CNSA Satellite Assembly Integration & Test Center Established

2018-12-06 01:53:18HUANXuan
Aerospace China 2018年1期

An international opening ceremony to commemorate the establishment of the Satellite Assembly Integration & Test(AIT) facility was held in Beijing on March 16, 2018. The China National Space Administration (CNSA) Satellite Assembly Integration & Test Center was established at the same time in the China Academy of Space Technology (CAST).

The AIT Center supports the AIT technology of CNSA’s satellite programs, and also supports international programs.

The Center provides a venue for space programs, engineering, standardization and academic exchanges, open to all international organizations, space agencies, research institutions and industrial sectors. This represents the new mode of China space “going out” as well as an epitome that China space shares technology resources with other countries in the world openly.

In the future, the center will leverage technical satellite program cooperation, using the space facility program cooperation as a foundation to promote international participation while training specialists from all over the world.