When I began to practice calligraphy by imitating the model works, I was told that I must stably hold the brush and keep the tip of the brush in the middle place when I was practicing, imprinting on the paper as if the pen point is about to penetrate through it. Only in this way can the lines be written in an eminent and textured quality. To make it feel in a good sense of quality, I worked very hard practicing writing the lines. No matter the long lines, short lines, thick lines or thin lines, they just stamp in my mind, twirling in my heart.
The inscription on the bronze ware, wavy and mottled, was telling the history with the great changes seen in the course of time. So, I tried my best to practice those works in order to get closer to them in various dynasties in pre-Qin period, Qin-Han period, Jin period, and even the following dynasties until the Qing period, yearning day and night only wish my lines are emotional.
The way of drawing the lines is the secret of the technique of expression of calligraphy. Lines have feelings to express the spirit of flesh and blood of human. Sometimes, the lines fast change with fluctuation. But no matter how changeable the lines are, the line in moms hands will be twirling over my heart for good. I will always love the strokes of lines and wish the lines I write down would have myriads of changes with my feelings.
Ms. Chai Limei graduated from the calligraphy and seal cutting major of Nanjing University of the Arts and now is a national second-class artist and visiting scholar at Chinese National Academy of Arts. She is also a member of Chinese Calligraphers Association, member of China Prose Society, member of Anhui Calligraphers Association, Vice-President of Anhui Female Calligraphers Association, Vice Chair of Bengbu Calligraphers Association and President of Bengbu Female Calligraphers and Painters Association.
Her works have been selected into and displayed at China-Japan Women Calligraphy Communication Exhibition, the third and fourth national women calligraphy and seal cutting exhibitions, the second national cursive competition the first Dunhuang National Calligraphy Contest, the first national grass writing exhibitions, etc.
参加中国书法界2008北京奥运标志性活动、2008北京双年展活动;2014年参加中国文联、中国书协、中国文联艺术基金会联合主办的“功德天品——全国书法名家向中国文学艺术基金会捐赠书法作品展”等活动。 2010年,分别在蚌埠、徐州等地举办“柴立梅书法展”。