During World War II, in the World Anti-fascist United Front centered on China, Britain, the United States and the Soviet Union, the Chinese and British governments have carried out extensive cooperation in the political, military, and economic fi elds.
① 1942年3月17日,英、美两国赠送中国军舰接收仪式。 图片/重庆红岩联线文化发展管理中心提供
② 1943年10月16日,来重庆参加中、英、美三国军事会议的东南亚盟军总司令蒙巴顿将军,检阅中国部队。图片/重庆红岩联线文化发展管理中心提供
③ 1940年2月24日,日机轰炸后的重庆下半城变成一片废墟。图片/重庆红岩联线文化发展管理中心提供
From February 1938 to December 1944, Japan carried out an indiscriminate bombing of China’s wartime capital,Chongqing, for six years and 10 months. In the face of the huge casualties and property losses caused by the Japanese Airborne Massacre, the people of Chongqing have shown high morale and optimism.
④ 1940年4月,重庆市民围观在两路口南区公园展览的敌机残骸。图片/重庆红岩联线文化发展管理中心提供
Since August 24, 1940, Germany has launched a long-planned bombing of the United Kingdom. At the beginning of the bombing, the German air offensive was mainly aimed at British industrial zones and port cities. Later, the German bombers concentrated on attacking the British capital London to disintegrate the British people's rebellious will. The indiscriminate bombing of the Germans brought enormous disasters to the people of London.
⑥ 1940年9月8日,温斯顿·丘吉尔首相查看位于伦敦东区被炸毁的建筑。图片/英国战争博物馆提供
⑦ 民众在伦敦大象城堡区地铁站躲避轰炸。 图片/英国战争博物馆提供
⑧ 在防空洞避难的伦敦市民围在留声机前收听消息。图片/英国战争博物馆提供
Under the concerted efforts of the Allies, the battlef i elds in Europe and Asia have ushered in a turning point, and the United States, Britain, the Soviet Union,and China began to endeavor to build a post-war peace order. On May 7, 1945, Germany announced its surrender and signed the Instrument of Surrender the following day. On August 15, 1945, Japan followed suit and signed the Instrument of Surrender on September 2. At this point, World War II ended with the victory of the Allies and the failure of the fascists. Subsequently, the main fascists who launched the aggression and created the disaster were tried in Nuremberg and Tokyo.
⑨ 1943年11月28日,美、英、苏三国在德黑兰召开会议。会议讨论了战后处置德国以及苏联对日作战等问题。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
⑩ 1945年5月8日,德军签署投降书,欧洲战场取得胜利。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
⑪1945年9月2日,日本投降代表团在密苏里号甲板上签署投降书,中国战场取得最终胜利。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
⑫1945年9月9日,中国战区受降仪式,中国陆军总司令何应钦接受日本侵华军总参谋长小林浅三郎递交的投降书。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
⑬1946年5月3日,远东国际军事法庭正式开庭,对日本法西斯战犯进行审判。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
⑭1945年6月26日,中国代表团中共代表董必武在《联合国宪章》上签字。 图片/重庆中国三峡博物馆提供
War poses destruction of world peace and development,and is indifference and trampling of life. The Second World War is by far the largest war in human history. The bombings have caused countless families to be fragmented, and countless lives and property losses. However, the citizens of London and of Chongqing were not scared by the disaster; instead, they carried out a heroic anti-bombing struggle. In this just war against the aggression against mankind, the efforts of the British and Chinese countries and the wave of solidarity around the world demonstrate the world people’s common determination to oppose war and aspiration for peace.
Photos were provided by Chongqing Library
Translator / He Jing