
2018-08-14 19:51ByTracyKidder&RichardTodd
英语学习 2018年8期

By Tracy Kidder & Richard Todd

莫言獲得诺贝尔文学奖的功勋译者葛浩文(Howard Goldblatt)曾经批评中国作家普遍写不好开头;英文小说有不少出色的开头,如《白鲸记》、《双城记》,相较之下,中文小说很难找到这么脍炙人口的第一句,大部分“一开始就是长篇大论,不是介绍一个地方就是把开头写得好像是学术著作的序文”,对他国读者来说缺乏吸引力。这话听起来很尖锐,可是盘点中国当代文学,确实拿不大出像《安娜·卡列尼娜》、《傲慢与偏见》、《变形记》、《百年孤独》、《洛丽塔》那样令全世界无数读者为之着迷的经典开场白。

如何第一时间走进读者,一键启动他们头脑里理性启迪和感性愉悦的开关,对于全体作家和日常生活中的写作者而言,既是难题,也是诱惑。山穷水尽之际,不妨暂时从自我怀疑和胶着中走出来,在普利策奖获奖作家Tracy Kidder和《大西洋月刊》资深编辑Richard Todd的引领下,看看《白鲸记》、《冷血》、《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》、《说吧,记忆》是怎么开头的,听听《风格要素》给出了什么写作建议。在伟大的英语作家笔下,我们经常感受到一种从容和宁静的气质,一种平实明晰之美。赫尔曼·梅尔维尔,杜鲁门·卡波蒂,乔治·奥威尔,弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫,E. B. 怀特……这些风格大师的行文,在平易朴素的语言外表下,蕴含丰富的暗示性和情感召唤力,闪耀着洁净而生动的内在光辉。记住:好文章未必都有华美的“凤头”,朴实的开头同样可以让读者产生共鸣。

To write is to talk to strangers. You want them to trust you. You might well begin by trusting them—by imagining for the reader an intelligence at least equal to the intelligence you imagine for yourself. No doubt you know some things that the reader does not know (why else presume to write?), but it helps to grant that the reader has knowledge unavailable to you.1 This isnt generosity; it is realism. Good writing creates a dialogue between writer and reader, with the imagined reader at moments questioning, criticizing, and sometimes, you hope, assenting2. What you “know” isnt something you can pull from a shelf and deliver. What you know in prose is often what you discover in the course of writing it, as in the best of conversations with a friend—as if you and the reader do the discovering together.

Writers are told that they must “grab” or“hook” or “capture” the reader. But think about these metaphors. Their theme is violence and compulsion3. They suggest the relationship you might want to have with a criminal, not a reader. Montaigne4 writes: “I do not want a man to use his strength to get my attention.”

Beginnings are an exercise in limits. You cant make the reader love you in the first sentence or paragraph, but you can lose the reader right away. You dont expect the doctor to cure you at once, but the doctor can surely alienate you at once, with brusqueness or bravado or indifference or confusion.5 There is a lot to be said for the quiet beginning.

The most memorable first line in American literature is“Call me Ishmael.”6 Three words, four beats. The sentence is so well known that sometimes, cited out of context, it is understood as a magisterial command, a booming voice from the pulpit.7 It is more properly heard as an invitation8, almost casual, and, given the complexity that follows, it is marvelously simple. If you try it aloud, you will probably find yourself saying it rather softly, conversationally.

Many memorable essays, memoirs, and narratives reach dramatic heights from such calm beginnings. In Cold Blood is remembered for its transfixing and frightening account of two murderers and their victims,9 and it might have started in any number of dramatic ways. In fact, it starts with a measured10 descriptive passage:

The village of Holcomb stands on the high wheat plains of western Kansas, a lonesome area that other Kansans call “out there.” Some seventy miles east of the Colorado border, the countryside, with its hard blue skies and desert-clear air, has an atmosphere that is rather more Far West than Middle West.

