新目标英语七年级(上)Unit 9 STEP BY STEP 随堂通

2019-01-17 04:54
中学生英语·阅读与写作 2019年12期

Section A


(    )1. —Whats your favorite color ?     —My favorite color is ________.

A. baseball       B. science     C.  hamburger     D. white

(    )2. We have a sports meeting ________ Tuesday.

A. on         B. in       C. at       D. /

(    )3. —Is Steves favorite day Friday?   —________.

A. No, it is     B. Yes, he is     C. Yes, it is       D. No, he isnt

(    )4. —Do you like music?       —________.

A. Yes, it does               B. No, it isnt

C. Yes, because its relaxing     D. No, I do

(    )5. After class, I have done homework ________.

A. at two hours   B. for two hours       C. for a hour     D. at an hour


My dear friends, let me tell you something about my timetable (时间表) every day. I    1    at 7:00 and I go to    2    at 8:00. I have science at    3    and then I have math at 10:00.    4    is my favorite subject. I like math because its    5   . Mr. Dai is our math    6   . I like him very much. I eat    7    at 12:00 and then I have music at 2:00. I have history at 3:00. I    8    like history because it is boring. But I    9    like art and I want to be an    10   . I have art on Wednesday at 2:00.

(    )1. A. work         B. get up           C. study         D. go to bed

(    )2. A. home         B. movie         C. school         D. work

(    )3. A. six           B. nine           C. eleven         D. twelve

(    )4. A. Music         B. Math           C. English       D. Chinese

(    )5. A. boring         B. difficult         C. interesting     D. relaxing

(    )6. A. teacher       B. partner         C. classmate       D. parent

(    )7. A. breakfast     B. dinner         C. lunch         D. /

(    )8. A. not           B. doesnt         C. dont         D. cant

(    )9. A. kindly       B. really           C. surely         D. well

(    )10. A. artist       B. actor             C. teacher       D. president


There is a greedy crocodile (貪婪的鳄鱼). He feels really hungry and he wants to eat something. Suddenly (突然), he sees a little boy. The boy has some chicken in his hand. The crocodile wants to eat both the boy and his chicken.

The crocodile says, “Oh, little boy!Could you please give me some chicken?”

The boy says, “Oh, no, you will eat me!”

The crocodile says, “I promise (承诺) I wont eat you.”

So the boy goes near the crocodile and gives him the chicken. But the crocodile catches his arm. There comes a rabbit. The crocodile wants to eat the rabbit first, so he lets go of (松开) the boys arm.

At that time, the boy runs away and the rabbit runs away, too. At last, the greedy crocodile doesnt get his dinner.

(    )1. There is/are some ________ in the little boys hand.

A. bread         B. tomatoes       C. chicken       D. carrots

(    )2. The underlined (划线的) word “catches” means “________” in Chinese.

A. 抚摸         B. 品尝       C. 捉住       D. 砍掉

(    )3. The crocodile lets go of the boys arm because ________.

A. the rabbit comes to help him       B. he wants to eat the rabbit first

C. he doesnt want to eat the boy       D. he is too tired

(    )4. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. The crocodile tells a lie (谎言) to the boy.

B. The crocodile only wants to eat the boys chicken.

C. The rabbit doesnt want to help the boy.

D. The rabbit doesnt run away at last.

(    )5. What can we learn from the story?

A. People should work hard to get what they want.

B. People should not talk with others.

C. Crocodiles and rabbits are good friends.

D. Greedy people may get nothing in the end.


(    )1. —________ is your science teacher?

—Mr. Bush, a very tall man.

A. What         B. Who       C. How       D. When

(    )2. Miss Hu is very strict ________ us ________ our work.

A. with; in         B. with; with       C. in; with       D. in; in

(    )3. —What time do you get up on weekends?     —________ 8:00 a.m.

A. In         B. At       C. To       D. On

(    )4. —You dont look well today.

