CES[国际消费电子展(ConsumerElectronicsShow)]is a show. Peopleorganize[组织]it every year inLas Vegas[拉斯维加斯]. It shows new technology to people.
A newtype[类型]of camera is at the CES this year. Its name is Roader. You wear the camera on your neck. When youpress[压,按]it,the camera sends a 20-second video to your phone.The video begins 10 seconds before you press the Roader! This means that you can never miss amoment[瞬间].
You can buy the camera later this year. It costs 199 dollars.
More Chinese graduates from foreign universities are returning home than before.One reason is the power of the Chineseeconomy[经济]is stronger, especially in the technology industry.
Large technology companies such asTencent[腾讯]andAlibaba[阿里巴巴]areexpanding[扩展]. At the same time, smaller technologystartups[新创办的小公司]are growing at a fast speed.
InIsrael[以色列], people built the tallestLego[乐高积木]tower. They won the world record. The tower is 35.92 metres tall. It is like a 12-storey[层]building.
Thousands of people helped build the tower. They used 0.5 million Lego pieces.Everyone helped.Jews[犹太人],Arabs[阿拉伯人], rich and poor people, andreligious[宗教的]and non-religious people came to help.
People built the tower as amemorial[纪念碑]. It is for a boy who lives there. The boy loved Legos. Sadly, he got very sick and died.
Hotels in New York are expensive. People want to visit New York, but they do not have enough money. One man knows this. He offers cheapaccommodation[住处]. It costs only 40 dollars a night.
You do not stay in a hotel. You stay in a taxi. There is a bed in the taxi.However, there is no bathroom. You must use a restaurant bathroom.
People like this type of accommodation. The taxi is in the city centre. It is only three stops fromTimes Square[时报广场], and only one stop fromGrand Central Station[中央车站]. You also have a greatview[风景]ofManhattan[曼哈顿].
Chinese businesswoman andfounder[创始人]of Beijing Orient Landscape &Environment Co. Ltd., Madame He Qiaonv, hasdonated[捐赠]$1.5billion[十亿]to protect the world’swildlife[野生动物].
This is the biggest project of its kind. Theannouncement[公告]was made in Monaco.
Madame He said she felt lucky to work with Panthera. Panthera is a professional andexperienced[经验丰富的]team in protecting the world’s wild cats. She also added that a large number ofentrepreneurs[企业家]in China are actively paying attention to environmentalissues[议题].
Fill in the blanks with names of countries or cities:
1. The tallest Lego tower was built in _________ .
2. People go to CES every year in _________ .
3. The announcement of He Qiaonv’s donation was made in _________ .
4. People who go to _________ can sleep in a taxi which costs 40 dollars a night.
5. Tencent and Alibaba are large tech companies in _________ .