摘 要: 遥感影像边缘信息可以提高信息提取精度。但随着空间分辨率的提高,地物内部细节丰富,地物光谱异质性增强,导致边缘检测效果难以满足实际需求。针对现有传统方法对高空间遥感影像进行边缘检测易产生伪轮廓边缘的复杂问题,本文提出了一种简化脉冲耦合神经网络(Simplified Pulse Coupled Neural Network,SPCNN)结合Zernike矩的边缘检测方法。该方法首先采用L0方法对遥感影像进行平滑滤波处理;然后采用SPCNN对滤波后的数据进行阈值分割;最后采用Zernike矩对分割后的影像进行边缘检测并对结果进行精度评价。为验证提出方法,选取两景遥感影像作为实验数据。实验结果表明,提出的方法與传统Canny算子相比有效提高了遥感影像边缘检测精度。
关键词: 脉冲耦合神经网络;Zernike矩;遥感影像;边缘检测
中图分类号: P237 文献标识码: A DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1003-6970.2019.12.009
本文著录格式:夏文彬,柳丽仙,黄亮. 结合简化PCNN和Zernike矩的遥感影像边缘检测方法[J]. 软件,2019,40(12):3740
Edge Detection Method in Remote Sensing Image Combined
with Simplified PCNN and Zernike Moments
XIA Wen-bin1, LIU Li-xian1, HUANG Liang1,2*
(1. Faculty of Land Resource Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650093, China; 2. Surveying and
Mapping Geo-Informatics Technology Research Center on Plateau Mountains of Yunnan Higher Education, Kunming 650093, China)
【Abstract】: Remote sensing image edge information can improve information extraction accuracy. However, with the increase of spatial resolution, the internal details of the features are rich, and the spectral heterogeneity of the features is enhanced, which makes the edge detection effect difficult to meet the actual needs. Aiming at the complex problem that the existing traditional methods for edge detection of high spatial remote sensing images are prone to false contour edges, a simplified pulse coupled neural network (SPCNN) combined with Zernike moment edge detection method is proposed. Firstly, the L0 method is used to smooth the remote sensing image. Then the SPCNN is used to segment the filtered data. Finally, the Zernike moments is used to perform edge detection on the segmented image and evaluate the accuracy of the result. For the verification method, two remote sensing images were selected as experimental data. The experimental results show that the proposed method effectively improves the edge detection accuracy of remote sensing images compared with the traditional Canny operator.
【Key words】: Pulse coupled neural network; Zernike moments; Remote sensing image; Edge detection
0 引言
2.2 实验结果
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
圖3 第一组遥感影像边缘检测实验结果
Fig.3 The first set of remote sensing image edge
detection experimental results
2.3 结果分析
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
图4 第二组遥感影像边缘检测实验结果
Fig.4 The second set of remote sensing image
edge detection experimental results
表1 两组实验结果的recall指数
Tab.1 Recall index of two sets of experimental results
图像 算法 recall
数据一 本文算法 0.3414
Canny算子 0.2685
数据二 本文算法 0.3900
Canny算子 0.1125
3 结束语
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