
2019-01-14 10:37廖宜涛廖庆喜高丽萍
农业工程学报 2018年24期

廖宜涛,廖庆喜,王 磊,郑 娟,高丽萍


廖宜涛1,2,廖庆喜1,2,王 磊1,郑 娟1,高丽萍1

(1. 华中农业大学工学院,武汉 430070; 2. 农业部长江中下游农业装备重点实验室,武汉 430070)

针对油菜、青菜等类球形小粒径种子粒径小、质量轻,通过排种合格指数、漏播指数等指标研究吸种环节影响机制易受后续卸种、导种等串联环节影响的问题,以正负气压组合式小粒径种子精量排种器为研究对象,通过吸种运移状态图像拍摄试验,确定型孔漏吸、单粒吸种及重吸发生概率,开展吸种环节研究。吸种状态分析发现小粒径种子质量轻,−200 Pa时即可被吸附,在负压绝对值较大时会出现4~6粒重吸;型孔单粒吸种发生概率与种子千粒质量、排种盘转速、型孔直径、工作负压等因素相关性极显著(<0.01);排种器存在稳定吸种临界负压,当工作负压在临界负压1~2倍范围内,型孔单粒吸种概率高于0.92,漏吸与重吸发生概率均低于0.04;结合吸种过程受力分析可知排种盘转速变化造成单粒吸种概率变化的主要机制是影响型孔与种子吸附作用时间,进而影响单粒吸种可靠性;当转速增加,实现稳定吸种的临界负压绝对值增大,吸种负压计算的可靠性系数应增大;以漏吸概率0.02及单粒吸种概率0.92的工作负压为参考值,建立了可靠性系数与排种盘工作转速及型孔直径相关的数学模型,利用该模型计算排种器吸种可靠性系数,进而确定吸种负压临界值,可使排种器漏吸发生概率小于0.04,单粒吸种概率大于0.92,排种器稳定工作。研究明确了正负气压组合式小粒径种子精量排种器吸种环节影响机制和用于计算吸种临界负压的可靠性系数模型,为气吸式排种器设计与性能提升提供了参考。


0 引 言

气吸式精量排种器通过负压气流将种子吸附在排种盘型孔上,运移至卸种区后隔断负压使种子在重力作用下卸种,使种子群转变为单粒等间隔种子流,具有品种适应性强、伤种率低、易实现单粒排种等特点,得到广泛研究与应用[1-4]。油菜、青菜、大白菜等作物种子直径在3 mm以下,粒径小、质量轻,气吸式排种采用的吸种型孔直径小,靠自身质量难以及时卸种,采用强制卸种装置易损伤种子、堵塞型孔,在气吸式排种器卸种区设计与吸种负压气室隔离的正压气室,利用正压气吹适时卸种,有效克服了该难题[5-8]。




1 材料与方法

1.1 种子筛分与测量


1.2 吸种试验



1.充种区 2.种箱 3.气室壳体 4.负压出气口 5.排种盘 6.吸种状态观测区 7.被吸附种子 8.充种卸种分隔板 9.传动链条 10.负压气室区域 11.正压气室区域 12.正压进气口 13.卸种口

采用全交互试验,试验因素包括分组种子、排种盘型孔直径、排种盘工作转速及排种器工作负压。其中筛分获得的5组种子,千粒质量分别为5.40、4.67、3.81、2.99和2.65 g;4组排种盘,型孔直径0.9~1.2 mm,试验水平间隔0.1 mm;排种盘转速10~30 r/min,试验水平间隔2 r/min;负压−200~−3 000 Pa,试验水平间隔200 Pa。试验时卸种正压设置为200 Pa。

试验用数码相机为Canon EOS 7D,拍摄参数为:光圈值f/10,曝光时间1/320 s,ISO-400,0曝光补偿,无闪光模式,焦距100 mm,图像分辨率为1 800万像素(5 184×3 456 pixel)。每次图像拍摄后及时观察型孔堵塞情况,如发生堵塞,记录堵塞情况、清理型孔,再重复拍摄。为减少误差影响,每个因素组合重复拍摄10次,获得10幅吸种运移状态图像,统计型孔吸附情况概率用于分析。




