Has this ever happened to you? You hear your name and you suddenly go back to reality1. The teacher is looking at you. She must have been the one who called your name. You want to know what she wants.
Then you see whats going on. Youre in class. She is expecting2 an answer from you. You have no idea what she just asked you. Why? You were daydreaming, of course!
All of us daydream from time to time. Unlike a dream you have while youre sleeping, a daydream comes up when youre not. Like a common dream, your mind3 might take you to a place far, far away from where you are.
During a daydream, your mind is in other places. Youre physically4 in school or at home or wherever you are. But your mind is far away from whatever is going on right before you. Reality becomes not clear, while a fantasy5 is taking place in your mind at the time.
Daydreams often revolve around6 pleasant or happy thoughts. You might daydream about your hopes and dreams. For example, you might daydream about doing well in your next exams. Or maybe your daydream will be about that special someone asking you to go to the next school dance.
Sometimes daydreams are frowned upon7. Like that earlier scenario8 in which you were daydreaming in class and had no idea what the teacher asked you. That was not good. During school is not the time to daydream!
Bosses9 also often frown upon daydreaming. When theres work to be done, your boss wants you to work, not daydream. Of course, some jobs need daydreams. For example, daydreaming can be helpful to a writer or a scientist. Its also helpful for someone who creates new Wonders of the Day!
Daydreaming can also help you get into a better state of mind. Focusing10 on your dreams can help motivate11 you. Daydreams can also give you inspiration12 to do things that you might be afraid to try!