文/比尔·莫纳汉(Bill Monahan) 译/张佳艺 供图/罗丽军
International City/County Management Association (ICMA), is a membership organization of over 12,000 city managers based in Washington, D.C. (Annually, the association holds an annual conference, with the 2018 conference held in late September in Baltimore, Maryland, the U.S. Over 3,000 members attended.)
The International Committee of ICMA has affiliations around the world, including in China. Since 2011, ICMA has partnered with the China University of Political Science and Law to operate the ICMA China Center. The mission of the Center is to improve the quality of city management in China by providing information and services. In addition, through the Center's programs, ICMA's professionals from around the world have had the opportunity to learn from Chinese experience with rapid, large scale urbanization.
In 2014, the ICMA International Committee held a highly successful spring meeting in Yangzhou, China. Since then, the Center has conducted four Center study tours to Chinese cities. The Center tours started in 2015 with a group of five: former ICMA Executive Director Bob O'Neill, Center Executive Director Luo Lijun, ICMA Regional Director for Asia Shraddha Kharel-Pandey, and two ICMA member participants.Member participation has increased to over twenty in each tour of the last two years.
Typically, the tours are held in April. The original gathering point for each tour has been either Shenzhen or Qingdao. Initially, the end point was Beijing, but in each of the last three years the tour has concluded in Xi'an with the Sino-America Land Engineering Cooperation Conference. Following the last three conferences the trips were enhanced with a tour of the terra cotta warriors and other historic features of the ancient capital city of Xi'an.
The typical things during the tour are: attend conference sessions, perform speaking roles, meet and discuss issues with local government officials, and engage in tours of industries, historic sites, government facilities, etc.
Each year, all tour participants have been given at least one speaking opportunity at a conference. Last year most tour participants spoke at the 2018 ICMA Qingdao Annual Conference where the focus was big data in urban governance, upgrading urban management systems,strengthening of urban management and security, and intelligent transportation and urban development. Several tour participants spoke at the Foreign Experts conference sponsored by Shenzhen SAFEA. Others spoke in Guangzhou on the topics of tourism and recreational use of trails.
Tour participants have engaged in informative meetings with officials either as a full group or in smaller units. In 2018 in Qingdao, for example, the group was broken up into four teams. Former ICMA President Lee Feldman and I visited the Shibei District Urban Governance Center where we met citizen participants and observed a wide range of programs and services (recycling, tai chi, dance, singing, medical, crafts,computer use, etc.) offered at their neighborhood community center for citizens of the district. Others visited a smart city demonstration or a historical district. As a group, we all visited the new urban management command center of the district where we observed state of the art use of big data in delivering services and addressing consumer complaints.
Tour participants also visited many projects and facilities. Shenzhen's ambitious coastal reclamation project develops innovation space for startup businesses; Qingdao's port is built to accommodate cruise ships;Qingdao's new big data center is used for community service coordination and tracking.
Through the ICMA study tours organized by the ICMA China Center in 2016 to 2018, we have established some solid partnerships with major companies and local governments. For example, in 2016, we visited Shaanxi Land Engineering and Construction Group and attended the Sino-China Land Engineering Exchange Conference which became an annual conference since 2016. Later, Shaanxi Land Group sent a delegation to attend a training program to learn about Brownfield concepts and technologies both in San Francisco and Pittsburgh. In addition,a technological team was established for further research and development on land pollution and remediation in 2017. As a result of the cooperative efforts, Shaanxi Land Group became the first international sponsor for ICMA for the pursuit of further cooperation on land remediation and ecological research as well as management. Since creating the partnership, ICMA has sent over 40 subject matter experts and city managers to visit Shaanxi Land Group in 2016-2018 and provided consulting services on land and water pollution issues in Shaanxi Province.