2 结果与分析

2.1 种子物理特性分析



对比第1~2组种子的长、宽、高三轴尺寸概率分布可知:“华油杂62”种子的长度分布为1.62~2.42 mm,宽度分布为1.50~2.23 mm,高度分布为1.45~2.09 mm;中双11种子长度分布为1.75~2.16 mm,宽度分布为1.71~2.14 mm,高度分布为1.63~2.14 mm。两种类球形种子虽处在同一筛分规格内,但因为“中双11”种子球形度更高,筛分后的种子尺寸分布更加集中,更接近于标准正态分布;“华油杂62”种子球形度低,筛分后的种子尺寸分布跨度更大;第3~5组种子尺寸分布也符合该规律。

表1 分组种子物理特性统计


Note: Length is the mean of the maximum values of the measured 100 seeds on the orientation of orthogonal three axis; width is the mean of the mediate values of the measured 100 seeds on the orientation of orthogonal three axis; Height is the mean of the minimum values of the measured 100 seeds on the orientation of orthogonal three axis.


2.2 型孔吸种情况分析


1.漏吸 2.单粒吸种 3.多粒重吸

因种子质量轻,在−200 Pa时即能观察到种子被吸附在型孔上,在−800 Pa时观察到有重吸现象。吸种过程是型孔与充种仓种子群的随机作用过程,因此在−2 800 Pa也能观察到型孔漏吸现象,而观测区的型孔可能会出现漏吸、单粒吸种、多粒重吸同时存在的现象。与文献[20]所述大粒径种子气吸式排种情况不同,类球形小粒径种子因所需吸附负压值较低,在工作负压值较高情况下会出现型孔吸附4~6粒种子的现象。在排种试验台上测试排种性能,吸种阶段型孔漏吸会导致排种器漏播指数相应增加,2粒重吸会导致重播指数相应增加,而型孔3粒以上重吸会导致排种器重播指数急剧增加。因此为避免后续串联过程中卸种与导种环节的影响,需要针对吸种运移环节分析排排种盘工作转速、型孔直径、气室负压等因素对排种性能的影响机制。

试验中未发现种子破损情况,但在第4组种子采用1.2 mm型孔直径排种盘时现了型孔堵塞情况。堵塞主要原因是型孔吸附到粒径偏小的种子,部分嵌入型孔中不能吹落,转过卸种区后在充种卸种分隔板的挤压下将型孔完全堵塞。因此在使用气吸式排种器播种小粒径种子时,必须对种子进行筛分处理,去除粒径较小的籽粒,为降低型孔堵塞风险,建议使用的排种盘型孔直径与播种种子最小粒径之比小于0.9。

2.3 吸种效果影响因素分析


表2 吸种效果影响多因素方差分析


Note:1is thousand seeds weight, g;2is hole diameter of seeding disc, mm;3is rotate speed of seeding plate, r·min-1;4is negative pressure of air chamber, Pa. **<0.01, extreme significant.

多重比较得单因素多个水平之间的排种器吸种状态概率平均值差异如图3所示。单粒吸种的发生概率与种子千粒质量大小呈线性递减关系,与排种盘型孔大小呈非线性递增关系,与排种盘转速大小呈线性递减关系;漏吸发生概率与种子千粒质量大小呈线性递增关系,与排种盘型孔大小呈非线性递减关系,与排种盘转速大小呈线性递增关系。从整体趋势看,千粒质量大时多粒重吸发生概率小,排种盘型孔小时多粒重吸发生概率小,排种盘转速高时重吸概率小;但千粒质量、排种盘型孔、转速等因素与重吸发生概率均值为非单调函数关系,表明重吸发生概率存在随机性波动。由多个负压水平之间的吸种效果发生概率均值差异可知当负压值在−200~−1 400 Pa范围内,随着负压绝对值增加,单粒吸种概率单调递增,漏吸概率单调递减;在−1 600~−3 000 Pa范围内,随着负压绝对值增加,漏吸发生概率均值差异不明显;在−1 600~−2 800 Pa范围内,随着负压绝对值增加,单粒吸种与重吸发生概率均值差异不明显;达到−3 000 Pa时单粒吸种概率下降,重吸发生概率增大。

