
2018-12-18 02:26:26金智JakubIlczyszyn波兰姜佳秀
国际人才交流 2018年12期

文/金智(Jakub Ilczyszyn,波兰) 译/姜佳秀







Summing up or even choosing the most significant impressions from over four years long life and work period in dynamically transforming China is definitely an ambitious task and as such must be approached with a great doze of modesty.

I dare to share my humble view here. It is going to be a view of an anthropologist and a view of a Polishman.

It was not until I found myself in China when I realized how modesty plays an integral part in my education, and even broader, in my whole background. If it happened to you to become one of this rare and odd individuals calledanthropologists, you must have heard about Bronislaw Malinowski and his method of conducting research, which was a revolutionary concept of participating in life of the people you try to learn about. This approach is full of understanding and modesty towards all the cultures of the world, which also defines a good anthropologist as somebody who can be described as a humble observer.

As I mentioned living in fascinating Chinese society and being a witness of its interactions with guests from other nations,I could experience a rare joy of coming from a relatively small and humble country, because most of Chinese citizens were glad to meet westerner being truly friendly and understanding towards their culture and history. As I experienced, many hearts and doors have opened in front of me, because of this very basic approach.

Why did these simple truths become so striking here in China? I can only see the answer in the traditionally harmonious, peaceful and modest Chinese mindset and the influence that it has on the whole region including interpersonal relations between people. Some of the things I love most about China is how open and unjudgmental it can be, how politely and warmheartedly it welcomes its visitors, and how modestly and diligently it can learn and work.

一个高鼻梁、蓝眼睛的外国人,他看起来完全搞不清楚方向,确确实实是迷路了。他问一个正站在四合院门口的男人:“Do you speak English?”(你会说英语吗?)这个中国男人露出自信的微笑:“Yes!”(会!)得到回答的波兰人喜出望外,看来自己是问对人了,波兰人拿出写着旅馆名字的名片继续问:“Do you know this place?”(你知道这个地方吗?)得到了一个更自信的回答:“Yes!”(知道!)“How can I get there?”(我怎么去这里呢?)这个波兰人问。但是这次的回答让波兰人困惑了,这个中国人说:“Yes!”(对!)几秒以后两个人哈哈大笑起来。





To give a little sample of these memorable moments when I felt totally charmed by traditional kindness of Chinese people I can recall both: splendid celebrations and little everyday gestures.From my very first day in China (which was the Mid Autumn Festival of 2013 in Bei Jing) I have experienced many examples of humble politeness. For a person who came from a foreign country they can be very surprising or even misleading. Such as this unusual conversation, which happened between one Polishman and a local from one of the Bei Jing Hu Tongs. Long-nosed,blue-eyed and completely lost foreigner asked a man standing in front of his Si He Yuan:Do you speak English?Chinese man’s face presented a wonderful smile and I could feel relieved after his confident response:Yes!So being sure I found the right person, I pointed the name of my hostel and asked again:Do you know this place?I heard another confidentYes. My last question was:How can I get there?This time the response left me puzzled. The man said:Yes. A few seconds after we were both laughing at our inability to communicate.

As I have learned later, this person, same as many other Chinese,put his sense of politeness and hospitality over his fear to speak English and was trying to help in this uneasy situation.

There were many other conversations when I could find a common language, first English and after some time also simple Chinese. Of course, it has opened a completely new and broad channel of communications, but there were many more surprises awaiting. Being interested in linguistics I quickly noticed how often the wordmaybeis used here. No matter if Chinese people speak English or Chinese you may find a great frequency of this kind of words and their original use. Think about this simple response at the bus stop:Maybe bus number 56 does not stop here. Does it mean that a speaker is not sure of his own words? There is no reliable information at the bus stop? ... It is very possible it is none of these. The speaker just feels very humble and does not want to give a negative answer, so you can hear this very special, powerfulmaybe.

To quote my bus stop friend, I could say that this kind situationsmaybeare difficult for foreigners, but at the same time you can clearly see lot of humility and politeness. A great will to be a proper host and a qualified guide. Simply saying all these very traditional virtues are still alive and commonly observed in daily life.

These distinctive features, as I believe, can be seen as one of the major reasons which made China so undoubtedly successful country. Luckily these virtues are not a subject of any exclusive rights and can be freely copied by other countries for their own prosperity, and what is more, for the peaceful and stable global environment.


Jakub Ilczyszyn, 中文名:金智,1984年生于波兰,毕业于格但斯克大学,人类学和行政管理双硕士学位。曾在波兰、乌克兰和中国任教。学术研究领域包括语言学、文化交流与沟通、饮食文化和教学方法论。自2013年开始,在中国工作和生活。目前任山东省潍坊学院外籍教师。喜欢旅行,领略中国的不同风景和别样韵味,把喝茶和下象棋作为日常消遣。


When I look at the intercultural exchange between Europe and China, I can clearly notice that in this very long history of mutual relations last decades belonged to China. It has been developing much faster than European countries shortening the distance in wealth and life standards. One of the reasons lies in a great ability to modestly learn from others which has been present in modern China. At the same time modern Europe has not been so much inspired by China as it used to be some centuries ago. This observation seems to be very significant in this period of weakening European identity and obvious need for revival in European societies.

