
2019-01-06 08:21曾丽娜
学习周报·教与学 2019年2期


摘  要:本文主要論述了英语词汇在第二语言学习中的重要性和一些能提高学生英语词汇能力的教学途径。英国语言学家George W.W ilkins在《语言教学中的语言学》一书中指出:“没有语法,表达甚微;没有词汇,表达为零。”这句话说出了任何一个英语学习者都知道的常理:没有合适的词汇,要实现正常的语言交际那是不可能的。因为,一个人掌握词汇的深度与广度,直接影响他的语言表达能力。由此可见,词汇在整个语言学习领域中所占的重要地位。那么,作为一名高中教师,想要较好英语这一学科,就应不遗余力地努力提高学生的英语词汇能力,下文将浅谈实现这一目的的一些有效途径。

关键词:词汇  主体求知欲  英英字典  猜词  词汇训练

1. 刺激学生对英语词汇的主体求知欲。

曾经在教学法的书中读到过这样的一个句子“A word is most likely to be learned when the learner feels a personal need to know it.”有的时候,学习者能自己感觉到很有必要去学习某些词的意思因为这些词对理解某个有趣的或者重要的内容起到关键性的作用。也有时候,是因为学习者自身很想为了某个目的要表达自己,这时,他也强烈的感觉到学习词汇的重要性。比如说,某个人读了一个星像图,内容如下:“ People who were born on July 3rd are generous and extravagant. They are usually very popular with members of the opposite sex. They are easy to love them. Although artistic and creative,they have certain faults. They are sometimes obstinate and often gullible.” 如果这个读者正是出生于7月3日,而他又不认识这几个词:extravagant,obstinate,和gullible,那么他是很有可能主动积极地去查字典并学会这几个词,而且一旦学习了这几个词的词义后,他也印象深刻,不易遗忘。在高中英语的课程中,教师要有意识的选择使用适当难度的材料提供给学生,当学生感受到这种认识新词的自我需要时,他们的主体求知欲会带来高效的词汇学习成果。

2. 培养学生使用英英字典的能力和习惯。


3. 培养学生高效的猜词能力

做为教师,如果能培养起学生“以旧猜新”的能力,那学生的词汇能力会更上一个台阶。比如,学生已经知道enjoy的词义,他们就很有可能推测出enjoyment,enjoyalbe,enjoyably等词的含义。条件是学生们知道-ment,-able,-ly等词缀的语法功能。事实上,认识语法功能的词缀有两个重要的作用。其一,学生们对英语文本的理解程度会得到很大的提升,因为他们可以通过“生词”中已经“熟悉”的那部分推测出全词的意义,从而消灭了这个“生词”。其二,学生们自己生成的英语句子需要这样的词缀来确定词性。否则,他们很可能会生成这样的错句:“That was a very enjoy party.” 通过词缀的帮助只是培养学生猜词能力的方法之一,教师们还可以通过语境,语篇结构等其他途径的训练,来实现目的。

4. 组织学生进行有效的,真实的词汇使用训练


  • paraphrases and summaries

Students are asked to express—in simpler and briefer form—the main dieas of an article or an essay,orally or in writing.(To do so,students must learn words from the original article and slao obain other words for expressing the dieas in sentences of their own.)

  • Group Compositions

The class is organized into small groups. All groups are assigned the same topic(some topic that makes use of the students own experrience,like “bicycle safety” or “how to study for an examination”). Working together,the members of each group compose a paragraph or two on the assigned topic one member writes the composition as the others dictate it. Two or three of the compositions are then copied on the blackboard. They are chosen by the teacher,who was walked around observing the wrok and given help as requested.

  • A wall newspaper

Members of the class contibute articles and other items to a “newspaper” which is taped to the classroom wall. The newspaper should have a name(such as “Classroom Times”)and an editor and several reporters. It should be “published” at frequent and regular intervals. In addition to news,various sections of the paper might include sports items,pictures,cartoons,social notes,advertisements,editorials,recipes,advice on teenage problems,letters to the editor,and other features commonly found in newspapers intended for speakers of English.

  • Situational and functional dialogs

Whether or not there are opportunities for using English with native speakers of the language,the class can be engaged in imagined or simulatd experiences that require the use of English. Students should be asked to write and then to present totheri classmates various kinds of dialogs. The chief aims of the activity are to encourage students to discover how much they can say in English,and to show students what remains to be learned. When students have confidence in their ility to use English,they find ways to continue learning beyond the certain textbook.



[1] Jim Scrivener:Learning Teachng:A Guidebook for English Language Teachers. Macmillan Heinemann,1994

[2] David Nunan:Research Methods in Language Learning. Cambridge University Press,1992
