
2019-01-04 01:07:05EditorialBoardTheChineseJournalofBurnsWounds&SurfaceUlcers
中国烧伤创疡杂志 2019年4期

《中国烧伤创疡杂志》于1989年创刊,是由中华人民共和国国家卫生健康委员会主管,中国医师协会主办的国家级医学学术期刊。本刊内容新颖,结构规范,涉及面广,实用性强;普及与提高兼顾,基础与临床并重,可供从事烧伤、创伤、溃疡、整形、美容等相关学科的各级临床、教学和科研人员及医学院校学生阅读参考。本刊为双月刊,CN 11-2650/R,ISSN 1001-0726,邮发代号82-600。

1 内容与栏目




2 对来稿的要求

2.1 文稿

应具有科学性、创新性、逻辑性、实用性,论点明确,资料真实,数据可靠,文字精炼,层次分明,格式规范,必要时应做统计学处理。研究报告、论著、综述等文稿一般不超过5000字 (不包括图表和参考文献),其他文稿限3000字以内。

2.2 文题


2.3 作者


2.4 摘要

论文需附中、英文摘要,采用结构式摘要,必须包括目的 (objective)、方法(methods)、结果 (results) (应给出主要数据)、结论 (conclusion)四部分,各部分冠以相应的标题。采用第三人称撰写,不用“本文” “作者”等主语。中文摘要一般为200~300字,英文摘要为400个实词左右。英文摘要中应包括文题、作者姓名 (汉语拼音)、单位名称、所在城市名、国名及邮政编码。作者应全部列出,作者姓氏汉语拼音首字母应大写,名字首字母大写,复姓应连写,例如:王芳、张现娜、诸葛华分别译为Wang Fang,Zhang Xianna,Zhuge Hua。

2.5 关键词

论文需标引5~8个关键词。请尽量使用美国国立医学图书馆编辑的最新版 《Index Medicus》医学主题词表 (MeSH)内所列的词。关键词中的缩写词应按MeSH词表还原为全称,如 “HBsAg”应标引为 “乙型肝炎表面抗原”。关键词各词汇之间以分号 “;”间隔,如应激性溃疡;治疗,英文为:Stress ulcer;Treatment。英文关键词前冠以 “ 【Key words】”作为标识,各关键词首字母大写。

2.6 医学名词

以科学出版社出版的 《医学名词》和相关学科的名词为准。中文药物名称应使用最新版的 《中华人民共和国药典》(法定药物)或卫生部药典委员会编辑的 《药品词汇》(非法定药物)中所列出的中文名称,英文药物名称则采用国际非专利药名,不用商品名。

2.7 图表

图表应随文编排,按其在正文中出现的先后顺序连续编码。每幅图 (表)应冠有中英文图 (表)题,表题应置于其上,图题应置于其下,说明性资料应置于图 (表)下方注释中,图 (表)中使用的所有非公知公用的缩写应在注释中说明。本刊采用三横线表(顶线、表头线、底线),如遇有合计或统计学处理行 (如t值、P值等),则应在该行上面加一条分界线;表内数据要求同一指标有效位数一致,一般按标准差的1/3确定有效位数。凡是涉及分子生物学的论文,必须提供有分子量标示的电泳照片图。照片图要求有良好的清晰度和对比度,若刊用人像,应征得本人书面同意,或遮盖其能被辨认出系何人的部分。大体标本照片在图内应有尺度标记。病理照片要求注明染色方法和放大倍数。图 (表)中如有引自他刊者,应注明出处,并取得版权许可。

2.8 计量单位

执行GB 3100/3101/3102-1993《国际单位制及其应用/有关量、单位和符号的一般原则/(所有部分)量和单位》的有关规定,具体可参照中华医学会杂志社编写的 《法定计量单位在医学上的应用》 (北京:人民军医出版社,2001)。单位名称与单位符号不可混合使用;组合单位符号中表示相除的斜线多于1条时应采用负数幂形式表示 (如“mg·kg-1·d-1” 不能表示为 “mg/kg/d”或 “mg/kg·d-1”)。

2.9 数字

执行GB/T 15835-2011《出版物上数字用法》的有关规定。公历世纪、年代、年、月、日、时刻和计数、计量均用阿拉伯数字。表示百分数的范围和偏差时,前一个数字的百分符号不能省略,如:5%~95%不能写成5~95%,50.2% ±0.6%不能写成50.2±0.6%。百分符号和英文字母均需采用Times New Roman字体。附带尺寸单位的数值相乘,按下列方式书写:4 cm×3 cm×5 cm,不能写成4×3×5 cm3。

