Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Sciences,University of Ibn Tofail,Kenitra,Morocco Abdellatif CHAHBI
Department of Mathematics,Faculty of Sciences,University of Ibn Zohr,Agadir,Morocco E-mail:ab
Abstract The aim of this paper is to introduce and solve the p-radical functional equation
Key words stability;hyperstability;2-Banach spaces;p-radical functional equations
Throughout this paper,we will denote the set of natural numbers by N,the set of real numbers by R and R+=[0,∞)the set of nonnegative real numbers.By Nm,m∈N,we will denote the set of all natural numbers greater than or equal to m.
The notion of linear 2-normed spaces was introduced by Gähler[23,24]in the middle of 1960s.We need to recall some basic facts concerning 2-normed spaces and some preliminary results.
De finition 1.1Let X be a real linear space with dimX>1 and k·,·k:X ×X −→ [0,∞)be a function satisfying the following properties:
(1)kx,yk=0 if and only if x and y are linearly dependent,(2)kx,yk=ky,xk,
for all x,y,z ∈ X and λ ∈ R.Then the function k·,·k is called a 2-norm on X and the pair(X,k·,·k)is called a linear 2-normed space.Sometimes condition(4)called the triangle inequality.
Example 1.2For x=(x1,x2),y=(y1,y2)∈X=R2,the Euclidean 2-norm kx,ykR2is de fined by
Lemma 1.3Let(X,k·,·k)be a 2-normed space.If x ∈ X and kx,yk=0 for all y ∈ X,then x=0.
De finition 1.4A sequence{xk}in a 2-normed space X is called a convergent sequence if there is an x∈X such that
for all y∈X.If{xk}converges to x,write xk−→x with k−→∞ and call x the limit of{xk}.In this case,we also write
De finition 1.5A sequence{xk}in a 2-normed space X is said to be a Cauchy sequence with respect to the 2-norm if
for all y∈X.If every Cauchy sequence in X converges to some x∈X,then X is said to be complete with respect to the 2-norm.Any complete 2-normed space is said to be a 2-Banach space.
Now,we state the following results as lemma(see[28]for the details).
Lemma 1.6Let X be a 2-normed space.Then,
(2)if kx,zk=0 for all z∈X,then x=0,
(3)for a convergent sequence xnin X,
for all z∈X.
The concept of stability for a functional equation arises when de fining,in some way,the class of approximate solutions of the given functional equation,one can ask whether each mapping from this class can be somehow approximated by an exact solution of the considered equation.Namely,when one replaces a functional equation by an inequality which acts as a perturbation of the considered equation.The first stability problem of functional equation was raised by Ulam[32]in 1940.This included the following question concerning the stability of group homomorphisms.
Let(G1,∗1)be a group and let(G2,∗2)be a metric group with a metric d(·,·).Given ε >0,does there exist a δ>0 such that if a mapping h:G1→ G2satis fies the inequality
for all x,y∈G1,then there exists a homomorphism H:G1→G2with
for all x∈G1?
If the answer is affirmative,we say that the equation of homomorphism is stable.Since then,this question attracted the attention of many researchers.In 1941,Hyers[25]gave a first partial answer to Ulam’s question and introduced the stability result as follows:
Theorem 1.7(see[25]) Let E1and E2be two Banach spaces and f:E1→E2be a function such that
for some δ>0 and for all x,y ∈ E1.Then the limit
exists for each x∈E1,and A:E1→E2is the unique additive function such that
for all x∈E1.Moreover,if f(tx)is continuous in t for each fixed x∈E1,then the function A is linear.
Later,Aoki[9]and Bourgin[10]considered the problem of stability with unbounded Cauchy di ff erences.Rassias[29]attempted to weaken the condition for the bound of the norm of Cauchy di ff erence
and proved a generalization of Theorem 1.7 using a direct method(cf.Theorem 1.8).
Theorem 1.8(see[29]) Let E1and E2be two Banach spaces.If f:E1→E2satis fies the inequality
for some θ≥0 for some p∈R with 0≤p<1,and for all x,y∈E1,then there exists a unique additive function A:E1→E2such that
for each x∈E1.If,in addition,f(tx)is continuous in t for each fixed x∈E1,then the function A is linear.