—I am too ________. I have so many things to do.

A. good       B. relaxing         C. tired       D. bad

(    )5. Jane is good at ________.

A. sing         B. play chess       C. drawing       D. jump


Dear Mary,

I am in Beijing. Its Thursday, December 5th. I    1    have a busy day. At 8:00, I have science. I like science. I like it because    2    interesting. Then at 9:00, I have math. I dont like math. Its    3    and boring. Next, at 10:00, I have history. Its    4    difficult. At 11:00, I have music. Thats my favorite    5   .

Music is relaxing. I    6    my music teacher, Mr. Smith. He is fun. I eat lunch at 12:00.    7    lunch, I have P.E. at 13:00. I like P.E. because it is fun. Our teacher is very strict and Im usually very tired after class. My    8    class is at 15:00. After school I play basketball for one    9   . After dinner at about 18:00, I usually go to the art club. At about 20:00, I begin to do my homework, and then I    10   . What a busy day I have!



(    )1. A. only             B. really           C. usually           D. real

(    )2. A. it is             B. I am           C. they are           D. he is

(    )3. A. difficult         B. interesting       C. funny             D. easy

(    )4. A. too             B. also             C. not               D. to

(    )5. A. teacher         B. game           C. subject           D. class

(    )6. A. like           B. think             C. take             D. bring

(    )7. A. Before         B. At               C. After             D. On

(    )8. A. first           B. last             C. third             D. next

(    )9. A. day           B. week           C. hour             D. night

(    )10. A. go to bed     B. get up           C. have breakfast       D. have dinner


My name is Jane. I am a girl, and I am eleven years old. My favorite subject is English, because its very interesting. And I like speaking English.

I have a nice English teacher. Her name is Mary Thompson. She loves us very much. She is very strict with us, but we all like her. She likes playing basketball after school. She likes reading books very much. And she often tells us some interesting stories. Eric Thompson is her husband (丈夫). He is my math teacher.

My favorite sports are swimming and dancing. I cant play chess, but I want to join the chess club (國际象棋俱乐部). My favorite animal is a cat. His name is Xiaohuang. He is white and yellow. He often stays under the chair, but now he is sleeping on the chair.

(    )1. What is Janes favorite subject?

A. Math.     B. English.     C. Chinese.     D. Art.

(    )2. Who is Janes English teacher?

A. Mr. Thompson. B. Xiaohuang. C. Mrs. Thompson.   D. Eric.

(    )3. Janes English teacher likes                .

A. playing football     B. dancing

C. playing basketball     D. swimming

(    )4. Whats Janes favorite animal?

A. A dog.     B. A cat.     C. A bird.     D. A monkey.

(    )5. Which of the following is NOT TRUE?

A. Jane likes her English teacher because she loves them.

B. Jane likes her English teacher though (盡管) she is very strict with them.

C. Jane likes her English teacher because she often tells them some interesting stories.

D. Jane likes her English teacher because she likes playing football.


Mr. White w   1    in an office. He likes r   2    in bed when he is at school. It is b   3     for his eyes and now he is nearsighted (近视的). But he doesnt want anybody else to know about it and he never wears g   4   . So it often b   5    him trouble (麻烦).

One winter morning, he goes to a village school on business. He gets off a bus at a stop in a small town. Then he has to w   6    there. The road to the village isnt smooth (平坦的). He falls over (摔倒) sometimes and it m   7    his clothes dirty. At last he gets to the village. Suddenly the wind starts to blow and it gets colder. He is looking for the school while his hat is blown off (被吹掉). He begins to run after it but he cant get it. He c   8    understand why his hat runs into a house as if (似乎) it has legs. Then he runs into the h   9   , too. A woman stops him and shouts angrily, “W   10    are you running after my cat for?”

1. w________     2. r________     3. b________     4. g________     5. b________

6. w________     7. m________     8. c________     9. h________   10. W________

Moomba Festival