图3 影响排种器吸种状态概率的各因素多重比较结果

排种盘型孔单粒吸种,漏吸及多粒重吸发生概率随工作负压(4−200~−3 000 Pa)和转速(310~30 r/min)变化而变化的等高线图如图4所示(第1组种子,千粒质量1=5.40 g;排种盘型孔直径2=0.9 mm)。由图4可知类球形小粒径种子气吸式排种存在稳定吸种临界气压0;且排种器工作转速越大,实现稳定吸种的临界气压0绝对值越大。当工作负压|4|<|0|,由排种器单粒吸种及漏吸的发生概率受排种盘工作转速的影响明显,重吸发生概率小于0.02,属于小概率偶然事件;当|4|≥|0|时,单粒吸种概率稳定在0.92以上,漏吸概率稳定在0.04以下,重吸发生概率在0.04以下,吸种状态发生概率受转速影响不明显,重吸与漏吸具有一定随机性;而|4|继续增加,重吸发生概率有增加趋势。

图4中,排种器转速10 r/min时,图4a显示单粒吸种概率大于0.92、图4b与4c显示漏吸重吸概率小于0.04,对应0约为−1 200 Pa;14 r/min时,对应0约为−1 400 Pa;30 r/min时,对应0约为−2 400 Pa。以排种器工作负压为4=−1 400 Pa为例,当排种器转速10 r/min时,|4|>|0|,此时图4a中单粒吸种概率大于0.92,图4b中漏吸概率小于0.04,图4c中多粒重吸概率小于0.04;当排种器转速14 r/min时,|4|=|0|,此时图4a中单粒吸种概率等于0.92,图4b中漏吸概率等于0.04,图4c中多粒重吸概率小于0.04;当排种器转速30 r/min时,|4|<|0|,此时图4a中单粒吸种概率小于0.90,图4b中漏吸概率大于0.10,图4c中多粒重吸出现概率小于0.02。当排种器转速14 r/min时,排种器工作负压4达到−2 800 Pa,|4|≈2|0|,此时图4c显示排种器重吸发生概率增大到0.08;结合型孔吸种情况方差分析多重比较结果可知排种器合理的工作负压范围为|0|≤|4|≤2|0|。

注:试验对象是第1组种子,千粒质量x1=5.40 g;排种盘型孔直径x2=0.9 mm。

2.4 稳定吸种临界负压分析




在理想条件下,即=0、1=1、2=1时,试验用种子吸种负压在−20~−160 Pa,因此试验观察到负压−200 Pa时有种子被吸附,但因种子间摩擦阻力影响,且吸种可靠性和工作稳定可靠性较低,漏吸现象发生概率大。油菜、青菜等类球形小粒径种子自然休止角=26.7[31],种子流动性好,充种区种子量较少,摩擦阻力综合系数=6tan;试验中外界振动及冲击影响较小,取2=1.6;排种器的排种盘吸种处转动半径=0.057 5 m。

排种盘转速去试验最高转速30 r/min时,式(2)中种子运动离心力系数2/=0.058,远小于种子重力和种子之间内摩擦阻力影响系数(1+),说明类球形小粒径种子采用的排种盘直径小,转速变化引起的离心力变化较小,对所需负压吸附力变化影响较小。而排种器在临界负压以下,漏吸概率和单粒吸种概率均受排种盘转速影响明显,表明吸种负压低于临界负压时,排种器转速影响型孔与充种区种子的接触时间,进而影响吸种可靠性。转速越高,型孔与种子吸附作用的时间越短,相同吸种负压条件下型孔吸附种子的可靠性就越差,种子被型孔吸附的概率越低,漏吸概率越大;转速越高,实现稳定吸种的临界负压绝对值就越大。因此吸种可靠性系数1与排种器工作转速密切相关。
































图5 临界负压计算值与参考值比较

排种器工作在临界负压计算值cal条件下单粒吸种、漏吸概率如图6所示(第1、2组种子,千粒质量1=5.40、4.67 g;排种盘型孔直径2=0.9、1.0、1.1、1.2 mm)。由图6可知,排种所需的单粒稳定吸种临界负压cal绝对值随种子千粒质量1增大而增大,随型孔直径2增大而减小,随工作转速增大3而增大。型孔直径0.9 mm时,方案I确定的cal绝对值高于方案II;型孔直径1.0 mm,方案I与方案II的cal绝对值接近;型孔直径1.1、1.2 mm时,方案I确定的cal绝对值低于方案II。结合单粒吸种概率和漏播概率等高线分布可知,方案I确定型孔直径0.9 mm的cal绝对值偏大,型孔直径1.1、1.2 mm的cal绝对值偏小;型孔直径1.2 mm时,排种器工作在cal条件下单粒吸种概率小于0.90、漏吸概率大于0.04,工作负压偏低,处于非稳定吸种状态。方案II考虑型孔影响,排种器工作在cal条件下,排种器的漏吸发生概率小于0.04,单粒吸种概率大于0.92,处于稳定工作状态。由计算结果对比可知,方案II优于方案I,即排种器吸种可靠系数1与排种器工作转速及型孔大小相关。