After then,Rassias[30,31]motivated Theorem 1.8 as follows.
Theorem 1.9(see[30,31]) Let E1be a normed space,E2be a Banach space,and f:E1→E2be a function.If f satis fies the inequality
for some θ≥ 0,for some p∈ R withand for all x,y∈ E1−{0E1},then there exists a unique additive function A:E1→E2such that
for each x∈E1−{0E1}.
Note that Theorem 1.9 reduces to Theorem 1.7 when p=0.For p=1,the analogous result is not valid.Also,Brzdk[11]showed that estimation(1.2)is optimal for p ≥ 0 in the general case.
Theorem 1.10(see[13]) Let X be a nonempty set,(Y,d)be a complete metric space,andbe a non-decreasing operator satisfying the hypothesis
for every sequence{δn}n∈Nin YXwith
Suppose that T:YX→YXis an operator satisfying the inequality
for all x∈X,then the limit
exists for each x ∈X.Moreover,the function ψ ∈ YXde fined by
is a fixed point of T with
for all x∈X.
Theorem 1.11(see[14]) Let X be a nonempty set,(Y,d)be a complete metric space,f1,···,fr:X → X and L1,···,Lr:X → R+be given mappings.Suppose that T:YX→ YXandare two operators satisfying the conditions
for all ξ,µ ∈ YX,x ∈ X and
If there exist functions ε:X → R+and ϕ :X → Y such that
for all x∈X,then the limit(1.7)exists for each x∈X.Moreover,the function(1.8)is a fixed point of T with(1.9)for all x∈X.
Then by using this theorem,Brzdk[14]improved,extended and complemented several earlier classical stability results concerning the additive Cauchy equation(in particular Theorem 1.9).Over the last few years,many mathematicians have investigated various generalizations,extensions and applications of the Hyers-Ulam stability of a number of functional equations(see,for instance,[1–5,16,17]and references therein);in particular,the stability problem of the radical functional equations in various spaces was proved in[6–8,21,22,26,27].
Now,we state an analogue of Theorem 1.11 in 2-Banachspaces.Another version of Theorem 1.11 in 2-Banach space can be found in[20].
Theorem 1.12Let X be a nonempty set,?Y,k·,·k?be a 2-Banach space,g:X → Y be a surjective mapping and let f1,···,fr:X → X and L1,···,Lr:X → R+be given mappings.Suppose thatandare two operators satisfying the conditions
for all ξ,µ ∈ YX,x,z ∈ X and
If there exist functions ε:X ×X → R+and ϕ :X → Y such that
for all x,z∈X,then the limit
exists for each x∈X.Moreover,the function ψ:X→Y de fined by
is a fixed point of T with
for all x,z∈X.
ProofFirst,we use the mathematical induction to show that,for every n∈N0,
Clearly,by(1.16),the case n=0 is trivial.Now,for n∈N1,suppose that(1.21).Then,using(1.14)and inductive assumption,for every x,z∈X,we obtain
completing the proof of(1.21).Therefore,for n,k∈N0,k>0,
Putting n=0 in(1.23),we obtain that(1.20)holds for all x,z∈X.In view of(1.14),we conclude
for all n∈N0and all x,z∈X.Letting n→∞ in in the last inequality,we get T(ψ)=ψ.For the uniqueness of ψ,suppose that ψ1,ψ2∈ YXare two fixed points of T such that
For every m∈N0,we show that
For the case m=0,we have
Next,we assume that(1.24)is valid for some m∈N1.Then,by using(1.14),for every x,z∈X,we get the following inequality
Therefore,we prove that(1.24)holds for any m∈N0.Now,letting m→∞,on account of(1.17),we get ψ1= ψ2.
In 2016,Aiemsomboon and Sintunavarat[7]used Theorem 1.11 to investigate a new type of stability for the radical quadratic functional equation of the form
where f is a self-mapping on the set of real numbers and they generalized some earlier classical results concerning the Hyers-Ulam stability for that functional equations.
