“打脸”的第一个意思是“用手打面部”。英语译为slap sb in/around the face, to give sb a slap in the face, to hit/smack/punch sb in the face。例如:1.那个教师因为打了一名男生的脸而被解雇了。The teacher was sacked for having slapped a boy student around the face.
“打脸”的第二个意思是“羞辱”或“ 不给面子”, 译为to slap sb in the face, to give sb a slap in the face。如:2. 她当众揭穿了这个骗子的谎言,打了他的脸。She exposed the cheaters lie in public, giving him a slap in the face.
“被打脸”有“被羞辱”或“丢面子” 的意思。英语译为to be slap in the face, to be given a slap in the face。如:3.当他的礼物被原封不动地退回时,他感到仿佛被打脸了。He felt as if he had been given a slap in the face when his gift was returned unopened.
“打脸”的第三个意思是“戏曲演员按照脸谱勾脸”。英语译为to draw a facial mask。如:4. 开戏前,这名京剧演员正在后台化妆室打脸。The Peking opera actor was drawing his facial mask in the dressing room of the back stage before the performance started.▲