锦鲤,英语译为fancy carp。例:
1. 作为一种观赏鱼,锦鲤是由鲤鱼杂交而成的美丽有色彩的鱼。As an ornamen⁃tal fish, fancy carp is a beautiful col⁃ored hybrid from carp.
2. 锦鲤以其美丽的花纹和颜色吸引人。Fancy carp attracts people for its beauti⁃ful patterns and colors.
3. 在中国文化里,锦鲤象征名望、财富、繁荣和家庭和谐。In Chinese cul⁃ture, fancy carp symbolizes fame, ealth,
prosperity and family harmony.
4. 锦鲤作为好运的象征最近成为中国网络上走红的事物。许多青年人在朋友圈频繁发送锦鲤图片,表达他们的殷切期望,例如他们希望生病的家人尽快痊愈,或朋友在考试中取得良好成绩。As a symbol of good fortune, fancy carp has recently become an internet hit in China. Numer⁃ous young people frequently post pic⁃tures of fancy carp in their circles of friends, expressing their earnest expecta⁃tions, for instance, they wish their ill family members would recover quickly,or their friends would get good scores in an examination.▲