
2019-05-10 00:20
中学生英语·中考指导版 2019年4期

1. think about

(1) think about意为“考虑;思考”。

(2) 相关短语:

think deeply about 深思;默想;考虑

think seriously about 认真思考

think hard about 努力思考;冥思苦想

think twice about sth. 对某事多加考虑

think more about 多想想

(3) 辨析:think of,think about和think over

① think of意为“想起;记起;有……想法;有……看法;对……有意见;考虑”。

think about 表示“考虑;回想”,着重于想的过程。

think over表示“仔细考虑”。


I know the person you mean, but I cant think of his name. (我知道你讲的人是谁,但记不起他的名字。)

We are thinking of going to Spain for our holiday this year. (我们考虑今年去西班牙休假)。

What do you think of my new dress? (你认为我的新衣服怎么样?)

She thinks of no one but herself. (她只考虑自己,从不考虑他人。)

I am thinking about the friends I have lost. (我正在回想那些失去了的朋友。)

Think over, and youll find a way. (仔細考虑一下,你就会有办法的。)

We need several days to think this matter over. (我们需要几天的时间把这件事情仔细考虑一下。)

② think about和think of这两个短语表示“考虑”、“对……有某种看法”时,可以互换。


Dont think of/about me any more. (不要再考虑我。)

Theyre thinking about/of buying a new car. (他们正在考虑买一辆新车。)

What do you think of/about the film? (你认为那部影片怎么样?)

③ think of表示下列意义时,一般不和think about换用。

a. 表“想要,打算”时

b. 表“想出,想到”时

c. 表“关心,想着”时

d. 表“想起,记得”时


Helen, are you thinking of marrying Tom? (海伦,你打算和汤姆结婚吗?)

Who thought of the idea? (谁想出的这个主意?)

Lei Feng was always thinking of others. (雷锋总是为别人着想。)

I cant think of his name. (我想不起他的名字。)

④ think about表示“回想过去的事情”、“考虑某计划是否切实可行”时,一般不和think of换用。


I often thought about what you said. (我常常想到你说过的话。)

Ill think about your suggestion and give you an answer tomorrow. (我要考虑一下你的建议,明天给你答复。)

2. look for

(1) look for 意为“寻找”,指寻找的动作,强调寻找的过程,未说明是否能找到,动作是延续性的。


—What are you looking for? (你在找什么?)

—I am looking for my watch. (我在找我的手表。)

(2) 相关短语:

look over 检查;查看;调查;把……看一遍;快速浏览

look out 当心

look after=take care of 照看;照料

look around/about 四下环顾;到处寻找

look back on 回想;回顾

look down on 看不起

look forward to 盼望(其中to为介词,其后需接名词或v.ing形式)

look into 调查;观察

look on...as 把……看作

look through 浏览;仔细检查

look up抬头看;找出;查(字典等)

look out of 朝……外面看


He looked around but he saw nobody. (他四下环顾,但什么人也没看到。)

We are looking forward to seeing you again. (我们盼望再见到你。)

The doctor is looking him over. (医生正在给他做仔细检查。)

If there are words you dont understand, look them up in the dictionary. (如果你有不认识的单词,可以查词典。)

When I look back on these days, Ill look and see your face. You were right there for me. (当我回忆过去,眼前就会浮现你的脸庞。你总会在那等候着我。)

(3) 辨析:look for,find和find out

① look for 意为“寻找”,强调动作。


I am looking for my pen. (我在找钢笔。)

② find意为“找到”,强调结果。


I looked for it everywhere but I couldnt find it. (我到处找了,可就是找不到它。)

③ find out意为“查明真相,弄清缘由”,强调经过一番周折、调查到最后得到认证的一种结果,后接表 “事实,真相,秘密”等意义的词或从句作宾语。


At last the police found out who murdered the old woman. (最后,警方查明了是谁谋杀了老太太。)

3. come out

(1) “露出;出现;出来”


He came out with a group of followers. (他带着一大群随从走出来。)

(2) “(书等)出版;发行;发表;问世”


A new educational CDROM called Around the World in Eight Hours has just come out. (一种新的名为“八小时环游世界”的教育只读光盘刚刚上市。)

(3) “长出;传出”


I like spring best, because flowers come out in this season. (我最喜欢春天,因为花在这个季节开放。)

(4) “结果”


The math problem is beyond me, and it wont come out. (这数学题太难,我怎么也解不出来。)

(5) “洗掉;褪色”


Will the color come out if the skirt is washed? (裙子洗了以后会褪色吗?)

4. put on

(1) put on意为“穿上;戴上”。

(2) 辨析:wear,put on,dress和have on

① wear意為“穿;戴”,表示穿的状态。还可以用于“佩戴(装饰品)”等。


She always wears sunglasses and a red dress. (她总是戴着墨镜穿着红裙子。)

② put on意为“穿上;戴上”,强调的是穿的动作。


Put on this coat. Its cold outside. (穿上外套。外面很冷。)

③ dress也表示“穿衣服”。

dress sb. (给某人穿衣服) [强调动作]

dress oneself (换衣) [强调动作]

be dressed in+颜色 (穿……色的衣服) [强调状态]

dress up (化妆,打扮)


Mrs. Green is dressed in red today, looking pretty. (格林夫人今天穿着红色衣服,看起来很漂亮。)

④ have sth. on意为“穿戴”,强调“状态”。此短语不能用于进行时态。


He always has Tshirts on. (他经常穿T恤衫。)