In this paper,we achieve the general solutions of the following p-radical functional equation:
and discuss the generalized Hyers-Ulam-Rassias stability problem in 2-Banach spaces by using Theorem 1.12.
In this section,we give the general solution of functional equation(1.25).The next theorem can be derived from([19],Corollary 2.3 and Proposition 2.4(a)).However,for the convenience of readers we present it with a direct proof.
Theorem 2.1Let Y be a linear space.A function f:R→Y satis fies the functional equation(1.25)if and only if
with some additive function F:R→Y.
ProofIndeed,It is not hard to check without any problem that if f:R→Y satis fies(2.1),then it is a solution to(1.25).On the other hand,if f:R→Y is a solution of(1.25),then we consider the following two cases.
In the following two theorems,we use Theorem 1.12 to investigate the generalized Hyers-Ulam stability of the p-radical functional equation(1.25)in 2-Banach spaces.
Hereafter,we assume that?Y,k·,·k?is a 2-Banach space.
Theorem 3.1Let h1,h2:R2→R+be two functions such that
is an in finite set,where
for all n∈N,where i=1,2.Assume that f:R→Y satis fies the inequality
for all x,y,z∈R.Then there exists a unique p-radical function F:R→Y such that
for all x,z∈R,where
ProofReplacing y with mx,where x∈R and m∈N,in inequality(3.3),we get
for all x,z∈R.For each m∈N,we de fine the operator Tm:YR→YRby
Further put
and observe that
Then inequality(3.5)takes the form
Furthermore,for every x,z ∈ R,ξ,µ ∈ YR,we obtain
This brings us to de fine the operatorby
For each m∈N,the above operator has the form described in(1.15)withf2(x)=mx and L1(x)=L2(x)=1 for all x∈R.By induction,we will show that for each x,z∈R,n∈N0,and m∈U we have
From(3.7)and(3.8),we obtain that inequality(3.11)holds for n=0.Next,we will assume that(3.11)holds for n=k,where k∈N.Then we have
for all x,z∈R,m∈U.This shows that(3.11)holds for n=k+1.Now we can conclude that inequality(3.11)holds for all n∈N0.Hence,we obtain
for all x,z∈R,m ∈U.Therefore,according to Theorem 1.12 with ϕ=f and X=R and using the surjectivity of g,we get that the limit
exists for each x∈R and m∈U,and
To prove that Fmsatis fies the functional equation(1.25),just prove the following inequality
for every x,y,z∈R,n∈N0,and m∈U.Since the case n=0 is just(3.3),take k∈N and assume that(3.13)holds for n=k and every x,y,z∈R,m∈U.Then,for each x,y,z∈R and m∈U,we get
Thus,by induction,we show that(3.13)holds for every x,y,z∈R,n∈N0,and m∈U.Letting n→∞in(3.13),we obtain the equality
This implies that Fm:R→Y,de fined in this way,is a solution of the equation
Next,we will prove that each p-radical function F:R→Y satisfying the inequality
with some L>0,is equal to Fmfor each m∈U.To this end,we fix m0∈U and F:R→Y satisfying(3.16).From(3.12),for each x,z∈R,we get
The case j=0 is exactly(3.17).We fix k∈N and assume that(3.18)holds for j=k.Then,in view of(3.17),for each x,z∈R,we get
This shows that(3.18)holds for j=k+1.Now we can conclude that inequality(3.18)holds for all j∈N0.Now,letting j→∞in(3.18),we get
Thus,we have also proved that Fm=Fm0for each m∈U,which(in view of(3.12))yields
This implies(3.4)with F=Fm0and(3.19)con firms the uniqueness of F.
By a similar way we can prove the following theorem.