From this point of view, the Reform and Opening is not only a great change for China, but also a wonderful opportunity for the rest of the world to learn from China. However this process requires a lot of respect and humbleness, especially among some of the powerful countries of the world. Obviously there are already many signs of this phenomenon in international relations,but I would rather bring some of my personal observations as an example.

Being a part of an academic subculture in China I also meet a lot of foreign teachers and exchange students. As people are different, their attitudes and personalities also differ a lot. After spending at least a few years in this social group you may find that some scholars or some students are getting more successful than others. Surprisingly sometimes these outstanding individuals were not that lucky in their home countries, at the same time some of these local stars are not that bright after coming to China. Why does it happen? Again, one of the reasons is modesty. The secret ingredient.

A lot of teachers after years of successful career gain a great deal of confidence that they have a right to educate others. Sometimes this conviction becomes slightly too strong, too offensive,and instead of teaching your subject you may end up asa great master of life. If you add subconscious believe that you came to the part of the world whichstill has to learn a lot, gradually you become incredibly arrogant, what is worse you do not even realize how devastating it can be for your relations with Chinese.

When it comes to foreign students, as I noticed, there is a very similar pattern. Chinese is one of the most difficult languages to learn for people from western countries, so it requires thousands of hours to learn it on the communicative level. Who can succeed? Only those who are fully dedicated, incredibly stubborn and humble, and even when you reached a considerable level you might be brutally brought down to reality by somebody who speaks one of the countless Chinese dialects or slang.







You feel confident with your relations and langue skills? There is a lot more waiting for you. It is just enough to take a walk in the streets to discover that traffic, which is busier and more unpredictable than anywhere else, keeps you alarmed and sort of humble. Does it sound odd? Do I exaggerate? Just think for a while, how a cyclist or a pedestrian can be proud in front of a truck while sharing the same road. So no matter which path you take in China, on every little step you will be reminded that modesty is the core of its values.

Although four years are nothing comparing to a long history of this place, it is enough to understand that contemporary China is transforming much faster than some of the European countries I know. How can I know this? A brief look is enough to be amazed how many new building sites are over here, how many new projects in the branch of new technology and sharing economy can be seen, and how many ambitious engineering achievements are spread all over the country; the high speed railway, glass bridges and new environmentally friendly power plants just to name some of them.

These most successful projects do not copy solutions already existing in other places, but rather transform foreign inspiration in very own and creative way to bring even better results in very specific Chinese environment. This hopefully guarantees that some of the traditional Chinese concepts, as the value of modesty among them, will not be replaced by purely foreign ideas.

That is why I happen to be amazed by some of my students blind fascination by western cultures. While there is nothing wrong with being curious or even very sympathetic towards foreign countries and their heritage, it may seem unreasonable to always put their achievements, influences and brands first.This is also where I see a great role for myself and other foreign scholars working in China to truly represent your country of origin rather than only advertise it. Honestly inform rather than always compare your own country with China. This kind of healthy and responsible paradigm of teaching results in better understanding between Chinese and foreigners and also helps students to foster their own culture. All this is possible under one crucial condition. It is the virtue of modesty ingrained in teacher’s moral standards.

Consequently, when I see Chinese college students wearing clothes with some ridiculous English slogan printed on them which they do not even understand or blindly following some sort of western fashion (for example by adding some unnecessary English words while speaking Chinese), I know there is still much more work to be done, so I try to show them that the world is a very diverse place and they certainly should not forget about their roots and traditions.








The first time I came to China I tried to grasp as much information about its culture as possible. I followed the beaten tacks of tourist attractions, museums and galleries, in order to experience and learn. Although they were full of impressive views and ancient artifacts, it was quite difficult for me to imagine too many connections between this ancient land of Dao, Gong Fu and handcraft and modern, booming, incredibly dynamic place I witness everyday. There were times when I felt that I was learning about two complete different places. Was I right?

One of the hints came when I was looking at one of many panoramic paintings that illustrate scenes of life showing old architecture, landscapes and lots of miniature characters of people wearing their own specific clothes styles and presenting their typical occupationsRiverside Scene at Qing Ming Festival. I was wondering why these kind of paintings were so popular among people of that time, how different are they from European portraits and landscapes, finally how I could find any beauty in this very special images?

Of course appreciation of paintings from ancient China is not easy these days, because of its highly contextual and symbolic character and I am far from saying that I can understand it very well. However that day it came to my mind that all this figures are very small, focused on their deeply social and cooperative occupations, in a word they all very noticeably have a modest look. That was one of the links leading to a modern Chinese society. Moderation, harmony, unity.

Finally I need to say that China helped me to learn these beautiful traits, understand them and value much more than western societies tend to do. This experience is not only limited to this sympathy, but also has a very pragmatic use. Traditional Chinese humility is a great way to increase chances of personal success and enrich relations in a society. I can only hope that this nearly forgotten virtue of moderation can also recreate in the western world and be one of the many export goods for China.

As a perfect bridge for international communication modesty should be most valued where there are people from many cultures. Simply because it can bring benefits for all of us. Words of old wisdom saythat pride hurts, modesty benefits(满招损,谦受益)and there is not much more we could add to this simple, moderate proverb. Actually, there is one thing we can add; we can follow it!

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