
2018-11-02 03:11:08王文采
植物研究 2018年6期


(中国科学院植物研究所系统与进化植物学国家重点实验室,北京 100093)

图1 庐江毛茛 A.植株全形;B.萼片;C.花瓣;D.二雄蕊;E.雌蕊群;F.心皮Fig.1 Ranunculus lujiangensis A. Habit; B. Sepal; C. Petal; D. Two stamens; E. Gynoecium; F. Carpel(from holoytpe)

庐江毛茛 图1

RanunculuslujiangensisW.T.Wang & D.Q.Wang, sp. nor. Fig.1


Ob plantas tuberibus radicalibus praeditas, folia simplicia vel ternata, petali foveam nectariferam haud squamatam et ovaria stylis leviter longiora species nova haec est arcte affinisR.huainingensiW.T.Wang, Z.Yang & J.Xie, a quo foliorum vel foliolorum lobis margine integris vel inconspicue crenulatis, sepalis late et cymbiformiter ellipticis haud nervatis margine 3-4-piliferis, ovariis late ovatis differt. InR.huainingensi, foliorum vel foliolorum lobi margine 1-3-denticulati, sepala plana anguste elliptica longitudinaliter 3-nervata glabra, et ovaria lanceolata sunt.

Perennial herb, 20-25 cm tall, with ca. 3 obconic root tubers ca. 3 mm long. Leaves ca. 4, all basal, simple or ternate, long petiolate, glaborous; blades of simple leaves membranous, sunbreniform or subpentagonal,(0.6-)0.8-1.2 cm×(0.9-)1.1-1.8 cm, at apex rounded, at base shallowly cordate, 3-lobulate or 3-parted, central primary lobe undivided and entire, lateral primary lobes unequally 2-lobulate, entire or inconspicously crenulate; blades or ternate leaves larger, 1.6-2.6 cm×2 cm, terminal leaflet long petiolulate,(petiolule 0.7-1.3 cm long), obovate, broadly obovate or suborbicular, 1 cm×0.7-1 cm, 3-lobulate or 3-lobed, with lobes entire or 1-crenulate, lateral leaflets with short petiolules 3-4 mm long, similar to terminal leaflet or unequally 2-parted with obovate lobes at apex 2-3-lobulate; petioles slender, 6.5-10.5 cm long. Scapes 1-2, slender, 13-15 cm long, glabrous. Monochasia terminal,(1-)2-4-flowered, glabrous; bracts 3, central one long petiolate, narrowly obovate, at each side near apex 1-denticulate, lateral ones long or shortly petiolate, 3-sect; pedicels slender, 1.8-8 cm long. Flower: Sepals 5, whitish, broadly and cymbiformly elliptic, ca. 3 mm×2 mm, longitudinally and shortly 3-green-striate, on margin 3-4-piliferous. Petals 5, yellow, obovate, ca. 7.2 mm×5 mm, at apex rounded, above base with a minute desquamate nectary pit, claws incospicuous. Stamens ca. 25, glabrous; filaments white, narrow-linear, 1.2-1.5 mm long; anthers yellowish, broadly ellipsoid or oblong, 1-1.2 mm×0.5-1 mm. Gynoecium broadly ovoid, ca. 2 mm long, consisting of ca. 24 carpels; ovaries greenish, obliquely and broadly ovate, ca. 0.7 mm×0.5 mm, glabrous; styles white, ca. 0.5 mm long.

安徽省(Anhui Province):庐江县,汤池(Lujiang Xian,Tangchi),alt. 150 m,镇边林中(in forest near the town of Tangchi),2018-03-19,王德群(Wang De-Qun)W1804(holotypeand isotype,PE).

本种的植株具块根,叶为单叶或三出复叶,花瓣的蜜槽无鳞片,子房比花柱稍长,因此与也具上述特征的怀宁毛茛R.huainingensisW.T.Wang,Z.Yang & J.Xie在亲缘关系上甚为相近,与后者的区别在于本种的叶或小叶的裂片全缘或具不明显的浅齿,萼片呈宽船状椭圆形,无脉,边缘有3~4根毛,子房呈宽卵形。在怀宁毛茛,叶或小叶的裂片边缘有1~3小齿,萼片平,狭椭圆形,具3条纵脉,子房呈披针形[2]。


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