In addition, in 2017 and 2018, ICMA sent over 40 members and experts to visit Qingdao and attended the Qingdao International City Management Annual Conferences where ICMA participants shared experiences and best practices through visiting and exchanging ideas with officials of local communities. A key achievement was the establishment of the Command Center of Qingdao Shibei District for City Management and Law Enforcement which succeeds by using big data. Output from the conference in 2017 encouraged the project. When ICMA members and experts visited the center in April 2018, they gave high praise to the city's achievements. Qingdao Shibei District government then sent a delegation to attend the ICMA 2018 Annual Conference in Baltimore to share information about the achievements in a special conference session as well as to invite more ICMA members to attend the Qingdao City Management Conference in 2019.
The study tours and exchanges have helped ICMA members and experts gain better understanding and appreciation of the rapid development taking place in China and opportunities for ICMA. ICMA members who have taken part in the tours have commented that what they have learned has inspired them to consider how to help their communities benefit through more international cooperation and exchange.
Recent trips have also allowed us to visit places where new and innovative activities are taking place:
Xiong'an New Area. We met with officials of this area outside Beijing now under development, Xiong'an District in Hebei Province. Officials will create a new sub area to house up to 3 million people along with innovative businesses to alleviate Beijing's overcrowding. China's leaders are working to reduce the burdens of traffic, pollution, and soaring real-estate prices by forming urban clusters or “city groups.” Based on this concept, Beijing will move many functions out of its center to Xiong'an, relocating universities, hospitals, companies, banks, and business headquarters. Major companies like Baidu, Alibaba, and Tencent have committed to establishing branches here.
East Weinan New Town. We toured the site of the newly planned town near Xi'an. Shaanxi Land Management has designed and will build the town, which will have over 50,000 to 100,000 residents, into a modern smart one with sustainable development.
Major Businesses. During the last tour we met with leaders of several major businesses in China. Shaanxi Land Engineering Construction Group (our partner in Xi'an) is involved in major land reclamation and redevelopment projects. We toured their offices and laboratories as well as large scale sites where land is undergoing soil remediation such as a former mining site, chemical contaminated sites, river side and landfill cleanup, etc. Impressive new, commercial, and recreational facilities have already been built on recovered land. Oriental Landscape in Beijing is a company that does landscape design, site development and maintenance on a major scale. Tencent (the developers of WeChat) that started up in Shenzhen in 1998 and now has over 40,000 employees involved in various business ventures.
While in Qingdao in 2017, we visited Haier, the major appliance company that has branched out to design living spaces and many other products, and we toured the Tsingtao beer factory and tasting room.
The Conference on International Exchange of Professional sponsored by SAFEA in Shenzhen always has speakers on innovations and opportunities for foreign experts to work on cooperative efforts. Some are experts in a variety of fields including a Nobel Prize winner and the human resources director of Alibaba, the Amazon equivalent in China.
In 2018, tour participants visited Conghua, a remote area of Guangzhou City, in southern China where we learned about and observed their impressive efforts to preserve the South China Historical Trail. Their purpose is to recover the asset for development and preservation of the ancient roads and stimulate tourism. ICMA members have provided technical assistance and hosted delegates from the province to view trail system developments in the United States. We also visited a 1960 era communal village there that was abandoned, but is the subject of a plan for redevelopment to preserve the community as an example of the living environment of that earlier era.
The 2019 tour will probably take place in April. Luo Lijun, Executive Director of the Center, reported that opportunities exist in China for ICMA members to teach at universities, train in the Qingdao Research Institute, take part in academic exchanges and discussions in Qingdao, Shenzhen and other places. Considering the core of sustainable development and high-quality development, she also noted that professionals with skills and expertise in the following topics are urgently needed, such as urban and rural planning, sponge cities, land restoration, etc.
The topic of the 2018 Qingdao conference was “Smart Cities”. In 2019 the focus will be on the development of the countries along the one belt one road, China's major initiative. ICMA members with knowledge and experience related to this topic can introduce relevant experience in Qingdao at the 2019 conference. (The writer is a life member of the International City/County Management Association.)