(1.中国核动力研究设计院 反应堆系统设计技术重点实验室,成都 610213; 2.环境保护部核与辐射安全中心,北京 100010)
在核电厂的设计阶段,通过计算分析能够得到不同工况下的设计瞬态,但电厂的实际运行瞬态往往与设计瞬态相差较大,传统的瞬态识别方法难以直接基于设计瞬态进行。近年来,基于模式识别方法发展较快,并吸引了大量研究者进行相关的研究[1-9]。人工神经网络、支持向量机、粒子群优化、隐马尔可夫模型和模糊熵方法等多种方法被应用于瞬态识别技术。大多数基于数据的方法都需要庞大的数据作为训练集,这在核电厂实际使用中并不可行。为解决这一问题,文中提出了基于动态时间弯曲(Dynamic Time Warping,DTW)算法以设计瞬态为参考进行瞬态识别的方法。在该方法中,以设计瞬态为基准,通过计算运行瞬态与设计瞬态之间的等效DTW距离,实现对运行瞬态准确高效地自动识别。该方法的研究对疲劳监测系统中基于循环次数的疲劳计算具有重要意义。
图1 动态时间弯曲算法
图2 在线识别流程
1)对设计瞬态中的折线点在横轴(时间)上进行摄动,摄动范围为设计瞬态的±50%。如某设计瞬态中两个折线点之间的时间间隔为100 s,摄动后其时间间隔为50~150 s之间的随机数。
2)对设计瞬态中的折线点在纵轴(温度或压力)上进行,摄动范围为设计瞬态的±25%。如某设计瞬态中两个折线点之间的温差为100 ℃,摄动后其温差为75~125 ℃之间的随机数。
表2 权重因子对瞬态识别率的影响
图3 温度和压力的DTW相似度
图4 运行瞬态与设计温度的对比
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A Dynamic Time Warping Algorithm Based Transient Identification Method in Nuclear Power Plants
BAI Xiao-ming1, WANG Xin-jun1, AI Hong-lei1, WEI Dong2, ZHENG Lian-gang1, XIE Hai1
(1.Science and Technology on Reactor System Design Technology Laboratory, Nuclear Power Institute of China, Chengdu 610213, China; 2.Nuclear and Radiation Safety Center, Beijing 100010, China)
To identify the transients in the nuclear power plant effectively.Based on the dynamic time warping algorithm, the similarity between the temperature, pressure and flow rate in the operational transient and these in the design transient was calculated, respectively. Meanwhile, an effective similarity for the transient was defined to represent the different weight factor of temperature/pressure and flow rate. After the effective similarities for all the design transients were calculated, the current operational transient can be classified in to the best similar design transient.The design transient of Hualong 1 nuclear power plant and virtual operation transient obtained based on disturbance of design transient verified that the method proposed in this paper could effectively classify the operation transient. In the verification, more than 95% transients could be identified correctly.Based on the DTW based algorithm and effective similarity, a transient identification method is proposed in present paper, this method is effective and accurate, and can be used in the fatigue monitor system of nuclear power plant.
transient identification; fatigue monitor; nuclear power plant; dynamic time warping
10.7643/ issn.1672-9242.2019.02.017