(1. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,北京 100081;2. 农业农村部规划设计研究院,农业部农业废弃物能源化利用重点实验室,北京 100125;3. 承德市本特生态能源技术有限公司,河北 067000)
针对中国现有秸秆捆烧锅炉燃烧不充分,燃烧后烟气净化工艺繁琐以及自动化程度较低等问题,该文基于原料分级、配风分级技术原理,设计了打捆秸秆分级燃烧系统,研发了多级配风系统和组合式烟气净化除尘装置等关键部件,并开发了智能控制系统,实现燃烧过程工艺参数的实时调控和数据采集。以打捆玉米秸秆为原料进行燃烧试验,结果表明秸秆捆烧供热锅炉的热效率为84.6%,锅炉功率为230 kW,烟尘排放平均质量浓度19.8 mg/m3,NOX质量浓度133.6 mg/m3,SO2质量浓度小于3 mg/m3,达到《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB13271—2014)要求,解决了燃烧效率低、烟尘和NOx等污染物排放高的问题,智能化的锅炉燃烧系统可开展多种工艺试验的探索,为捆烧锅炉技术装备的推广应用提供平台支撑。
1.一次燃烧室 2.炉门 3.炉底 4.一次配风 5.二次燃烧室 6.二次配风 7.列管换热器 8.隔板 9.挡板 10.热烟气 11.烟气出口 12.省煤器 13.烟气入口 14.污水排出口 15.净化水箱 16.回流泵 17.旋风筒壁 18.鱼骨型阴极 19.烟气出口 20.阴极穿墙套管 21.环形布水管 1.Primary combustion chamber 2.Fire door 3.Hearth bottom 4.Primary air distribution 5.Secondary combustion chamber 6.Secondary air distribution 7.Tube heat transfer 8.A partition 9. Baffle 10.Hot smoke 11.Flue gas outlet 12.Economizer 13. Flue gas inlet 14. Sewage outlet 15.Purification tank 16. Reflux pump 17.Cyclone wall 18.Fishbone cathode 19.Flue gas outlet 20.Cathode wall bushing 21.Annular distribution pipe
设计锅炉功率230 kW,燃料消耗量为60 kg/h,试制的锅炉外形尺寸长3 026 mm,宽2 178 mm,高2 407 mm;锅炉可装填小方捆和大圆捆,小方捆外形尺寸为700 mm×450 mm×350 mm,一次可装填24捆,大圆捆外形尺寸为1 200 mm×1 300 mm,一次可以装填1捆。
根据捆烧锅炉结构设计及秸秆燃烧特性,分析捆烧秸秆的燃烧原理如图2,将秸秆捆烧分为秸秆半气化一次燃烧和挥发分二次燃烧2个燃烧过程。其中,结合秸秆气化反应条件[14],控制一次燃烧室温度为600~800 ℃,过量空气系数控制为0.8~1.0,使秸秆中的半纤维素、纤维素和木质素等发生热分解反应,产成挥发性气体,气体中主要的可燃成分为CO、CH4、H2,二次燃烧室配备二次风对可燃气体进行二次燃烧,生物质中挥发分燃烧产生的热量约占生物质总热量的70%,因此捆烧过程中挥发分的充分燃烧控制决定了锅炉的燃烧效率[15-18]。
图2 秸秆捆烧原理图
燃料燃烧所需的空气量主要取决于燃料中可燃元素成分的含量,可燃元素完全燃烧所需的空气量即理论空气量,根据公式 (1)计算。锅炉实际运行时,通过控制过量空气系数控制打捆秸秆一次配风量,维持秸秆半气化燃烧状态,实际配风量根据公式(2)、(3)计算。其中,根据生物质气化技术原理,燃烧过程中挥发性气体约为1.2 m3/kg,具体组分如表1所示,所需二次配风量如式 (4)、(5)所示[19]
结合前人秸秆内热式气化原理技术研究[20],秸秆热解气化产生的可燃气组分主要为CO、H2和CH4。在锅炉配风计算时,本文参考河北省肥乡区秸秆气化站燃气组分测试结果,如表1所示,由公式(1)、(2)、(3)计算可得,第一燃烧室每千克打捆秸秆燃烧所用的理论空气量为3.64 m3/kg,实际空气量为3.28 m3/kg,一次燃烧实际配风量为196.7 m3/h;由公式(4)、(5)计算所得,每标方挥发分气体燃烧理论空气量为1.16 m3,实际空气量为1.74 m3,二次燃烧室实际配风量为125.3 m3/h。
表1 挥发性气体组分测试结果
经过测定,捆烧秸秆燃烧换热后烟气温度约为150 ℃,参照《除尘技术手册》,根据公式(4)、(5)、(6)、(7)确定旋分离器尺寸[21-24]。
式中V为标况下烟气流量,取480 m3/h;V1为工况下烟气流量,m3/h;为旋风入口的高度,m;为旋风入口的宽度,m;u为高温烟气的入口速度,取20 m/s;为旋风筒体直径,m;为拍尘口直径,取0.07 m;为旋风筒底锥顶角,°。
将烟气量代入公式可得旋风入口高度为0.14 m,宽度为0.07 m,旋风筒内直径为0.28 m,筒底锥顶角为21.2°。鱼骨型阴极线上相邻的鱼骨针程90°或60°交错排列,相邻的间距为80 mm,根据筒体直径设计静电场强度,保证2~3 kV/dm的静电场强度,实现较好的静电除尘效果。
图3 智能控制系统原理
利用组态软件Visual Basic开发的人机界面如图4所示,主要分为控制界面、参数设置界面和参数保存界面,可以在控制界面实现进料、点火、水循环、引风及鼓风的起停控制,在参数设定界面设定温度和压力的预警范围,在参数的保存界面实现炉膛温度、出水温度、烟气温度、炉膛压力、配风量以及烟气流量等参数的采集与存储,并可以调出进行表格显示或者曲线显示等功能。
图4 智能控制人机交互界面
样机完成后进行了秸秆燃烧与排放特性试验,选取辽宁省朝阳市小方捆玉米秸秆作为原料,原料的工业分析见表2,低位热值为12.5 MJ/kg,含水率为15%。小方捆横截面为450 mm×350 mm、长度为700 mm,共计24捆一次性装入炉膛中,打捆燃料密度约为108.8 kg/m3。
