The Indulgent Moments

2019-02-20 04:50:17ByJianyun
Special Focus 2019年4期

By Jianyun

A man is vulnerable to overindulgence in the following five conditions.

The first is when you are solitary. What you think and behave when being alone reveals your identity. Please be cautious.

The second is when you are drinking. Drinking is more or less unavoidable at social occasions. So what if you have to drink? Drink just a little. What if you have to drink more than a little? Don’t get drunk. What if you are already drunk? Don’t do anything you wouldn’t do sober. How you behave when drunk is probably your true color. Be aware of it.

The third is when you encounter sexual temptations. You may easily be greeted with flowers,applause,and sexual invitations outside. But at night,you may reflect on your behaviors and remind yourself of the dangers of temptations and honey traps. A heart with less desire is the strongest fortress.The fourth is when you achieve success. However proud you are,try not to brag or sell your BS story. Always treat others as your equal,and you will have more friends than enemies. The more successful you are,the less arrogant you should be.

The fifth is when you spend money. Some people pathetically take themselves as gods when they buy stuff like a car or a single potato. In fact,the givers are more worthy of gratitude than the takers. Respect those who serve you!

So always restrain your desire—each refusal to overindulgence is a victory as well as a harvest. Remember this,and you will be stress-free,and find a mind of peace.

(FromBeijing Literature,February 2019. Translation: Wang Xiaoke)