Give Me Liberty!offers a narrative of the facts of American history,but it is also an interpretation.It emphasizes the events, individuals, and themes that I consider most important.It attempts to pay due attention both to prominent leaders and to the experience of ordinary Americans and the diverse groups that make up American society.
[2]The unifying theme of freedom integrates the narrative.Americans are hardly the only people on earth to cherish freedom, of course.The past century has witnessed struggles for freedom in countries across the globe.But given the central place the idea occupies in American life, no one can understand American society without coming to terms with its history in the United States.
[3]Attention to clashing definitions of freedom and the struggles of different groups to achieve freedom as they understood it offers a way of making sense of American history as a whole.Freedom is the central word in Americans’ political language.But freedom is not a fixed, timeless category with a single unchanging definition.Rather,the history of the United States is, in part, a story of debates,disagreements and struggles over freedom.Crises like the American Revolution, the Civil War,and the Cold War have permanently transformed the idea of freedom.So too have demands by various groups of Americans to enjoy greater freedom.The meaning of freedom has been constructed not only in congressional debates and political treatises, but on plantations and picket lines, in parlors and even bedrooms.For some, freedom has been what some scholars call a “habit of the heart,” an ideal so taken for granted that it is lived out but rarely analyzed.For others, freedom is not a birthright but a distant goal that has inspired great sacrifice.