
2019-04-27 07:37:04何国生
亚热带植物科学 2019年1期


(福建林业职业技术学院,福建 南平 353000)

1 泰宁冬青

Ilex tainingensis G. S. He, sp. nov. (sect. Paltoria (Ruiz et Pavon) Maxim., ser. Crassinoides (Loes.) S.Y. Hu) (图 1: A~F)

The species is similar to Ilex sugerokii Maxim., but the young branchlets with terra brown short hair, no angular and sulcate, leaf ovate or ovate-elliptic, corolla orchid, pyrenes surface has thin stripes and a sulcate in the middle of the back. So it has obvious difference from I. sugerokii Maxim.

Shrubs, evergreen, ca. 2—3 m tall. Dia.2—3 cm, young branchlets terra brown short hair, no angular and sulcate, leaf ovate or ovate-elliptic, 2.8—4 × 2.3—3 cm, thickly leathery, abaxially glabrous, adaxially glabrous except on midvein, midvein flat abaxially, raised adaxially, lateral veins 4 or 5 pairs, obscure on both surfaces, base rotundity; sparsely serrate, apex obtuse or acute. The midrib above is slightly uplifted and with 4 to 6 pairs of lateral veins which is not obvious at the back. The two sides of the stockwork are also not obvious. The petiole is 2 to 3 mm long with defiled gray hair and a groove. The flower is hermaphrodite. The staminate flower has solitary axillary and they are born in the current-year branches, pedicels 1.5 to 1.8 cm,bracteoles 2 in the middle part. The flower is about 6 mm in diam. The flower has 4 pedals which are wide,corolla orchid, round, about 2 mm long. The sepals of staminate flower have 4 triangular lobes. The flower has 4 stamens and is about 2.5 mm long. The calyx and corolla structure of pistillate flower is similar to the staminate flower whose ovary is nearly cylindrical with discoid stigma and 4 stamens in the side. fruit red,globose, 5 mm in diam.; fruiting pedicel 1.3—1.8 cm; persistent calyx explanate, ca. 3 mm in diam., persistent stigma point; pyrenes 4, nearly three-prismatic, oblong, ca. 3.5 mm, ca. 2.5 mm in diam., surface has thin striate and a sulcate in the middle of the back. Fl. May-Jul, fr. Nov-Dec.

Fujian (福建):Sanming (三明), Taining (泰宁), Zhukou (朱口镇), alt. 350 m, in forest, 2013-12-08, G. S.He (何国生) 2013016, fruit is red. (holotype Herbarium of Fujian Forestry Vocational Technical College,FFTVC).

常绿灌木,高2~3 m,直径2~3 cm;1~2年生幼枝圆柱形,具灰褐色短毛,无棱槽,叶片革质,宽卵圆形,长2.8~4 cm,宽2.3~3 cm,先端急尖,基部圆形,边缘疏生4~5个浅锯齿,两面绿色,无毛,上面有光泽,中脉在上面干时略隆起,侧脉4~6对,在背面不明显,网状脉两面均不明显;叶柄长2~3 mm,被污灰色短毛,上面有凹槽。花杂性,单生叶腋,生于当年生枝上,花梗长1.5~1.8 cm,中部贴生有条形2小苞片;花直径约6 mm,花瓣淡紫色,花萼4裂,裂片三角形;花瓣4片,宽圆形,长约2 mm,基部稍合生;雄蕊4个,长约2.5 mm;雌花的花萼与花冠构造同雄花;子房近圆柱形,柱头盘状,侧生4个雄蕊。果近球形;直径约5 mm,成熟时变红色;分核4,近三棱形,长约4 mm,宽2.5~3 mm,表面具细条纹,背后中部有一凹槽。花期5~6月,果熟期11~12月。

本种与太平山冬青Ilex sugerokii Maxim.相似,但本种叶宽卵圆形,雄花与两性花均单生叶腋,果梗短,分核4,表面具细条纹,背后中部有一凹槽,可以区别。

2 南平冬青

Ilex tainingensis G. S. He, sp. nov. (sect. Aquifolium Gray, ser. Denticulatae S.Y. Hu) (图 2: A~D)

The species is similar to I. subficoidea S. Y. Hu, but differs in its fruit oval,smooth (not densely tuberculate), and pyrenes top have two sharp corner. It’s interesting species. The fruit all pyrenes top have two sharp corners, which differ from pyrenes of genus Ilex other species.

Evergreen trees, to 10 m. Twigs ridged, yellowish-grey, glabrous. Leaves alternate; petioles 7—9 mm,glabrous, grooved; leaf blades elliptic to oblanceolate-elliptic, 6—9 × 2—2.5 cm, coriaceous, lucid, base cuneate, margin crenuate, slightly revolute, apex acuminate, glabrous, midrib impress above, elevated beneath,lateral veins 7—9 pairs on each side of the midvein, nested near the margin, inconspicuous beneath. Staminate inflorescence not seen. Pistillate inflorescence solitary cymes, axillary, 1-4-flowered; peduncle sessile or to 1 mm; pedicel in fruit 1—1.2 cm. Flowers unseen. Fruit ellipsoid, maturing red, ca. 1 cm long, 8—9 mm wide,smooth; persistent calyx 4, semicircle, ca. 1 × 2 mm, margin ciliate, persistent style thinly discoid, ca. 1 mm high, 4-lobed. Pyrenes 4 per fruit, 8—9 mm long, 5—6 mm broad, trigonal-ellipsoidal, with two acute angles on upper tips, transverse section V-form, irregularly rugose and pitted, adaxilly concave, abaxilly prominent,endosperm stony. fr. Nov-Dec.

Fujian(福建): Nanping (南平), Yanping(延平), Mangdang Mountain (茫荡山), alt.1100 m, in forest.2011-11-15, G. S. He (何国生) 2011001, fruit red. (holotype Herbarium of Fujian Forestry Vocational Technical College, FFTVC, isotype IBSC).

本种与细枝冬青Ilex tsangii S.Y. Hu区别在于本种的叶缘有锯齿,果实直径较长,分核较大,与拟榕叶冬青Ilex subficoidea S. Y. Hu区别在于本种的果为椭圆形,较大,表面光滑无腺点,果梗长于1 cm,每分核上端有2个尖角,易于区别。这是个很有意思的种,果实每分核上端各有2个尖角,与其他冬青属的种区别明显。

常绿乔木,高可达10 m,胸径达20 cm;小枝黄绿色,无毛,有棱脊;冬芽顶端尖。单叶互生,叶革质,光亮,长椭圆形或倒披针状椭圆形,长6~9 cm,宽2~2.5 cm;顶端渐尖,基部楔形;边缘微反卷,疏生9~11对锐锯齿;两面无毛,上面中脉凹陷,下面中脉隆起,侧脉7~9对,隆起,在近叶缘处网结;叶柄长7~9 mm,上面有沟槽。花未见。果1~4个簇生于叶腋,总果梗长约1 mm或近无;果椭圆形,红色,长约1 cm,直径8~9 mm,果梗长1~1.2 cm;宿存柱头浅盘状,高约1 mm;分核4,三棱形,长8~9 mm,宽5~6 mm,两面有网纹和洼槽,背面中央凹下,腹面中央隆起,每分核上端有2个尖角,内果皮石质。果熟期11~12月。

图1 泰宁冬青Fig. 1 Ilex tainingensis

图2 南平冬青Fig. 2 Ilex nanpingensis

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