Stephen Hawking Reminded Us All to Look Up at the Stars

2018-11-28 16:07ByChrisBond
英语世界 2018年7期

By Chris Bond

Stephen Hawking was one of the world’s most acclaimed cosmologists, a medical miracle, and probably the galaxy’s most unlikely superstar celebrity.

[2] After being diagnosed with a rare form of motor neuron disease1motor neuron disease运动神经元病,一组病因不明的神经变性疾病,常见症状为肌肉无力、肌肉萎缩等,多数患者在出现症状后三至五年内死亡。in 1963 at the age of 22, he was given just a few years to live.

Yet in the face of such adversity Professor Hawking proved the doctors wrong by celebrating his 70th birthday nearly half a century later as one of the most brilliant and famous scientists of the modern age.


[2] 1963年霍金22岁时被诊断患上一种罕见的运动神经元疾病,医生认为他仅剩几年寿命。



[3] Despite being wheelchair-bound,almost completely paralysed and unable to speak except through his trademark voice synthesiser, he wrote a plethora of2a plethora of大量;太多,过剩。scientific papers that earned him comparisons with such totemic3totemic图腾的;标志性的。figures as Albert Einstein and Sir Isaac Newton.

[4] At the same time he embraced popular culture with enthusiasm and humour, appearing in TV cartoon The Simpsons, starring in Star Trek and providing the voice-over for a British Telecom commercial that was later sampled44 sample节录,摘录(一小段音乐或声音,以便用作其他乐曲或歌曲的一部分)。on rock band Pink Floyd’s The Division Bell album.

[5] His rise to fame and relationship with his first wife, Jane, was dramatised in the 2014 film, The Theory of Everything, in which Eddie Redmayne put in an Oscar-winning performance as the physicist battling with a devastating5devastating毁灭性的,破坏力极大的。illness.

[6] Prof Hawking was best known for his work on black holes, the mysterious infinitely dense regions of compressed matter where the normal laws of physics break down, which dominated the whole of his academic life.

His crowning6crowning最大的,至高的。achievement was his prediction in the 1970s that black holes can emit energy, despite the classical view that nothing—not even light—can escape their gravity.

[7] Born in Oxford on January 8,1942—300 years after the death of astronomer Galileo Galilei—Hawking grew up in St Albans.






[8] He had a difficult time at the local public school7public school公学,英国贵族化的私立中学,著名的有伊顿公学、切特豪斯公学、哈罗公学等。and was labelled a “swot8swot一味苦读的学生,书呆子。”who was more interested in jazz, classical music and debating than sport and pop. Although not top of the class, he was good at maths and “chaotically9chaotically混乱不堪地,一塌糊涂地。enthusiastic in chemistry”.

[9] As an undergraduate at Oxford,the young Hawking was so good at physics that he got through with little effort. He later calculated that his work there “amounted to10amount to(数量)达到,总计。an average of just an hour a day” and commented: “I’m not proud of this lack of work, I’m just describing my attitude at the time,which I shared with most of my fellow students. You were supposed to be brilliant without effort, or to accept your limitations and get a fourth-class degree11四等学位。1970年代以前,牛津大学将学位分为first、second、third和fourth四个等级。.”

[10] Hawking got a first and went to Cambridge to begin work on his PhD,but by this time he was already beginning to experience early symptoms of his illness. During his last year at Oxford he became clumsy, and twice fell over for no apparent reason. Shortly after his 21st birthday he went for tests,and he was later diagnosed with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), a form of motor neuron disease.




[11] The news came as a huge shock that for a time plunged12plunge骤然陷入。the budding13budding崭露头角的。academic into deep despair. However,he was rescued by an old friend, Jane Wilde, who went on to become his first wife and with whom he had three children.

[12] After a painful period coming to terms with14come to terms with勉强接受(糟糕的事情)。his condition, Prof Hawking threw himself into his work.

[13] At one Royal Society15英国皇家学会,英国最具名望的科学学术机构,成立于1660年。meeting,the still-unknown Hawking interrupted a lecture by renowned astrophysicist Sir Fred Hoyle16(1915—2001),英国天体物理学家,曾任英国皇家天文学会会长,1972年获封爵士。, then at the pinnacle17pinnacle顶峰,顶点。of his career, to inform him that he had made a mistake.

When the irritated Sir Fred asked how Hawking presumed18presume擅自,冒昧。to know that his calculations were wrong, Hawking replied: “Because I’ve worked them out in my head.”

[14] In the 1980s, Prof Hawking and Professor Jim Hartle, from the University of California at Santa Barbara,proposed a model of the universe which had no boundaries in space or time. The concept was described in his popular science book A Brief History of Time,published in 1988, which sold millions of copies worldwide.





[14] 20世纪80年代,霍金教授与美国加州大学圣巴巴拉分校的吉姆·哈特尔教授提出了时空无边界宇宙模型。他在自己的科普著作《时间简史》中阐述了这一概念,该书出版于1988年,全球销量达数百万册。

[15] As well as razor-sharp19razor-sharp(思路、头脑)敏捷的。intellect,Prof Hawking also possessed an almost child-like sense of fun, which helped to endear him to members of the public.

