I’ve never thought
One day
I would find such a proper place
To place my busy and tired soul Just stand there
See the sunset[日落]and
Enjoy everything around me
I’ve never thought
One day
I could unload[卸下]all the load[负担]Close my eyes and relax myself
Listening to the birdcall[鸟叫声]that breaks the cold and the silence to the roar[吼叫声]of the plane across the sky
to the rustle[沙沙声]of the fallen leaves in the winter wind
I’ve never thought
One day
I would stare at the top of the tree where the sun sheds[洒下]light on And imagine one and another fairy tales
fiddling[摆弄]with the little windmill[风车]in my hand gently[轻轻地]
I’ve never thought
Everything snow-covered could also bring me a long-lost beauty
And I also have never thought
One day
I could be like a poet[诗人]to tell you all of my emotion[情感]
When I was in the woods[树林]by the river
The place I’ve never thought of
黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市戴尔英语学校 贾靖
Remarks by teacher Mr. Donkey:
How can it be written by a middle school student who has no experience about love and life?
Remarks by teacher Mr. Jesse:
The journey through one’s own mind is most perilous and rewarding, no matter the age.