All That Is Hot新闻一箩筐

2018-12-21 07:00:02
疯狂英语·初中天地 2018年10期

1 数码修复版《龙猫》有望在年底引进国内

Good news for anime[日本动漫]fans!Japan’s leading animation studio, Studio Ghibli, founded by the famous Oscarwinning animatorHayao Miyazaki[宫崎骏], willdigitally[数码地]restore[修复]a 1988 anime film, “My NeighborTotoro[豆豆龙、龙猫]” to mark the 30th anniversary of the film’spremiere[首映]. Young fans now will have the chance to see the film on the big screen. “My Neighbor Totoro” is one of the most celebrated anime works of Hayao Miyazaki. It has received widespread popularity both in Japan and overseas. The restoredmasterpiece[杰作]is expected to be introduced to China at the end of this year.


Fill in the blanks:

The famous anime film will be _______ restore.

2 Ma will quit chairmanship马云将卸任董事局主席

Jack Ma,founder[创立者]andchairman[主席]of Alibaba Group, will leave his position as the company’s chairman on Sept 10, 2019, according to an officialannouncement[声明]on Sept 10. CEO Daniel Zhang Yong willtake over[接管]as chairman. Ma will stay as an Alibababoard[董事会]member after Sept 10, 2019, until the company’s annual[年度的]general meeting ofstockholders[股东]in 2020. Besides acting as partner of Alibaba, Ma will focus on publicwelfare[福利事业]and educational business,he said in an open letter to the public on Sept 10, a meaningful day -Ma’s birthday, the founding day of Alibaba and also China’s Teacher’s Day. “Starting a business was onlyincidental[偶然的]. My biggest dream lies in the education,” he said.


Fill in the blanks:

Jack Ma’s biggest dream is to lie in the ___________.

3 中国学生海外游学人次将达100万

The number of foreign study tours by Chinese students is likely to hit 1 million this year,involving[包含]30 billion yuan inexpenditure[花费], China’s biggest online travelagency[代理], Ctrip, reports. The travel agency’s study tour business has grownimpressively[令人难忘地]in recent years. Those choosing tours abroad grew by 50% during the 2017 summer and the 2018 winter vacations year-on-year. The tours onaverage[平均]cost about 29,000 yuan each. Thoseopting[选择]fordomestic[国内的]study tours grew by 120%, with costs about 4,200 yuan. The UK, the US, Australia,Singapore, New Zealand, Canada, Japan, Thailand, Indonesia and France are among the most populardestinations[目的地]among Ctrip users. Study travelers are also getting younger. The average age of travelers who took their first study toursoverseas[海外]stood at 12.1 years old.


Fill in the blanks:

The oversea travel tours on average cost about_________ yuan each.

4 Hoarding a mental disorder爱囤积东西是精神疾病

Is yourwardrobe[衣橱]crammed[塞满]and you feelcompelled[被迫的]tohang onto[继续保留]just about everything you’d ever bought? Last month,hoarding[囤积]was recognized as apsychiatric[精神病的]disorder[混乱,失调]in its own right by the World Health Organization. “Hoardersfear[害怕]making the wrong decision about what to keep and what to throw out, so they keep everything,” says Dr Stuart Whomsley, an clinicalpsychologist[心理学家]. “It is a psychological condition and not a lifestyle choice,” he added. “It can beassociated[相关的]with othermental[精神的]health conditions, such asdepression[抑郁症]and socialanxiety[焦虑],post-traumatic[创伤后的]stress disorder, or OCD.” Hoarders also may have perfectionisttendencies[倾向,趋势], beprone[易于……的]toprocrastination[拖延]and have problems planning and organizing.


Fill in the blanks:

Hoarders are afraid of deciding what to _____ and what to ______________.

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