表2 玉米秸秆打捆燃料分析
装入原料后打开锅炉控制系统和配风系统,设定炉膛温度为800 ℃,炉膛压力为10 Pa,人工点火后约15 min炉膛温度达到稳定状态,此时进行烟气排放测试和锅炉热平衡测试,稳定状态下测试时长3 h,根据GB13271—2014《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》和GB5468—1991《锅炉烟尘测试方法》进行锅炉烟气排放的检测,采用的主要仪器有QUINTOX-KM9106综合烟气分析测量仪、F732-VJ测汞仪、林格曼黑度图、崂应3072型智能双路烟气采样器等设备[25];按照GB/T10180—2003《工业锅炉热工性能试验规范》测量锅炉和回水温度差、管道水流量检测、排烟温度、过量空气系数、炉渣热损失、炉体外表面温度等指标来计算锅炉正反平衡热效率,采用的主要仪器有QUINTOX-KM9106综合烟气分析测量仪、便携式快速红外测温仪、烟气黑度仪、微机全自动立式量热仪、林格曼黑度图、烘干箱以及马弗炉等仪器设备[25]。
试验测得的结果如表3所示,秸秆捆烧锅炉的出水流量、出水温度均满足设计要求,锅炉热效率达84.6%,平均功率达230 kW;同时秸秆捆烧锅炉的烟气排放中NOx质量浓度为133.6 mg/m3,SO2质量浓度小于3 mg/m3,均低于国家排放要求,烟尘含量和林格曼黑度也符合环保指标,说明该锅炉达到了设计要求。
表3 秸秆捆烧锅炉燃烧性能试验结果
以该秸秆捆烧锅为例,每小时消耗秸秆量为60 kg,功率达230 kW,供暖面积可达1 200 m2,秸秆捆的市场价格在180~240元/t,供暖季按照150 d计算,每天平均供热8 h,每年供暖的燃料成本为10.8~14.4元/m2。如表 4所示,对比烟煤供暖的燃料成本为11.7~16.8元/m2,生物质颗粒燃料供暖的燃料成本为24.4~32.5元/m2,秸秆捆烧供暖在燃料使用费上具有较好的经济性[26-27]。另外,捆烧秸秆供暖代替煤炭供暖,每年每平米减少SO2排放0.38 kg,减少CO2排放1.54 g,具有较好的环保效益[28]。
表4 不同供暖方式运行燃料成本
2)玉米秸秆的捆烧试验表明,锅炉热效率达84.6%,烟尘排放平均质量浓度19.8 mg/m3,NOX质量浓度133.6 mg/m3,SO2质量浓度小于3 mg/m3,达到《锅炉大气污染物排放标准》(GB13271—2014)要求,具有较好的经济效益和环保效益。
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Design and emission characteristics of straw bales fuel combustion-boiler
Jia Jixiu1, Yao Zonglu1※, Zhao Lixin2, Cong Hongbin2, Liu Guanghua3, Zhao Yanan1
(1.,,100081,; 2.,,,100125,;3.,067000,)
As an important way of straw comprehensive utilization, straw bales combustion has the advantages of low cost, high efficiency, low pollution and better adaptability of raw materials. However, there still exist the problems such as low combustion efficiency, complex flue gas purification and low automation of straw bales combustion. Based on thecombustion theory of raw material classification and air distribution classification technology, we designed the secondary air distribution device, which consists of two combustion chambers. In the first combustion chamber, a primary air was provided to ensure gasification reaction. In the second combustion chamber, a secondary air was provided to ensure gas combustion, which realized the full combustion of straw. At the same time, we developed a dust removal device and the intelligent control system, and built a straw bale boiler test platform, which realized real-time control of bale burning and data acquisition. The design power of the boiler was 230 kW, the fuel consumption was 60 kg/h, and the overall dimension of the trial boiler was 3 026 mm×2 178 mm×2 407 mm; the boiler could be filled with small square bundles and large round bundles, the overall dimension of small square bundles was 700 mm×450 mm×350 mm, 24 