(扬州大禹风景竹园,江苏 扬州225200)
The difference from the original variation is that the base ormiddle and lower parts of the bamboo stem are irregularly shortened,swollen or askew.Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.Touch type specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun 190501,from Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
罗汉紫竹Phyllostachys nigra(Lodd.ex Lindl.)f.heterocystis Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
Different from the original variation,the longitudinal yellow or green stripes alternate between the lower and middle nodes of the bamboo rod,while the green stripes alternate between the upper and middle nodes of the bamboo rod.
Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.Grope specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun 190502,from Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
大禹早竹Phyllostachys violascens(Carr.)A.et C.Riv.f.dayunensis Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
Different from the original variant,the groove on the branch side of the rod is yellow.
Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.Grope specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun 190503,from yangzhou dayu landscape bamboo garde。The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
扬州红竹Phyllostachys iridescens C.Y.Yao et S.Y.Chen f.yangzhounensis Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
Different from the original variant,there are longitudinal yellow stripes between the nodes of the rod.
Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The groping specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun,Zhang Wenyan 190504,was taken from Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
黄条花哺鸡竹Phyllostachys glabrata S.Y.Chen et C.Y.Yao f.aureo-lineata Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
The groove on the branch side of the rod is yellow.
Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.Groping specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun 190505,from Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
黄槽甜笋竹Phyllostachys elegans McClure f.luteosulcata Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
Different from the original variation,the internode color was yellow and green or vertical yellow and green stripes.The new leafwas gray and white with green stripes,and then gradually changed to green and white or light green.
Produced in Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.Grope specimen Yu Zaiding,Ma Naixun 190506,from Yangzhou Dayu Scenic Bamboo Garden.The main specimen is kept in bamboo specimen room of subtropical forestry research institute,caf.
花秆白叶灰竹Phyllostachys nuda McClure f.miscella Z.D.Yu et Y.C.Yu
The collation of this paper and the on-site identification of new variants have been guided and assisted by two research fellows,Zhang Wenyan and Ma Naixun,from the Research Institute of Subtropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry.Many thanks to them.