2.10 统计学符号

根据GB 3358.1-2009《统计学词汇及符号》的有关规定,统计学符号一律采用斜体书写,书写时需特别注意这些字母是英文还是希文、是大写还是小写、字母顶端的标记及上下角标,常用如下:(1)样本的算术平均数用英文小写x,中位数用英文大写M; (2)标准差用英文小写s; (3) 标准误用英文小写sx;(4)t检验用英文小写t; (5)F检验用英文大写F;(6) 卡方检验用希文小写χ2; (7) 相关系数用英文小写r; (8)自由度用希文小写ν;(9)概率用英文大写P(P值前应给出具体检验值,如t值、χ2值、q值等); (10) 在判断统计学处理的意义时,应给出具体的P值,如:P=0.01,P=0.05,P<0.01,P<0.05,等。

2.11 缩略语

文中尽量少用,必须使用时应于首次出现处先使用中文全称,然后在括号中注明中文缩略语或英文全称及其缩略语,后两者间用 “,”分开 (如该缩略语已公知,也可不注明其英文全称)。缩略语不得移行。

2.12 参考文献

按GB/T 7714-2015《信息与文献 参考文献著录规则》采用顺序编码制著录,依其在文中出现的先后顺序用阿拉伯数字加方括号标出。参考文献中的作者,1~3名全部列出,3名以上者加 “等”。外文期刊名称用缩写,以 《Index Mdeicus》中的格式为准;中文期刊用全名。每条参考文献均需著录起止页码。参考文献必须由作者与其原文核对无误。将参考文献按引用先后顺序 (用阿拉伯数字标出)排列于文末,举例:

[1]徐荣祥.烧伤治疗大全 [M].北京:中国科学技术出版社,2008:123.

[2] Artz CP,Moncrief JA.The treatment of burn[M].Philadelphia:W.B.Saunders Company,1969:22-88.

[3]李杰辉,黄欣,唐乾利,等.MEBT/MEBO治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床疗效观察 [J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2016,28(1):22-25.

[4]Tang QL,Han SS,Feng J,et al.Moist exposed burn ointment promotes cutaneous excisional wound healing in rats involving VEGF and bFGF[J].Mol Med Rep,2014,9 (4): 1277.

[5]李磊.大面积危重烧伤早期血流动力学变化及临床意义的研究 [D].上海:第二军医大学,2014.

2.13 基金项目

论文所涉及的课题如取得国家或部、省级以上基金或属攻关项目,应以 [基金项目]脚注于作者下方,如×××基金项目(××××),并附基金证书复印件或单位科管部门的证明函。本刊对基金项目论文、科研成果报告、学术研究述评予以优先发表。

3 来稿注意事项

3.1 请登录本刊网站www.cjbwu.org投稿,初次投稿者,请先在 “作者登录”处注册,然后按照提示要求投稿。

3.2 来稿须注明每位作者姓名、工作单位、地址、电话 (手机)号码和电子邮箱。

3.3 根据 《著作权法》,并结合本刊规定,来稿3个月内为稿件审阅期,作者如欲改投他刊,请先与本刊联系,切勿一稿两投。请自留底稿,恕不退稿。

3.4 来稿一律文责自负。依照 《著作权法》有关规定,本刊可对来稿做文字修改、删节及标准化加工,凡有涉及原意的修改,则将请作者酌定。

3.5 来稿一经接受刊登,由作者亲笔签署“论文版权授权书”后,本刊编辑委员会有权以印刷版、光盘版、电子期刊等形式出版接受刊登的论文,未经本刊编辑委员会同意,该论文任何部分不得转载他处。

3.6 编辑部联系方式

地址:北京市朝阳区东大桥路8号尚都国际中心A-31层 《中国烧伤创疡杂志》编辑部 邮政编码:100020电话:010-58701592




The Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds&Surface Ulcers(The Journal for short)is a state-level,bimonthly medical academic magazine with its first issue in 1989,supervised by National Health Commission of the People'Republic of China and sponsored by the Chinese Medical Doctor Association.The Journal with its innovative and practical contributions involves a wide range of fields such as burns,traumas,ulcers,plastics,cosmetology and other relevant subjects,and is a valuable reference for clinical,teaching and research staff as well as medical students.CN 11-2650/R,ISSN 1001-0726,Issuing code 82-600.


Content scope: The contributions should be: exploring the laws of life science in the human body;reporting the theory and its research outcomes of Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science;popularizing new ideas and approaches in regenerative health preservation with regenerative medicine;exchanging the clinical experience of MEBT/MEBO (Moist Exposed Burn Therapy/Moist Exposed Burn Ointment); introducing the developmental trends in the medical fields of burns,wounds and surface ulcers at home and abroad;promoting academic exchange and discussion.