Although a bias toward the quiet beginning is only a bias, a predisposition, it can serve as a useful check on overreaching.11 Some famous beginnings, of course, have been written as grand propositions (“All happy families are alike...”) or sweeping overviews (“It was the best of times ...”).12 These rhetorical gestures display confidence in the extreme, and more than a century of readers have followed in thrall.13 Expansiveness is not denied to anyone, but it is always prudent to remember that one is not Tolstoy or Dickens and to remember that modesty can resonate, too.14 Call me Ishmael.

Meek or bold,15 a good beginning achieves clarity. A sensible line threads through the prose; things follow one another with literal logic or with the logic of feeling.16 Clarity isnt an exciting virtue, but it is a virtue always, and especially at the beginning of a piece of prose. Some writers—some academics and bureaucrats and art critics, for instance—seem to resist clarity, even to write confusingly on purpose. Not many would admit to this. One who did was the wonderful-though-not-to-beimitated Gertrude Stein:17 “My writing is clear as mud but mud settles and the clear stream runs on and disappears.”Oddly, this is one of the clearest sentences she ever wrote.

For many other writers, writers in all genres, clarity simply falls victim to a desire to achieve other things, to dazzle with style or to bombard with information.18 With good writing the reader enjoys a doubleness of experience, succumbing to19 the story or the ideas while also enjoying the writers artfulness. Indeed, one way to know that writing deserves to be called art is the coexistence of these two pleasures in the readers mind. But it is one thing for the reader to take pleasure in the writers achievements, another when the writers own pleasure is apparent. Skill, talent, inventiveness, all can become overbearing and intrusive.20 And this is especially true at the beginnings of things. The image that calls attention to itself is often the image you can do without. The writer works in service of story and idea, and always in service of the reader.

Sometimes the writer who overloads an opening passage is simply afraid of boring the reader. A respectable anxiety, but nothing is more boring than confusion. In his introduction to The Elements of Style, E. B. White suggests that the reader is always in danger of confusion.21 The reader is “a man floundering in a swamp,”22 and it falls to the writer (whose swamp of course it is) to “drain this swamp quickly and get his man up on dry ground, or at least throw him a rope.”

Clarity doesnt always mean brevity, or simplicity. Take, for example, the opening of Vladimir Nabokovs23 memoir Speak, Memory:

The cradle rocks above an abyss, and common sense tells us that our existence is but a brief crack of light between two eternities of darkness. Although the two are identical twins, man, as a rule, views the prenatal24 abyss with more calm than the one he is heading for (at some forty-five hundred heartbeats an hour). I know, however, of a young chronophobiac25 who experienced something like panic when looking for the first time at homemade movies that had been taken a few weeks before his birth. He saw a world that was practically unchanged—the same house, the same people—and then realized that he did not exist there at all and that nobody mourned his absence. He caught a glimpse of his mother waving from an upstairs window, and that unfamiliar gesture disturbed him, as if it were some mysterious farewell. But what particularly frightened him was the sight of a brand-new baby carriage standing there on the porch, with the smug, encroaching air of a coffin;26 even that was empty, as if, in the reverse course of events, his very bones had disintegrated.

There is nothing confusing about this paragraph, but it does invite us to engage with a sinuous27 idea, and it introduces an author who asks our fullest attention. He expects long thoughts from us. The invitation is clear and frank, and it is delivered with a shrug: accept it if you will.

You cant tell it all at once. A lot of the art of beginnings is deciding what to withhold until later, or never to say at all. Take one thing at a time. Prepare the reader, tell everything the reader needs to know in order to read on, and tell no more. Journalists are instructed not to “bury the lead” (or “lede,” in journalese)28—instructed, that is, to make sure they tell the most important facts of the story first. This translates poorly to longer forms of writing. The heart of the story is usually a place to arrive at, not a place to begin. Of course the reader needs a reason to continue, but the best reason is simply confidence that the writer is going someplace interesting. George Orwell begins Homage to Catalonia with a description of a nameless Italian militiaman whose significance is unknown to us, though we are asked to hear about him in some detail.29 At the end of a long paragraph of description, Orwell writes:

I hoped he liked me as well as I liked him. But I also knew that to retain my first impression of him I must not see him again; and needless to say I never did see him again. One was always making contacts of that kind in Spain.

