
2019-03-18 00:55:16
阅读与作文(英语初中版) 2019年2期

作为当今美国影坛最成功的独立影人之一,理查德·林克莱特拍过各种题材的电影,但他的拿手好戏当属他对“时间”这个概念的把玩。他最为人熟知的电影要数“爱在”三部曲—《爱在黎明破晓前》(Before Sunrise,1995年)、《爱在日落黄昏时》(Before Sunset,2004年)和《爱在午夜降临前》(Before Midnight,2013年)。电影里只有男女主角在不断讲话,限时一天,其特别之处在于每两部作品之间恰好相隔九年,而且主角不变。如此大胆的尝试恐怕只有他和两位主演(伊桑·霍克和朱丽·德尔比)才能做到。



Ellar Coltrane may seem like any other normal 19-year-old, but hes the furthest thing from it. For the past 12 years—since he was seven—Ellars been acting in filmmaker Richard Linklaters groundbreaking[开创性的] movie Boyhood. Nothing like this has ever been done before, so its totally changed the game. And after seeing himself grow up right before his own eyes, hes changed as well.

Boyhood follows Ellars characters life as he goes from a little boy to an adult, showing all of the ups and downs[盛衰,沉浮] families have over such a long period of time. Along with his sister(played by the directors daughter Lorelei Linklater) and parents (played by Ethan Hawke and Patricia Arquette), this film gives us the closest look into all the crazy things that happen while growing up. It should come as no surprise that, with 12 years of work under their belts[在以往的经历中], the actors really did become something of a real-life family.

Ellar was cast[指定角色] for the project when he was six years old, but he had no idea what he was in for. “My memories from the beginning are pretty vague[模糊的]. I remember the audition[試镜] process[过程] a little bit and I have scattered[分散的] memories from the first year of filming,” Ellar says. “Its more hitting me now, kind of in the aftermath[后果] of the first few times I saw it. It really dawned on[开始被理解] me how crazy it all was. Growing up, both of my parents were artists and worked on all kinds of bizarre[奇异的] projects. It didnt seem that strange to me I guess, but as a six-year-old, theres no way to understand how long 12 years is when youve only been alive half that long, but also how an experience can affect[影响] and define[定义] you.”

Since the movie was only filmed for around three days each year, Ellars real life took the main stage and he didnt need to think about the process very often. “The long nature of the project allowed a lot of us to become very lost in the artistic[艺术的] process and forget about the end goal of it being a movie and people watching it,” Ellar says.

Last fall, the longest scheduled[预定的] film shoot in history wrapped[杀青], and Ellar was finally able to see the finished project. And it changed everything. “Ive undergone more physiological[生理的] and emotion development in the past six months than I have in the past six years,”he says. “The first couple times I watched, it was hard to really think much. There were so many emotions and curiosity[好奇心] that had been building up for so long. Everyone as a teenager struggles with self-identity[自我认同] and feeling real and important and valid[真实的, 正当的]. We feel really disconnected from ourselves and everyone around us, and to see all these little parts of myself(that) taken out of context might be embarrassing or awkward[难为情], but seeing it all put together like that is very comforting[令人鼓舞的]. Its terrifying, but its actually proof that Im real. I dont know a world where I didnt work on Boyhood, so I dont know the person I would be if I hadnt. In a lot of ways, this film defines who I am.”

So what do you do after filming a movie for the past 12 years? Take on the world of art head-on, of course.“I want to keep acting and Im interested in filming, visual arts[视觉艺术]—everything. I want to go to school, I think thats next,” Ellar says. “Ive found that being lost in art and the process of creation is really the only thing that gives me solace[安慰], so I want to go wherever that takes me.”








Son: “Dad, give me a dime.”

Father: “Son, dont you think youre getting too big to be forever begging for dimes?”

Son: “I guess youre right, dad. Give me a dollar, will you?”




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