Column division:Human Body Regenerative Restoration Science and forum of burns wounds&surface ulcers;burn research and treatment; research and treatment of traumatic wounds; research and treatment of plastic and cosmetic surgery;research and treatment of surface ulcerative wounds;research and therapy of mucosal ulcerations of HEENT;research and treatment of disorders in GI system;research and management of Dermatologic disorders;research and management of anorectal disorders; research and management of gynecological diseases;the news of progress in life science,etc.

The contributions on fundamental research in theory,clinical research,clinical experience,case report,technique progress,meeting minutes,expert forum,feature reviews and etc.are welcomed,of which on the expert forum and feature reviews are mainly solicit manuscripts.

2.Uniform Requirements


Submissions should be scientific,innovative,logical and practical with clear arguments,authentic material,true and reliable data support,well-organized and uniform structure,and clear and concise language.Statistical management should be involved if necessary.Research reports,works and reviews intended to be published should be a maximum of 5000 words (tables,figures and reference excluded),and other contributions should be a maximum of 3000 words.


Should be clear and concise.A Chinese title should be limited to no more than 20 Chinese characters and an English title should be no more than 10 content words.


Author name(s) should be listed in a sequence below the title.Generally,one to five authors should be included.The working unit(s)of author(s) should be marked below the name line,in which the address detail including province,city,district and postal code should be given.If an E-mail is available,it could be included directly after the working unit(s) in round brackets,i.e.,working unit(E-mail: xx).All authors should have made substantial contributions to all of the following: (1) the conception and design of the study,or analysis and interpretation of data; (2) drafting or revising the critical theory or other important intellectual contents in the paper; (3) final approval of the version to be submitted.All other contributors who do not meet the criteria for authorship as defined above should be listed in an acknowledgements section.For each main conclusion,there is at least one responsible author.If there is a foreign author included in the authorship,a signed consent formfrom the foreign authorshould be submitted with the manuscript.


Chinese and English abstracts should be offered.The abstracts are required to be in a structured format including four sections:Objective,Methods,Results(presenting main data) and Conclusion.The writing,using third person is preferred and the subjective expressions such as“our paper or the author thinks” should be avoided.The abstracts should be limited to 200-300 Chinese characters and about 400 English content words.In the English abstract,paper title,author name(Pinyin),name of work place(s) and city of work place,nationality and postal code should be included.All authors should be listed.For the format when including author names,please follow the below format:the first letter of surname in capital letter,the first letter of the given name in capital and others be normal,for instance:Wang Fang,Zhang Xianna,Zhuge Hua.

2.5.Key words

5-8 Key words are required for each contribution.The words listed in MeSH of the latestIndex Medicusedited by American National Medical Library are preferred.The abbreviation should be avoided in key words,i.e.,HBsAg should be written as hepatitis B surface antigen.A semicolon should be used between each key word with its first letter being capitalized,i.e.,Stress ulcer;Treatment.

2.6.Medical terms

Please follow the guidelines ofMedical Termspublished by the Science Publishing Company or choose the related professional terms.The Chinese name of drugs should be based on the latest edition ofChinese Pharmacopoeia(for statutory drugs) or theMedical Glossary(for nonstatutory drugs)issued by The Pharmacopoeia Committee of Health Ministry of PRC.For the English name of drugs,the international non-patented pharmaceutical names should be referred rather than the commercial names.

2.7.Figures and Tables

Should be numbered in the order they appear in the paper.There should be a short title(both in Chinese and English) included in the front of each table and below each figure,and the explanative words should be put just below the table or the figure with the marking word“note:” at the beginning.Additionally,the non-conventionalized abbreviations appeared in the table or the figure should be noted.Table:tables in the submitted manuscript should be three horizontal-line tables(the top line,header line,the bottom line).If there is any statistical management needed (such ast-test,Pvalue,etc.),add a horizontal line above the top line.The data listed in the tables should be consistent in terms of significant digits which are generally determined based on 1/3 standard deviation.Figure:the manuscripts with molecular biology involved should be attached with electrophoresis photographs with the molecular weight labeled and with good sharpness and contrast.If pictures of the face are included in the manuscript,a written consent should be obtained,or the identity-related identifiable characteristic(s) should be covered.A specimen photograph should be marked with its size and pathological pictures should be specified with the staining method (s)and the magnification.Please note that it is the responsibility of the author(s) to obtain permission from the copyright holder to republish the figures or tables that have previously been published elsewhere.

2.8.Units of Measurement

Please comply with the GB3100/3101/3102-1993 of theSI Units and Recommendations for the Use of Their Multiples and of Certain Other Units,and for further reference,please refer to theApplication of China Statutory Measurement Units in the Medical Fieldedited by Journal of Chinese Medical Association (Beijing: People's Military Medical Press,2001).A measurement unit and its unit symbol can't be used indiscriminately.If there were more than one slash expressing division in the compound unit symbols,the expression form of negative power should be applied (for example,mg·kg-1·d-1,rather than mg/kg/d or mg/kg·d-1,is the recommended right form).