It seems strange to begin a book with a character who vanishes at once, when the first few sentences suggest that we are meeting the books hero. In fact, the important character being introduced is the narrator, who seems a man of great particularity and mystery of temperament.30 We dont know much about him, and we want to know more. Were ready to follow him.

What happens when you begin reading a book or an essay or a magazine story? If the writing is at all interesting, you are in search of the author. You are imagining the mind behind the prose. Often that imagining takes a direct, even visceral31, form: who is this person? No matter how discreet or unforthcoming writers may be,32 they are present, and readers form judgments about them. Living in an age when authors hid behind the whiskers of third-person omniscience, Thoreau wrote: “We commonly do not remember that it is, after all, always the first person that is speaking.”33 Readers today do commonly remember that. They may remember it to a fault.34 The wise writer, while striving to avoid selfconsciousness, remains aware of the readers probing eye.35

The contemporary author Francine du Plessix Gray offers a provocative way to imagine encounters between writer and reader: “A good writer, like a good lover, must create a pact of trust with the object of his/her seduction that remains qualified, paradoxically, by a good measure of uncertainty, mystery and surprise.”36 The heart of this advice, the tension between giving and withholding, identifies a narrative decision that faces all writers, though in emphasizing Eros37, Gray seems to overlook the true romance of writing. The“mystery and surprise” can be genuine, shared between writer and reader, rather than calculated.

One morning a piece of wisdom comes over National Public Radio, in an interview with a jazz guitarist who remembers working with the great Miles Davis.38 The guitarist recalls that Davis once advised him how to play a certain song: “Play it like you dont know how to play the guitar.” The guitarist admits that he had no idea what Davis meant, but that he then played the song better than he ever imagined he could. “Play it like you dont know how.” Cryptic39 advice, but a writer can make some sense of it: Dont concentrate on technique, which can be the same as concentrating on yourself. Give yourself to your story, or to your train of ideas,40 or to your memories. Dont be afraid to explore, even to hesitate. Be willing to surprise yourself.

And so there is trust of another kind at work. At some point you must trust yourself as a writer. You may not know exactly where you are going, but you have to set out, and sometimes, without calculation on your part, the reader will honor the effort itself. In Ghana41, once a British colony, where English remains the official but a second language, they have an interesting usage for the verb “try.”If a Ghanaian does something particularly well, he is often told, “You tried.” What might well be an insult in American English is high praise there, a recognition that purity of intention lies at the core of the achievement. The reader wants to see you trying—not trying to impress, but trying to get somewhere.










有时候作家让一段开场白过度负重,仅仅是因为害怕会让读者感到厌烦。一种可敬的焦虑,可是不知所云才最让人厌烦。在《风格要素》的引言里,E. B. 怀特提出读者总是处于不知所云的危险当中。读者是“一个在沼泽里挣扎的人”,作家(当然就是沼泽的创造者)有责任“迅速排干这块沼泽,让此人登上干燥的地面,或者至少扔给他一段绳子。”











