Neo-Ecologism and Neo-Ecosophy of TranslationHu Gengshen
The proposal and elaboration of Neo-Ecologism have made a premise for Neo-Ecosophy of Translation, which can be regarded as a theoretical positioning of Eco-translatology in the sphere of Neo-Ecologism. Neo-Ecosophy of Translation has clarified and specified the philosophical foundation and theoretical basis of Eco-translatology which can be categorized into three aspects: first, Western Ecologism; second, Eastern Eco-wisdom; third,“Theory of Translation as Adaptation and Selection” with multi-dimensional adaptation and selection. The development and practice of Eco-translatology during the past nearly 20 years have shown that the establishment of Neo-Ecosophy of Translation is not only conducive to simplifying the summarization and expression of Eco-translatologys theoretical foundation, but also helpful to clarify or clear questioning and misunderstanding. More importantly, Neo-Ecosophy of Translation in its connotation has made up for the lack of eastern translation philosophy in the studies of western translation theories, thus embodying its compatibility, integration and transcendence of eastern and western translation mindsets. Neo-Ecosophy of Translation as a new concept formed by the deepening development of Eco-translatology studies reveals the principle of “consistency” in its theoretical foundation and research approaches.
A New Interpretation of “Quadruple-Translation Doctrine” of Eco-translatology
Luo Dijiang,Tao Youlan & Tao Lichun
“Quadruple-Translation Doctrine” of Eco-translatology refers to what translation is, how to translate, who translates and why. As a new concept of Eco-translatology, “Quadruple-Translation Doctrine” aims at exploring its implications of ontology, methodology, humanism and teleology, so it is a “life”-oriented translation idea about adaptation and selection, textual transplantation, survival of the fittest, translators survival, textual life and eco-balance. To probe into “life” behind “Quadruple-Translation Doctrine”, therefore, is in nature to reveal how textual life regenerates and develops in the new environment in the process of textual transplantation. This not only means transcending the “text” mindset of traditional translation theories, but also represents the deepening research of Eco-translatology towards “life”.
On Theoretical Confidence in the R&D of Eco-translatologySong Zhiping,Meng Fanjun & Liu Aihua
With a steady growth in nearly two decades, Eco-translatology has already become the influential original Chinese translation theory. The confidence in the theory itself can always be identified in every stage of its emergence, development and further expansion. The theoretical confidence in the development of Eco-translatology is embodied in the following dimensions: the profound traditional Chinese culture lays the solid foundation, the objective and rigorous scientific theories set the premise, the theoretical quality of keeping pace with the times offers the inexhaustible motive, and the steady progress of the theory itself maintains the source of vitality.
On “Four-Life Maxim” in Eco-translatology: An Interview with Professor Hu Gengshen
Hu Gengshen, Meng Fanjun, Jiang Xiaohua, Bian Lihong & Li Suwen
In his establishing and constructing the theoretical discourse system of Eco-translatology, Professor Hu Gengshen has put forward the core ideas, research logic methodology and approaches one after another, such as “Life as the Footstone”, “Trinity as One”,“Three-Life Phases” and “Quadruple-Translation Doctrine”. The “Four-Life Maxim” in Eco-translatology, namely,“Life Orientation, Life Acquisition, Life Conversion and Life Incarnation”, has been proposed after Eco-translatology had developed into its maturity(2001-2019). As Hu Gengshen points out, Life Orientation refers to the general eco-translatological notion on advocating-life tendency; Life Acquisition, mainly to the acquisition of the life of the source text; Life Conversion, particularly to the transition of the textual life from the source-text ecology into the target-text ecology; and Life Incarnation, to the emphasis on eco-translating effect and goal of Life Acquisition and Life Conversion. Hu Gengshen holds that the“Four-Life Maxim” in this paper does not only epitomize the connotation and essence of Eco-translatology, but also accurately sums up the core eco-translatological concepts, and also, as it were, an academic motto of Eco-translatology. In this Interview, the developing background, basic connotation, inter-relationship of the “Four-Life Maxim” of Eco-translatology, have been highlighted, together with their significance in the construction of Eco-translatological theoretical discourse system.
Theory of Evolution: Natural Selection and Biological Evolution and Their Inherent Mysteries — In Honor of Darwins 210th Birthday and the 160th Anniversary of the Publication of On the Origin of Species
Bao Qingde & Bao Aorigele
The year of 2019 marks not only the 210th birthday of Charles Darwin, the founder of evolutionism, the world-renowned naturalist and biologist, but also the 160th anniversary of the publication of On the Origin of Species. The theory of evolution, put forward by Darwin and hailed as one of the greatest scientific discoveries in human history, has deeply influenced biology, philosophy, chemistry, sociology and many other aspects of human civilization. To begin with, this paper traces Darwins theory of evolution back to its initial background, and then discusses its origin and connotation, controversies and influences, and the new Darwinism and its modern subsequent development. This paper pays homage to the outstanding and great biologist who laid the foundation for human evolutionism and revealed the inherent mysteries of natural selection and biological evolution.