Please comply with theGeneral Rules for Writing Numerals in Public TextsGB/T 15835-2011.The date,time and counting numbers should be listed in Arabic numerals.The percentage scope should be writtenas 5%-95%or 50.2%±0.6%in Times New Roman typeface,and do not omit the first“%”.For the number with units of measurement to multiply,follow the form as 4 cm×3 cm×5 cm.Do not abbreviate as 4×3×5 cm3.

2.10.Statistical symbols

Please comply with the regulations inStatistical Terms and SymbolsGB 3358.1-2009.Following are the written standards for commonly-used symbols: (1) the arithmetic mean of sample asx(English typeface,lowercase) and median asM; (2) standard deviation ass(English typeface,lowercase); (3) standard error assx(English typeface,lowercase) ; (4)ttest ast(English typeface,lowercase,italic); (5)Ftest asF(English typeface,capital,italic); (6) chi-square test asχ2(Greek typeface,lowercase); (7) related coefficient asr(English typeface,lowercase,italic); (8) degree of freedom asν(Greek typeface,lowercase,italic); (9) probability asP(English typeface,capital,italic) ; (10) in the case of evaluating the statistical significance,concretePvalue should be provided,i.e.,P=0.001,P=0.005,P<0.01,P<0.05;and etc.


Should be avoided as much as possible.Otherwise,the full name of the abbreviation should be used when first appearing in the text and its corresponding Chinese abbreviation,English full name and its English abbreviation should be enclosed by a bracket(if the abbreviation is wellknown,its English full name can be avoided).One abbreviation should not be broken into two lines.


Please comply with theReference Written RegulationsGB/T7714-2015.References should be denoted numerically and in sequence in the text,using superscript Arabic numerals placed in square brackets.Quote first three authors'names.If there are more than three,then just quote first three names followed by “et al”.Foreign journal names should be abbreviated to standard format listed inIndex Medicus,while the names of Chinese journals should be in full format.Every piece of reference work should enclose the page number range.References should be verified by the authors according to the original papers,and cited in Arabic numerals at the end of the text in the order of its first appearance in the text.See the following examples:

[1]徐荣祥.烧伤治疗大全 [M].北京:中国科学技术出版社,2008:123.

[2]Artz CP,Moncrief JA.The treatment of burn[M].Philadelphia: W.B.Saunders Company,1969: 22-88.

[3]李杰辉,黄欣,唐乾利,等.MEBT/MEBO治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床疗效观察 [J].中国烧伤创疡杂志,2016,28(1):22-25.

[4]Tang QL,Han SS,Feng J,et al.Moist exposed burn ointment promotes cutaneous excisional wound healing in rats involving VEGF and bFGF[J].Mol Med Rep,2014,9 (4):1277.

[5]李磊.大面积危重烧伤早期血流动力学变化及临床意义的研究 [D].上海:第二军医大学,2014.

2.13.Role of the funding source

All sources of funding should be declared below the working unit line(s) of the author(s).The funding certificate copy or certificate of author(s)'working unit or department should be attached with the contributions.The contributions with funding source(s) can enjoy a publishing priority in the Journal.


3.1.Please login www.cjbwu.org to submit your manuscript.If you are a new contributor,please firstly register in the entry “for the author”and then follow the instruction to submit the manuscript.

3.2.The contact information,including name,affiliation,address,telephone number(mobile phone number) and email address,should be enclosed for each author.

3.3.According toCopyright Lawand the regulations issued by The Journal,the review period of one contribution is within 3 months from the date the contribution is received.During the period,the authors should contact The Journal in advance if they want to submit the same manuscript to any other journal.The submitted copy of manuscript will not be returned,so please keep a copy of the contribution before delivery.

3.4.The author(s) should bear the full responsibilities of the contributions.According toCopyright Law,The Journal has the right to revise,delete and modify the manuscripts.The author(s) will be informed to make a decision on any modification involving a change of the original meaning,

3.5.Upon acceptance of the contribution,author(s) will be asked to sign a “Paper Copyright Authorization Agreement”.Then,the Journal Editorial Board reserves the right of publishing the contribution in the forms of print,CD-ROM,electronic journal or others,and without the approval of the editorial board,any part of the contribution shall not be republished anywhere.


Editorial Department ofThe Chinese Journal of Burns Wounds&Surface Ulcers

Address:F31,Building A,The Spaces International Center,8

Dongdaqiao Rd,Chaoyang District,Beijing 100020,China.

Post code:100020

Tel: (86) 010-58701592



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