展览以“尼罗河的赠礼”“众神传说”“复活的密码”“生活在尼罗河与绿洲之中”“永生传说”五个部分,通过展示古埃及的王朝更迭、宗教信仰、象形文字、社会生活、丧葬文化等各个方面,勾勒数千年前尼罗河两岸的生活风貌。展览将持续至5月5日。 文/周祖妮
West Lake Art Gallery launched , an exhibition of Ancient Egypt on January 22, 2019. A total of 180 exhibits, all from various museums in Italy, combine to portray the dynasties, religious beliefs, hieroglyphic writing, everyday life, and burial rituals of the ancient Egypt. The exhibition will last until May 5. The West Lake Art Gallery is part of the Zhejiang Museum nestled at the foot of the Solitary Hill on the West Lake. (Text by Zhou Zuni)
木乃伊。A mummy on display at West Lake Art Gallery
烏普奥特天狗木质小雕像。A wooden statuette of Upuaut on display at West Lake Art Gallery
狮身人面兽斯芬克斯小雕像。A statuette of Sphinx on display at West Lake Art Gallery
墓室残片。Two fragments of Mastaba, on display at West Lake Art Gallery