bundles could be filled at a time, and the overall dimension of large round bundles was 1 200 mm×1 300 mm, and one round bundle could be filled at a time. The boiler mainly included primary combustion chamber, primary air distribution chamber, secondary combustion chamber, secondary air distribution and baffle dust remover. The flue gas purification and dedusting device mainly included electrostatic dedusting, cyclone dedusting, circulating spray and sewage purification and reuse device. The intelligent control system mainly included human-computer interaction system, furnace pressure control system, furnace temperature control system, intelligent air distribution system and temperature warning system.When the equipment works, we could open the boiler control system and air distribution system after loading the raw materials, set the furnace temperature as 800 ℃, furnace pressure as 10 Pa, and the furnace temperature would reach a stable state about 15 minutes after manual ignition. At this time, the flue gas emission test and boiler heat balance test were carried out, and the test duration at the stable state was 3 hours. Tested with corn stalk as raw material, the result showed that the thermal efficiency of straw-fired boilers was 84.6%, the heat load was 230 kW, the average concentration of soot emissions was 19.8 mg/m3, the concentration of NOXwas 133.6 mg/m3, and the concentration of SO2was<3 mg/m3, which met the requirements of (GB13271-2014). Taking this boiler as an example, the annual heating fuel cost was 10.8-14.4 yuan/m2, which had an advantage in heating costs, and had a good benefit for environmental protection compared with coal heating and biomass pellet heating. The intelligent combustion platform also can carry out various process tests, and the next step is to carry out combustion tests under different working conditions and explore different combustion processes, which can provide a basis for further optimization.
straw; emission control; design; straw bales fuel; air distribution; dust removal
贾吉秀,姚宗路,赵立欣,丛宏斌,刘广华,赵亚男. 秸秆捆烧锅炉设计及其排放特性研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2019,35(22):148-153.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.017 http://www.tcsae.org
Jia Jixiu, Yao Zonglu, Zhao Lixin, Cong Hongbin, Liu Guanghua, Zhao Yanan. Design and emission characteristics of straw bales fuel combustion-boiler[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2019, 35(22): 148-153. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2019.22.017 http://www.tcsae.org
中国农业科学院科技创新工程协同创新任务(CAAS- XTCX2016011-01);现代农业产业技术体系专项资金资助(CARS-02-31)