3 结论与讨论





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Investigation on vacuum singulating effect influencing factors of pneumatic precision seed metering device for small particle size of seeds

Liao Yitao1,2, Liao Qingxi1,2, Wang Lei1, Zheng Juan1, Gao Liping1

(1.430070,; 2.430070,)

Accurately separating a single seed from the seed population by vacuum suction precision is the core advantage for a precision pneumatic seed metering device. For spherical small particle size seeds such as rapeseed, vegetable seed, investigating on the influence mechanism of vacuum singulation process of pneumatic seed metering device through the qualified index and missing index is susceptible to subsequent seed discharging and seed guiding processes. The purpose of this research was to explore the vacuum singulation process of a precision pneumatic seed metering device which was innovated specifically for spherical small particle size seeds by employing negative vacuum and positive pressure to singulate and discharge the seed respectively. With different parameter combinations of grouped seeds, hole diameter, seeding disc rotate speed and negative pressure, the photos of seed suction and migration state on seed metering device were photographed. It were statistics and analysis that the probabilities of the holes no seed holding, single seed holding and multiple seeds holding in the seeding disc. 5 sets of seeds with different thousand seeds weight were obtained by seed screening pretreatment. The analysis of seed physical properties showed that there were large relative differences although these small-sized seeds had small particle size and light weight. The experiment revealed that small particle size seeds could be held by the hole at -200 Pa because they were light in weight, 4-6 multi-seeds holding would occur when the absolute value of negative pressure was too large. The analysis showed that the probability of single-seed holding was a highly significant correlation with factors such as thousand seeds weight, the hole diameter of seeding disc, the rotate speed of the seeding disc and negative pressure. There was an applicable negative pressure range as 1-2 times of the critical negative pressure to ensure the seed metering device to separate a single seed accurately, by which the single seed holding probability of the device was higher than 0.92, and the probabilities of no seed holding and multiple seeds holding were less than 0.04. Force analysis of the suction process showed that the critical negative pressure was related to mechanical and physical properties of seeds, hole diameter, rotate speed of seeding disc and suction reliability. The main mechanism of the variation of seeding disk rotate speed affecting the seed holding was that the fast rotation speed reduced the effective time of the hole and the seed, thereby degraded the single seed holding reliability. When the rotate speed was faster, the absolute value of the critical negative pressure to accurately separate a single seed should increase. Therefore, the reliability coefficient to calculate the negative pressure should be increased. In order to quantify the reliability coefficient of seed holding by vacuum, a nonlinear fitting calculation method was applied. The 1st, 3rd, and 5th set seeds were divided into the correction set for the fitting calculation and the 2nd and 4th set seeds were divided into the verification set. The working negative pressure with no seed holding probability 0.02 and single seed holding probability 0.92 were selected as the reference value. A mathematical model of the reliability coefficient was established with rotate speed of seeding disc and hole diameter as dependent variables. The determination coefficient of the calibration set and the verification set of the mode were both greater than 0.82, which proved the reliability coefficient could be determined by using this model. Then the critical value of negative pressure could be worked out, by which the no seed holding probability kept less than 0.04, the single seed holding probability kept more than 0.92 and the seed metering device worked at optimal status. The research clarifies the influence mechanism of positive and negative pressure combined precision metering device for small particle seed accurately separating process and provides a reference for design and performance improvement of pneumatic seed metering device.

agricultural machinery; crops; optimization; seed metering device; negative pressure of seed holding; seed holding reliability; small particle size seed

廖宜涛,廖庆喜,王 磊,郑 娟,高丽萍. 气力式小粒径种子精量排种器吸种效果影响因素研究[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(24):10-17.doi: 10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.002 http://www.tcsae.org

Liao Yitao, Liao Qingxi, Wang Lei, Zheng Juan, Gao Liping. Investigation on vacuum singulating effect influencing factors of pneumatic precision seed metering device for small particle size of seeds[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(24): 10-17. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.24.002 http://www.tcsae.org









20220503 双粒花生精量穴播排种器设计与试验