Theorem 3.2Let h:R2→R+be a function such that
is an in finite set,where
for all n∈N.Assume that f:R→Y satis fies the inequality
for all x,y,z∈R.Then there exists a unique p-radical function F:R→Y such that
for all x,z∈R,where
ProofReplacing in(3.23)y by mx,where x∈R and m∈N,we get
for all x,z∈R.For each m∈N,we de fine
As in Theorem 3.1,we observe that(3.25)takes form
Λmhas the form described in(1.15)and(1.14)is valid for every ξ,µ ∈ YR,x,z ∈ R.It is not hard to show that
for all x,z∈R and n∈N0.Therefore
for all x,z∈R and m∈U.Also the remaining reasonings are analogous as in the proof of Theorem 3.1. ?
The following theorem concerns the η-hyperstability of(1.25)in 2-Banach spaces.Namely,We consider functions f:R→Y ful filling(1.25)approximately,i.e.,satisfying the inequality
with η:R3→R+is a given mapping.Then we find a unique p-radical function F:R→Y which is close to f.Then,under some additional assumptions on η,we prove that the conditional functional equation(1.25)is η-hyperstable in the class of functions f:R → Y,i.e.,each f:R → Y satisfying inequality(3.31),with such η,must ful fil equation(1.25).
Theorem 3.3Let h1,h2and U be as in Theorem 3.1.Assume that
Then every f:R→Y satisfying(3.3)is a solution of(1.25).
ProofSuppose that f:R→Y satis fies(3.3).Then,by Theorem 3.1,there exists a mapping F:R→Y satis fies(1.25)and
for all x,z∈R,where
Since,in view of(3.32),λ0=0.This means that f(x)=F(x)for all x∈R,whence
which implies that f satis fies the functional equation(1.25)on R.
According to above theorems,we derive some particular cases from our main results.
Corollary 4.1Let h1,h2:R2→ (0,∞)be as in Theorem 3.1 such that
Assume that f:R→Y satis fies(1.25).Then there exist a unique p-radical function F:R→Y and a unique constant κ∈R+with
ProofBy the de finition of λi(n)in Theorem 3.1,we observe that
Combining inequalities(4.3)and(4.5),we get
From(4.1),there is a subsequence{γnk}of a sequence{γn}such thatthat is,
From(4.5)and(4.6),we find that
This implies that
and hence
which means that λ0de fined in Theorem 3.1 is equal to κ.
By a similar method,we can prove the following corollary where κ=1.
Corollary 4.2Let h:R→(0,∞)be as in Theorem 3.2 such that
Assume that f:R→Y satis fies(1.25).Then there exist a unique p-radical function F:R→Y such that
Corollary 4.3Let θ≥ 0,r≥ 0,s,t∈R such that s+t<0.Suppose that f:R → Y such that f(0)=0 satisfy the inequality
where p is odd,or f is even function satis fies(4.10)where p is even integer.Then f satis fies(1.25)on R.
ProofThe proof follows from Theorem 3.1 by de finingand h1(0,z)=h2(0,z)=0 with θ1,θ2∈ R+,r1,r2∈ R+and s,t∈ R such that θ1θ2= θ,r1+r2=r and s+t<0.
For each n∈N,we have
Also,we have λ2(n)=ntfor all n ∈ N.Clearly,we can find n0∈ N such that
According to Theorem 3.1,there exists a unique p-radical function F:R→Y such that
for all x,z∈R,where
On the other hand,Since s+t<0,one of s,t must be negative.Assume that t<0.Then
Thus by Theorem 3.3,we get the desired results.
The next corollary prove the hyperstability results for the inhomogeneous p-radical functional equation.
Corollary 4.4Let θ,s,t,r ∈ R such that θ≥ 0 and s+t<0.Assume that G:R2→ Y and f:R→Y such that f(0)=0 and satisfy the inequality
where p is odd,or f is even function satis fies(4.14)where p is even integer.If the functional equation has a solution f0:R→Y,then f is a solution to(4.15).
ProofFrom(4.14)we get that the function K:R→Y de fined by K:=f−f0satis fies(4.10).Consequently,Corollary 4.3 implies that K is a solution to p-radical functional equation(1.25).Therefore,
which means f is a solution to(4.15).
Acta Mathematica Scientia(English Series)2019年2期