in 2018 were recorded at US $ 7.81 billion or grew 12.17% year on year. While in the same period, apparel exports, which are downstream products of the textile industry, were recorded at US $ 8.62 billion or grew 8.9% on an annual basis and the upstream export meanwhile the upstream textile industry exports throughout 2018 fell 0.1% from 2017 to US $ 4.65 billion.

China Textile: The 17th edition of INDO INTERTEX 2019 is just around the corner, how about the registration this year? Are there any new trends presented through the current registration?

Mr. Paul Kingsen: INDO INTERTEX 2019 stills the main attraction for the Indonesia and Southeast Asia textile industry as many renowned exhibitors already confirmed for their participation this year.

Textile machinery, accessories and materials for manufacturing active wear, functional clothing, ecofriendly materials and functional fibers will be the main display to help the potential buyer grasp the opportunities to escalate their industry.

China Textile: what are the main characteristics of this edition compared with the previous one?

Mr. Paul Kingsen: The theme for this year INDO INTERTEX 2019 is “INVESMENT TOWARD MAKING INDONESIA 4.0”.

As one of the most influential show in South East Asia, INDO INTERTEX aims to improve the national ITPT competition level through empowerment of ITPT machine and technology.

China Textile: In the aspect of services to the exhibitors, are there any new improvements in the forthcoming INDO INTERTEX 2019?

Mr. Paul Kingsen: We prepare a comprehensive integrated business matching system “B2B TEX-MATCH” to assist the buyers and sellers to connect and facilitate their business meeting and maximize their opportunities and networking.

With the supporting associations from Indonesia Textile Association(API), Indonesia Non-Woven Association (INWA) & Indonesia Digital Printing Community (KOPI Digital), delivering a new series of seminars and workshop covering Industry 4.0, during the 3-day exhibition.

And lastly, the 2nd edition of Indo Project Runway 2019 with more addition to bridge the fashion enthusiasm with the textile industry, from talk show, workshop and mini fashion show for kids, each fringe addition will be delivered by fashion influencer, designer, and entrepreneur, especially for the millennial generation fashion enthusiasm.

China Textile: Whats the strategic development plan of INDO INTERTEX in the future ?

Mr. Paul Kingsen: With the optimistic from Indonesia government to support the Indonesia textiles Industry toward 4.0, INDO INTERTEX and its supporting events will be the perfect platform Hub to bridge the roadmap to Industry 4.0, as we always strive to give the most update and cutting edge products and technology from international company to enhance the textile industry in Indonesia.