Ecology: Initiating the Deep Inner Connection between Biology and Environment — In Honor of the 100th Death Anniversary of Ernst Haeckel, the Founder of EcologyZhu Linye & Bao Qingde
The year of 2019 marks the 100th death anniversary of Ernst Haeckel, the founder of ecology. Since Haeckel founded the concept of “ecology”, its connotation and denotation have been continuously expanded and enriched beyond the original meanings, and the research field and scope have also been gradually extended so as to initiate the deep inner connection between biology and environment. This paper traces the history of ecology from the background where Haeckel first made the proposal, explores the significance and original definition of the theory, and reviews the development of ecology from focusing on the relationship between biology and environment to paying attention to the harmonious coexistence of man and nature. This paper, therefore, is in honor of Haeckel, the outstanding and great ecologist who laid the foundation of human ecology and initiated the era of human ecology.
On the Theoretical Innovation and Contemporary Significance of President Xi Jinpings Eco-civilization ThoughtGuo Xiuqing
President Xi Jinpings Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era is the latest achievement in upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. As a critical component of Xi Jinpings socialist thought, the presidents eco-civilization thought enriches and further develops the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, paves a new way for socialism with Chinese characteristics, propels the modernization of socialist governance system and governance competence, and enhances the confidence in socialism culture with Chinese characteristics. Xi Jinpings eco-civilization thought has been playing a unique role, having a special significance and making great contributions in the process of boosting the development and innovation of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The “Red” Attributes of the “Green” Movement:An Analysis of the Subject Social Attributes of Western Eco-social MovementRen Ling
A scientific clarification of the social attributes of western eco-social movement is the key to both theoretical and realistic problems of scientific socialism. The deep motive which made western eco-social movement possible is ecological crisis resulting from capitalist logic and many consequent social conflicts, which determines that Marxism is still the scientific theoretical method of analyzing the social attributes of western eco-social movement. It is in accordance with the method of aligning history with logic and on the basis of making a scientific analysis of the subjects components, requests and progress of western eco-social movement that the red attributes can be discovered in the“new” social movement which emerges as a green campaign. Furthermore, in this way, what can also be revealed is the proletariats important role and historical significance as a subject in the process of realizing socialism and constructing eco-civilization.
On Environmental Pollution Related NIMBY from the Perspective of the Functions of Social Conflict: A Case Study of Opposing to Incineration Power Plants in PanyuXie Dan & Tu Minghui
The functional theory of social conflict provides a special perspective for the management of environmental pollution related NIMBY(Not in My Backyard). Under certain conditions, the interaction and cooperation between the participating subjects in the process of conflict will spontaneously bring about the institutionalized solutions. Compared with the institutionalized governance mode relying purely on rational pre-design, the one generated by its own evolution in the process of neighboring conflict not only results in some kind of institutionalization but also promotes social progress in a sense through the interactive behavior of the participating subjects in the process of its generation. The incident of opposing to incineration power plants in Panyu provides a good example to prove that a constructive transformation of NIIMBY is an important factor of achieving institutionalized results.
The Metaphorical Mechanism of Illness in Philadelphia and Love for LifeKe Ying
The intertextuality between Susan Sontags discussion and depiction of illness in her writings and the AIDS narrative in the American film Philadelphia and the Chinese film Love for Life helps us to deepen our understanding of the metaphorical mechanism of illness. As one of the leading metaphors attached to AIDS, plague brings discrimination and prejudice against AIDS patients no matter whether they are to blame or not. Moreover, due to demonization, AIDS patients suffer from social death even when they are alive. Philadelphia and Love for Life challenge the taboo subject in different ways but make the same appeal that the body should not be treated as the vehicle of metaphors and that we need to break the illness-health dichotomy so as to shake off the illness metaphor.
Exotic Creatures and “Monsters” in Ancient ChinaWu Jiehua
There are a lot of records about strange things or different species in The Classic of Mountains and Seas (Shan Hai Jing) and “A Record of Exotic Creatures”. These stories are too incredible, unreasonable and unrealistic to be valuable historical data. With the change of time and environment, however, the diversity and quantity of species have also been changing enormously. The strangeness and incredibility of exotic creatures, therefore, should not be the reason to deny their existence. For example, the story that a snake swallows an elephant is unusual but not impossible. Whats more, most exotic creatures that appear in the records are represented by analogy, a method which has flaws leading to the possibility that the exotic creatures in ancient times might have been “created”.