He booked a seat on Sir Richard Branson’s Virgin Galactic20维珍银河,英国私营航天公司,由理查德·布兰森爵士创办,计划提供亚轨道太空旅游。sub-orbital21sub-orbital亚轨道的。亚轨道通常指距离地面20至100千米的空域,处于飞机的最高飞行高度与卫星的最低轨道高度之间。space plane and rehearsed for the trip by floating inside a steep-diving NASA aircraft—dubbed the “vomit comet”—used to simulate weightlessness.

On one wall of his office at Cambridge University was a clock depicting Homer Simpson, whose theory of a “doughnutshaped universe” he threatened to steal in an episode of the cartoon show. He is said to have glared at the clock whenever a visitor was late.

[16] Upheaval22upheaval剧变,动荡。in his personal life also hit the headlines23hit the headlines成为新闻焦点,成为媒体头条。, and in February 1990 he left Jane, his wife of 25 years, to set up home with one of his nurses, Elaine Mason. The couple married in September 1995 but divorced 11 years later.

[17] Throughout his career Prof Hawking was showered with honorary degrees, medals, awards and prizes, and in 1982 he was made a CBE24= Commander (of the Order) of the British Empire英帝国高级勋位。.






[18] But he also ruffled a few feathers25ruffle someone’s feathers使某人恼火。within the scientific establishment26establishment(特定职业或活动领域内的)权威人士。with far-fetched27far-fetched牵强的,令人难以信服的。statements about the existence of extraterrestrials28extraterrestrial外星人。,time travel, and the creation of humans through genetic engineering.

He has also predicted the end of humanity, due to global warming, a new killer virus, or the impact of a large comet.

[19] In 2015 he teamed up with Russian billionaire Yuri Milner who has launched a series of projects aimed at finding evidence of alien life. The decade-long Breakthrough Listen Initiative29突破聆听计划,于2016年1月启动,是一项为期10年、斥资1亿美元的研究项目,由俄罗斯大亨尤里·米尔纳资助,旨在搜寻宇宙智慧生命。aims to step up the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence30搜寻地外文明计划,是对所有相关计划的统称,致力于通过射电望远镜等先进设备探测来自宇宙的电磁波,希望借此发现外星文明。(SETI) by listening out for alien signals.

The even bolder Starshot Initiative31突破射星计划,霍金于2016年4月联合尤里·米尔纳启动,目标是研发重为几克的纳米飞船,以探测地外生命。,announced in 2016, envisages32envisage展望,设想,打算。sending tiny light-propelled robot spacecraft on a 20-year voyage to the Alpha Centauri33半人马座α星,一个三星系统,距离太阳系4.24光年,是离我们最近的恒星系统。star system.

[20] Meanwhile Prof Hawking’s “serious” work continued, focusing on the thorny question of what happens to all the information that disappears into a black hole. One of the fundamental tenets34tenet信条,原则。of physics is that information data can never be completely erased from the universe.



[19] 2015年,他与俄罗斯亿万富翁尤里·米尔纳合作,后者启动了一系列旨在发现外星生命证据的项目。为期十年的“突破聆听计划”旨在通过接收外星信号加快“搜寻地外文明”的进程。



A paper co-authored by Prof Hawking and published online in Physical Review Letters35物理学顶级学术周刊,由美国物理学会主办。in June 2016 suggests that even after a black hole has evaporated, the information it consumed during its life remains in a fuzzy “halo”—but not necessarily in the proper order.

[21] He has long been a vocal36vocal畅言无忌的,大声表达意见的。champion of the NHS and right up until his final months sparred37spar(不激烈地)争论,争辩。with Health Secretary Jeremy Hunt. He recently said he would not have had such a long life without the NHS.

[22] It’s his scientific achievements,though, for which Prof Hawking will forever be remembered. Dr Harry Cliff,a particle physicist and Fellow of Modern Science at the Science Museum,was an undergraduate at Gonville and Caius college at Cambridge University where he worked and remembers the ripples of excitement whenever he entered a room.

[23] He had a mischievous side, too.“Occasionally you would meet him in the courtyard or on the streets of Cambridge and he had this habit of trying to run over students’ toes. If he saw a group of you come up the footpath he’d accelerate towards you.”





[24] Dr Cliff says Prof Hawking enjoyed making bets with famous fellow physicists about the big questions in science. “I think he lost three different bets throughout his life on various things and whether they would come true. Most recently I think he bet that the Higgs boson38希格斯玻色子,1964年由英国物理学家彼得·希格斯提出,俗称“上帝粒子”(God Particle)。, which was discovered at CERN39欧洲核子研究组织,世界最大的粒子物理学实验室,1954年成立,位于瑞士日内瓦。a few years ago, wasn’t going to be found, so he lost that one.”


[25] Dr Cliff says he didn’t allow his condition to prevent him working. “If you think you haven’t got very long to live it focuses the mind and makes you use what time you have. He also didn’t have to do the things academics usually do like appear on committees and he could just get on with his physics.”

It helped make him the world’s most famous scientist. “The only other comparable figure is Einstein and I suspect people will still be talking about Stephen Hawking for many centuries.”

[26] Perhaps, though, the last words should go to the man himself:

“Remember to look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious. And however difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at. It matters that you don’t just give up...”




