
2018-12-14 08:22
今日重庆 2018年10期

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At the Wuchuan Intersection of Nanbin Road(now it is called No. 63 of Zhoujiawan), there is a mixed structure building of brick, masonry and wood with a combination of Chinese and Western architecture. The building has three floors, faces south and is near the mountain and the river.

In the early autumn, the windows, walls and the grande Spanish-style arcades were covered by sinomenium acutum. The whole building was wrapped in green sinomenium acutum, like a lonely castle standing alone on the roadside.

If you get a closer look, you will notice that the“1915” carved on the head of the door is still clear,showing that the house has been in existence more than a hundred tears. This is the former site of Bruner& Mond Co. Ltd. as well as the distribution place of the company in Chongqing.

In 1891, the commercial port in Chongqing was established, which opens the ports to the world of the Southwest China. Since then, more than 50 foreign companies have successively set up branches in Chongqing. All of them witnessed the openness and development of Chongqing, and the daily life of residents in Chongqing were greatly changed, Bruner& Mond Co. Ltd. is a good example.

As the largest company producing alkali in Chongqing,Bruner & Mond Co. Ltd. monopolized the alkali market of China at the early 20th century. The materials such as white alkali, match and alum made by foreign companies even changed the lives of Chongqing people.


The Natives of Chongqing Used White Alkali to Wash Clothes







在20 世纪20至40年代,重庆人普遍都在用白洋碱,一直到50年代,肥皂才开始逐渐盛行,取代白洋碱。

Zhang Chuanyao was born and grew up in Shangputaoyuan Street of Xiahao, Nan’an, and here is adjacent to Bruner & Mond. The grandma of Zhang Chuanyao worked as a packer at Bruner & Mond when she was young. She told Zhang Chuanyao about her work experience at Bruner & Mond.

According to Zhang Chuanyao, what Bruner & Mond actually produced is a kind of white alkali. Because the factory was built by foreigners in Chongqing, it was called white alkali made by foreign companies. The white alkali is a mixture of caustic soda and other chemical products, mainly used to wash clothes.

“My grandma said that white alkali is not pure white but a little gray, recalled by Zhang Chuanyao. According to the shapes, the alkali produced by Bruner & Mond can be divided into two types, one is the cylinder-shaped with a bottom diameter of about 3 cm, the upper diameter of about 5 cm and the height of 5 cm, and they are like several pieces of cake; the other is the square-shaped with the length of 10~12 cm,the width of 6~7 cm wide and the thickness of 2~3 cm. ”

Prior to this, people used to wash the clothes with saponins or oil saponins. The oil saponin is a kind of maroon fruit with the size of the grape, after breaking its skin, the juice in it shall be used to wash clothes just like saponins. People also used to wash clothes with potash, and the alkali contained in the potash also has the effect of cleaning.

The cleaning effect of white alkali is better than saponin, especially for the cleaning of oil stain and sweat stain. Thus, the white alkali was becoming popular in Chongqing.

However, the white alkali has both the better cleaning effect and high corrosivity, which has the great damage to clothes. “At that time, people in Chongqing wore clothes made of blue green and blue fabrics, and the clothes were easily discolored when washing with white alkali.” Said Zhang Chuanyao. “White alkali is similar to soap, but the texture of white alkali is much harder than soap, and it needs to be resolved by using boiling water when washing clothes. ”

From 1920s to 1940s, people in Chongqing generally used white alkali. Until the 1950s, soap began to prevail and replaced white alkali.


Bristle Tooth-brush of “Xinmin Brand”, the First Tooth-brush in Chognqing








Bruner & Mond Co. Ltd. was the largest dealer of alkali as well as the largest daily chemical manufacturer in Chongqing before the World WarⅡ.For example, the white alum produced at that time was the alum today, which solved the water quality problem of Chongqing.

In the early 20th century, there was no tap water in Chongqing. The drinking water of the citizens were from Liangjiang rivers, and the water was muddy especially in the flood season. Put white alum in a thick bamboo tube with holes, stir it in the water, and the sands shall sink to the bottom and the muddy water shall be clear. The white alum was becoming popular in Chongqing.

In addition, the foreigners of Bruner & Mond found that the Chinese, even the exquisite people in upper class, the sociable madams and the cultured children of the wealthy had almost no habit of brushing their teeth. The teeth of many people were broken at their young age.

The Marketing Department of Bruner & Mond found the great business opportunities, so they immediately organized the production of bristle toothbrush and tooth powder.

Zhang Chuanyao said that the shape of the toothbrush at the time was similar to that of the present one, but it was even rougher: “the toothbrush is made by punching a hole in a bamboo handle and inserting bristles.” This type of toothbrush was named “Xinmin Brand”, and it was the first toothbrush brand in Chongqing even in Mainland China.

“The tooth powder was put in a tin box, a box used for putting rouge powder.” Zhang Chuanyao said and gesticulate the size of the tin box. “The white powder inside is scented, and it can wash away dirt and remove bad breath. It has been welcomed by everyone. ”

Soon, the “Xinmin Brand” toothbrush and tooth powder produced by Bruner & Mond were sold well in Yunnan and Guizhou Provinces. However, Bruner & Mond had only 20-30 workers at the time, including packagers, production workers and boiler workers. In the heyday of supply shortage, Bruner & Mond decided to only produce the bamboo handle and punching of the toothbrush, and handed the hand-operated bristle puncture process to the neighboring households. Therefore, in the area around Zhoujiawan, Xiahao, almost everyone master the technique of making toothbrush.


The Kindling Method of Chongqing Changed from Steel to Match








The grandma of Zhang Chuanyao said:“Every time in the competition period at the middle and the end of the month, in addition to the copper coins,Bruner & Mond shall also gave us the daily necessities produced by the factory, including a piece of white alkali and white alum, as well as a pack of match. ”

People used to kindle by using steel and flint for a long time, however, the the failure of kindling occurred frequently. Zhang Chuanyao said, “The candling was hard for my mother and grandma. Every morning, my mother called my brother and sister to candle the paper tube from neighbor and take it back home. ”

It is made by twisting the paper into the shape of chopstick, and put it into the thick bamboo tube. If we heard there is a fire at our neighbor, we will first go to there to candle our paper tube, then blow it out and take it to home. “People live in this way at that time.In the morning, we need to ask for many neighbors to find the fire for cooking. ”

The emergence of match has largely solved the problem of fire in Chongqing. It was actually called“coarse-phosphorus match”, which was similar to the current safe match, except that its yellow match head. However, it still has disadvantages, “The skin of coarse-phosphorus match is very rough, and it is difficult to burn.” Said Zhang Chuanyao.

“Furthermore, the phosphorus quality of it is poor and it is easy to spontaneously ignite.” Zhang Chuanyao recalled, “I remember that my father’s entire hand was burnt by the match when he took a stick of match to light up a cigarette.”

As time went by, the match began to be replaced,and a safe match was gradually produced.

In the latter period of the War, due to the shortage of raw materials, Bruner & Mond Co. Ltd. had to close its business and leave Chongqing. Today, alums and alkalis have disappeared in our daily life. There is only one old building standing there and witnessing the changes of the city.
