教学反思是一个不断发现问题、分析问题和解决问题的过程,是教师专业化发展的重要途径。教学反思一直以来是教师提高个人业务水平的一种有效手段。现在很多教师都在从自己的教育实践中反观自己的得失,并通过教育案例、教育故事、或教育心得等来提高教学反思的质量。 通过实践与反思,教师有机整合学科知识和学科教学知识,加深对教育教学过程和学生学习过程的理解与认识,形成自主的专业发展意识和能力(王蔷,2012)。
例如,9A Unit3 Reading的 Teenagers Problems 文章中列举了现代青少年所面临的种种烦恼,如having too much homework﹑not having enough sleep﹑not having close friends﹑cant get high scores in the exams ,此时可以问学生以下问题:What problems do you have? Do you have the same problem as Simon and Millie? 学生在阅读时会与文中主人公的思想产生共鸣,联想到自己的烦恼会倍感焦虑。如何帮助学生解决烦恼﹑减轻压力是文章真正含意所在。教师在学完整篇文章后及时提问:Can you give them some advice on how to achieve a balance between their schoolwork and their hobbies? 学生在教师的引导下列举出一些合理的建议,如Plan a day carefully﹑make a list of all the homework we have to do ﹑ask our parents or teachers for help等,从而更深层次地理解了文章的含意.
如:8B Unit 6 Reading Oxfam Trailwalker Paragraph 2: Whats Paragraph 2 mainly about?
Please use one word in Paragraph 2 to tell us Tough
Please find out the numbers that tell you it is a tough hike.
(1)finish walking a 100-kilometre trail wihin 48 hours (2)2 days and nights
(3)walk through 8 country parks (4) over 20 hills and mountains
3.概念图表在阅读教学中的运用。根据图式理论,教师要求学生在阅读文章的过程中构建起“图”的概念,更好地帮助学生理解﹑分析文章。概念图的基本教学步骤可以概括为“理清线索,列出概念——根据线索,排列概念——增关键词,细化概念”(章波勇,2010)。初中英语课文的体裁以记叙文为主,例如,9A Unit5的 Reading Hollywoods all-time best--Audrey Hepburn 一文为例,人物传记通常以年代顺序作为全文主线。因此,在阅读前,教师可以借助时间表帮助学生了解奥黛丽.赫本的一生,让学生在阅读文章前便理清文章的脉络。这样的教学方式可以避免出现因为生词的干扰而影响对文章整体把握的情况。In 1929→at a very young age→In 1951→shortly after→In 1989 →In 1991→In 1992→In 1993.学生在阅读完文章后,可以进一步细化,对某些有特殊意义的年代添加细节信息,有助于文本梳理。
(1) 剔出从句单独理解。After leaving school, Hawking went first to Oxford University where he studied physics, then he went to Cambridge where he studied cosmology .
(2)以动词为线索,抛开语法直接理解。When a cup of tea is put on a tea table before you or sent to your hands, you will say “Thank you” and receive it with two hands, not one hand, or they will think you are ill-mannered .
(3)抓住关键词,弄清目络,按序理解。It can show politeness, reported speech and conditionals such as the First——probability——if I can come to your party, I will; the Second——improbability——if I saw you tomorrow, Id give you the book; and the Third——impossibility (meaning it is too late to change something that has happened)——if you have told me, I would have helped you.
(4)借助标点符号自身含义,帮助理解。I see such a difference in New York City, for example, from when I first moved here more than 20 years ago: people rushing into lifts without giving those inside a chance to get off first, never saying thank you when others hold a door open for them, or please when they want a classmate to hand them something.