Positive Aesthetics from the Perspective of Species EvolutionWang Enhui
“Nature as complete beauty” put forward by Positive Aesthetics claims that all in nature is beautiful. This overly positive theory, however, has incurred controversies. In order to prove the rationality and correctness of “nature as complete beauty”, Positive Aesthetics must explain the natural life within the scientific scope. The diversity of species in the process of evolution has improved the overall characteristics of ecology, so by drawing on scientific biological knowledge Positive Aesthetics has proved the existence value and significance of life in nature and affirmed the rationality and correctness of “nature as complete beauty” within the scope of science.
A Review of the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History and the 5th Biennial Conference of the Association for East Asian Environmental History in 2019Shan Siping
It so happened that the 10th Biennial Conference of the European Society for Environmental History and the 5th Biennial Conference of the Association for East Asian Environmental History were both held this year, and the author had the opportunity to participate in both of them. This article will briefly introduce what the author learned about the general information, keynote speeches, theme events and inspirational presentations. Moreover, this article will discuss a few inspirations from these two conferences.
An Overview of the International Symposium on “Dialogue and Understanding:A Study of Ecological Aesthetic Discourse”Zhou Pinjie
From October 18 to 21, 2019, the International Symposium on “Dialogue and Understanding: A Study of Ecological Aesthetic Discourse” co-sponsored by Literary and Artistic Aesthetics Research Centre of Shandong University and Toyo Philosophy Department of Sungkyunkwan University was held in Shandong University. More than 50 representatives from the United States, Austria, South Korea and China had heated discussions about four topics on “reviews and reflections on ecological aesthetics study”,“reviews and reflections on environmental aesthetics study”, “ecological aesthetics and eco-civilization construction” and “East Asian traditional ecological wisdom and eco-aesthetic construction”. Through the active participation of scholars home and abroad, this symposium highlighted the diverse and representative forms ecological aesthetic discourse. On one hand, scholars from Sungkyunkwan University in their presentations made profound and detailed interpretations of ecological aesthetics in ancient oriental literature, which is different from Chinese counterparts relatively macro way of interpretations. On the other hand, the close combination of ecological aesthetics and specific art forms shown in the academic exchanges reflected new directions of ecological aesthetic discourse. In addition, the symposium also witnessed actively academic participation of young scholars including doctoral candidates and heralded a bright prospect of ecological aesthetic research.
An Overview of the 9th Cross-strait Ecological Literature SymposiumLu Xun & Wang Junwei
The 9th Cross-strait Ecological Literature Symposium organized by School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University was successfully held in Suzhou from October 25 to 27, 2019. There were more than 100 participants, including senior scholars and young students from universities and institutes in mainland China and Taiwan, experts in the Chinese Academy of Sciences, representatives from Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, and editors from academic journals. The symposium covered multiple aspects, including ecological literature, ecological aesthetics, ecological poetics, ecological art and ecological image. Based on the texts and images, the participants explored animals and plants, cities and villages, places and homes, as well as the comparison and conversation between eastern and western ecological thoughts. At the opening of the symposium, Professor Zhu Xinfu of Soochow University reviewed the research trends of post-colonial ecocriticism, material ecocriticism, cultural ecology and environmental humanities, pointing out that ecocriticism presents an interdisciplinary and comprehensive research trend. Eco-linguistics, eco-semiotics, eco-psychology, eco-phenomenology and other research branches, derived from ecocriticism, have further deepened and enriched the theory. The symposium provides a model for the construction of ecological discourse in China and highlights a grand ideological meeting of cross-cultural dialogue and cross-disciplinary communication, injecting new vitality into ecocriticism and voicing Chinas opinions. Most participants proposed profound reflections on anthropocentrism and called on human beings to ponder over their responsibilities for the ecological crisis.
Traditional Eco-folklore and Eco-civilization Construction: An Overview of the National High-level Forum on “Traditional Chinese Eco-folklore Studies”Feng Junqi
The National High-level Forum on “Traditional Chinese Eco-folklore Studies” was held in Shandong University of Technology from November 29 to December 1, 2019. The forum was sponsored by Shandong Soft Science Research Base for Ecological Culture and Sustainable Development, co-sponsored by the research team from the special project of education on “Traditional Chinese Eco-folklore Studies” funded by the Ministry of Eco-environment, and hosted by the Law School of Shandong University of Technology. The forum welcomed more than 20 experts and scholars from universities and academic institutes such as Nanjing University, Tsinghua University, East China Normal University, Shandong University, Shanxi Academy of Social Sciences, etc., to broadly while thoroughly exchange their discussions on traditional Chinese eco-folklore, traditional eco-folklore in different regions of China, the role that the phenomena of traditional folklore plays in ecological and environmental protection, and traditional ecological thought and culture. There was a consensus among the attendees that to establish the system of socialist ecological culture needs to explore traditional resources of ecological thought and culture, that traditional ecological folklore is an organic component of traditional ecological thought and culture, and that to study the connotation and inheritance means of traditional eco-folklore is of special significance for promoting the systematic construction of ecological culture and ecological environmental education.