Aim & Scope
Grain & Oil Science and Technology is a peer-reviewed international scientifi c journal aimed at enhancing international academic exchange and improving science and technological research in the fi eld of grains and edibleoils.Grain & Oil Science and Technology publishes top-quality research and review articles on the storage of grain and edible oil, grain engineering, edibleoil engineering, the nutritional value of grain-based food products, health supplements composed of edible oils, and food safety.Research from post-harvest to the table must be innovative and advance the progress of new developments.
Preliminary or confi rmatory results as well as contributions not strictly related to the scope of Grain & Oil Science and Technology will not be considered for publication.Only novel, original manuscripts that are not under consideration for publication elsewhere will be accepted.Co-authors should be individuals who have substantially contributed to the content of the paper.All authors must declare any potential confl icts of interest and all fi nancial support.
Topics of interest for this journal:
****Grain storage methods and techniques
· Storage biotechnology and studies on the preservation and safety of stored products, particularly food stocks, covering storage-related problems from the producer through the supply chain to the consumer.
· The eff ects of physical and environmental control procedures on the physical and chemical nature of stored products.
· The assessment, prevention, and control of losses of regulatory and technological subjects relevant to stored products.
****Quality change and testing technology for grain and edible oil during storage
· The eff ects of physical and environmental control procedures on the physical and chemical nature of stored grain and edible oil.
· The assessment, prevention, and control of losses of nutritional and functional quality of cereal/grain and edible oil during storage.
· The eventual quality evaluation of grain/cereal post-harvest treatment on the quality of the processed product.
· Composition and analysis of cereal grains in relation to quality, biochemistry, and biophysics of cereal grains relevant to functional and nutritional applications.
****Grain pest control
· The biology, ecology, physiology, behavior, and taxonomy of pests and spoilage agents.
· Environmental factors infl uencing insect life cycles.
· Biochemical or behavioral resistance to control measures for pest management.
· Scientifi c problems of infestation in stored food and their relevance to food stock security.
****Mycotoxin control technology
· Eff ect of preservatives, processes, and storage on the microbial toxins of grain.
· Methods for the detection, identifi cation, and enumeration of microbial toxins.
****Processing technology and quality determination of fl our foods
· Sensory science (sensory perception, food preferences, habit formation, oral processing, novel microscopy, analysis, and characterization techniques) for fl our food, stored food, and edible oil.
· Optimization studies aiming to determine processing conditions and/or dietary supplements that improve nutritional and sensorial qualities.
· Methods for rapid analysis and detection and sensor technology.
****Food security
· Food safety, indices of the sanitary quality of foods, microbiological quality assurance, biocontrol, microbiological aspects of food preservation, novel preservation techniques, and predictive microbiology and microbial risk assessments.
· Food-borne microorganisms relevant to public health, hazard analysis, and toxicological evaluations.
****Eff ect of biologically active ingredients on food effi cacy
· Structure and physicochemical properties of functionally and nutritionally important components of cereal grains, such as polysaccharides,proteins, fatty acids, oils, enzymes, vitamins, and minerals.
· Eff ects of dietary supplements from grain/cereal, edible oil, or food microbial sources on grain/cereal storage, food sensory perception,food effi cacy, and food safety, with a focus on health and well-being.
****Special issues
· Selected, peer-reviewed, high-quality papers from scientifi c conferences on science, technology, and engineering studies related to the fi eld of grain and oil.
Topics of uninterested for this journal
· Eff ect of plant growth on the characteristics of grain or edible oil.
· Active ingredients from animals, trees, plants, vegetables and fruits, and foods of animal origin.
· Bioactivities other than anti-cancer, immune modulation, and anti-infl ammatory activity in extracts, molecules, or compounds or environmental protection.
· Original full-length research (approximately 3500-6500 words)
· Short communications (approximately 2500-3500 words)
· Reviews (approximately 5000-8000 words)
· Short reviews (approximately 2500-4000 words)
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Grain & Oil Science and Technology2019年4期