
2018-10-25 20:57ByJonathanJones
英语学习 2018年10期

By Jonathan Jones

The bicentenary of the birth of a Swiss historian might not seem the most glamorous of anniversaries. Unlike his contemporary Karl Marx, also born in 1818, Jacob Burckhardt never inspired any revolutions and doesnt get his face on T-shirts. Yet some of us are celebrating the 200th birthday of Jacob Burckhardt lavishly1.

Once upon a time, newspapers used to have arts sections. Today, theyve caught up—very belatedly—with Burckhardt. The use of the term culture to mean a broad and changing flow of forms from opera to video games may seem like an innovation of the postmodern age, but it actually goes back to Burckhardts 1860 book The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy2.

Burckhardt invented culture as we know it—not just the official “arts”, but any human activity that has symbolic meaning.

Newspapers and their websites are still behind Burckhardt on this. Looking for articles about fashion and food? Youll find them in “lifestyle”. Burckhardt saw these too as culture. Of course, so do we—it would just get hard to organise stuff if it was all classed in one big mix. But everyone knows today that clothes are significant cultural creations and that cooking is about meaning as much as flavour. The amazing thing is how clearly Burckhardt saw it in 1860.

The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy has not one single chapter dedicated to Renaissance art. It does have, however, a section called “Ridicule and Wit”. Burckhardt explores every nuance3 of how people expressed themselves in 15th-century Italy, from cruel jokes to street festivals. In one of his most astonishing insights he even explores how people listened—he shows how sitting through long speeches was a cultural rite4 in itself. Its a revelation that makes you think about music and performance in a totally new way. One day, someone will write the history of how we listen today, the cultural history of headphones and podcasts. And that historian will owe everything to Burckhardt.

So who was this daring thinker His portrait on Switzerlands 1,000-franc note makes him look stern5 yet sensitive. Born in Basel to a wealthy family and educated in Berlin, where he was taught by the pioneering historian Leopold von Ranke6, he doesnt come across as much of a rebel. Yet Burckhardts work is an insidious7 attack on Germanic nationalism. Writing at a time when Prussia was leading the unification of Germany and pride in Teutonic northern virtues was growing,8 Burckhardt went out of his way to belittle north European achievements and show that Italy was the true source of European genius.

He thrills to the ruthless violence of Cesare Borgia, and of Ferrante, ruler of Naples,9 who according to Burckhardt used to make his guests dine alongside the preserved corpses of his torture victims. Its the kind of gory10 detail that makes his masterpiece a still-powerful read. It also widens his notion of culture still further. For Burckhardt, politics and war are cultural forms. He gets this idea from the Renaissance itself—one of his inspirations, Machiavelli11, wrote a book called The Art of War.

In 2018 we seem to be living in Burckhardts world—and it aint pretty. Not only is everything culture, but politics is a mad art form, ruled by symbolic forces that surge through social media. Are the new populist monsters of politics the descendants of the Renaissance despots who shocked and fascinated Burckhardt?12

This quiet scholars great book helps us understand our world just as much as the writings of Marx. More so, I fear, in this age when culture trumps13 reality.




在这方面,布尔克哈特无疑走在了所有报纸和网站的前面。想阅读关于时尚与美食的文章?你会在名为“生活方式”的栏目中找到。而这些,同样被布尔克哈特视为文化。当然,我们也一样—— 若不将纷繁多样的事物加以分类,整理起来将颇为麻烦。但如今,人人都认同服饰是重要的文化创造,而烹饪不仅关乎味道,更具有一定的文化内涵。不可思议的是,布尔克哈特早在1860年就清晰地认识到了这一点。






1. lavishly: 慷慨地,丰富地。

2. The Civilisation of the Renaissance in Italy:《文艺复兴时期的意大利文化》,雅各布·布尔克哈特创作的历史学著作。该书主要论述了当时意大利的政治、文化思想和日常生活的发展历程,从多角度诠释了这一时期意大利人所体现的“人文主义”近代精神。布尔克哈特在已有研究的基础上从新的视角切入,构建了文艺复兴研究的新体系。

3. nuance:(方式、颜色、意义等的)细微差别。

4. rite: 仪式,典礼。

5. stern: 严厉的,苛刻的。

6. Leopold von Ranke: 利奥波德·冯·兰克(1795—1886),19世纪德国重要的历史学家,也是西方近代史学的重要奠基者之一,被誉为“近代史学之父”。

7. insidious: 潜伏的,暗中为害的。

8. Prussia: 普鲁士,位于北欧的原古普鲁士族居地,1701年起成为王国,1871年以其为中心建立了统一的德意志帝国;Teutonic:德意志民族特点的,日耳曼人风格的。

9. Cesare Borgia: 切萨雷·波吉亚(1475或1476—1507),即瓦伦蒂诺公爵,是意大利文艺复兴时期的军官、贵族、政治人物和枢机主教;Ferrante: 斐迪南一世(1423—1494),那不勒斯王国国王,1458至1494年间在位;Naples: 那不勒斯王国,中世纪意大利南部一封建国家。

10. gory: 暴力血腥的。

11. Machiavelli: 马基雅弗利(1469—1527),意大利历史学家、政治思想家、作家。他是意大利文艺复兴时期的重要人物。著有 《君主论》《论李维》《战争的艺术》等。

12. populist: 平民主义的,民粹主义的;despot: 专制君主,暴君。

13. trump: 胜过,打败。
