【摘 要】多元函数中,n个正数的和为定值或n个正数的线性组合为定值,n个正数的积在什么情况下取得最大值;n个正数倒数的和为定值或n个正数倒数的线性组合为定值,n个正数的积在什么情况下取得最小值;利用多元函数条件极值的求解方法,给出了几个结论。
中图分类号: G634.6 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2095-2457(2018)15-0117-002
Some Conclusions about Conditional Extremum of Multivariate Function
WAN Wei-guo
(School of information and mathematics,Yangtze University,Jingzhou Hubei 434001,China)
【Abstract】In multivariate functions,the sum of n positive numbers is a constant value or the linear combination of n positive numbers is a constant value,and the product of n positive numbers gets the maximum value in what circumstances.The sum of the reciprocal of n positive numbers is a fixed value or the linear combination of the reciprocal of n positive numbers is a fixed value,and the product of n positive numbers gets the minimum value in what circumstances.Using the method of solving conditional extremum of multivariate function,several conclusions are given.
【Key words】Multivariate function;Conditional extremum;Maximum value;Minimum value
开头那道数学题,对于小学生来说,不必知道为什么,只需知道怎么做就行。大学生告诉小明,当 3a=2b=5c=即a=10,b=15,c=6时,abc=900为最大值。