1. presume: 冒昧,擅自(行事);grant: 承认。

2. assent: 同意,赞成。

3. compulsion: 强迫。

4. Michel de Montaigne : 蒙田(1533—1592),法国文艺复兴后期思想家、作家,以《随笔录》(Essais)三卷名垂后世。

5. alienate:(感情或思想上)使疏远;brusqueness: 粗鲁无礼;bravado:// 虚张声势,故作勇敢。

6. Ishmael: // 以实玛利,美国作家赫尔曼·梅尔维尔(Herman Melville, 1819—1891)的长篇小說代表作《白鲸记》(Moby-Dick, 1851)的叙事者和主人公,来源于《圣经·创世记》人物。

7. magisterial: // (行为或作品)权威的,有威严的;booming:(声音)洪亮的;pulpit:(教堂中的)讲坛,布道坛。

8. invitation: 吸引,诱惑。

9. In Cold Blood: 《冷血》,美国作家杜鲁门·卡波蒂(Truman Capote, 1924—1984)的代表作,1966年出版,被誉为“真实罪行”类非虚构文学的里程碑;transfix: 使惊呆,使动弹不得。

10. measured: 缓慢而有节奏的。

11. bias: 偏好,偏爱;predisposition: 倾向,秉性;overreach: 不自量力,因目标过高而失败。

12. proposition: 命题,观点;sweeping: 一概而论的;overview: 概观,总的看法。这两段引文,前者出自俄国文豪列夫·托尔斯泰(Leo Tolstoy, 1828—1910)长篇小说代表作《安娜·卡列尼娜》(Anna Karenina, 1877)的开场白:“幸福的家庭都是相似的,不幸的家庭各有各的不幸”,后者出自英国小说巨匠查尔斯·狄更斯(Charles Dickens, 1812—1870)长篇小说代表作《双城记》(A Tale of Two Cities, 1859)的开场白:“这是最美好的时代,这是最糟糕的时代……”。

13. rhetorical: 文风华丽的,夸张的;in thrall:受奴役,被迷住。

14. expansiveness: 膨胀性;prudent: 审慎的;resonate: 有特殊意义,引起共鸣。

15. meek: 温顺的,驯服的;bold:放肆的,莽撞的。

16. sensible: 意识到的,能感觉到的;thread through: 小心翼翼地穿过;literal: 照字面的,原义的。

17. Gertrude Stein: 格特鲁德·斯泰因(1874—1946),旅居法国的美国女作家和现代主义艺术收藏家。其作品风格独特,试验意识流和有节奏的散文,意在唤起“纯粹存在的令人激动性”。

18. dazzle: 使目眩;使倾倒;bombard:(用炮火或炸弹)猛烈轰击。

19. succumb to: 屈从于,抵挡不住(诱惑或压力)。

20. overbearing: 傲慢的,盛气凌人的;intrusive: 侵扰的,唐突的。

21. E. B. White: 埃尔文·布鲁克斯·怀特(1899—1985),美国作家,其特具一格的散文奠定了影响深远的“《纽约客》文风”,小说《夏洛特的网》(Charlottes Web, 1952)屡次被列为最畅销的平装本儿童读物,与康奈尔老师小威廉·斯特伦克(William Strunk Jr.)合著的《风格要素》(The Elements of Style, 1959)是当代最具影响力的英语写作风格指南之一。

22. flounder:(在水里或泥沼里)挣扎,深陷困境;swamp: 沼泽。

23. Vladimir Nabokov: 弗拉基米尔·纳博科夫(1899—1977),俄裔美国作家,以长篇小说《洛丽塔》(Lolita, 1955)闻名于世,回忆录《说吧,记忆》(Speak, Memory, 1951)被美国现代图书馆评为非虚构百部佳作第八名。

24. prenatal: 产前的,孕期的。

25. chronophobiac: 时间恐惧症患者,源自chronophobia(时间恐惧 )一词。

26. smug: 沾沾自喜的,自以为是的;encroaching: 侵蚀的,蚕食的。

27. sinuous: // 曲折的,蜿蜒的。

28. lead:(报纸、电视或电台的)头条,要闻;journalese: (文笔低劣的)新闻文体。

29. George Orwell: 乔治·奥威尔(1903—1950),20世纪最伟大的英国作家之一,著有反极权主义的政治寓言体小说《动物庄园》(Animal Farm, 1945)和《1984》(1949),亦以质朴明晰的散文风格名世。回忆录《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》(Homage to Catalonia, 1938)记述了奥威尔在西班牙内战时期的经历见闻。

30. particularity: 个性,癖性;temperament: 气质,性情。

31. visceral: // 发自内心的,发自肺腑的。

32. discreet: 谨慎的;unforthcoming:守口如瓶的,不愿意提供信息的。

33. omniscience: 无所不知;Henry David Thoreau: 亨利·大卫·梭罗(1817—1862),美国作家、哲学家,超验主义代表人物。此处引文出自梭罗的长篇散文名作《瓦尔登湖》(Walden, 1854)。

34. to a fault: 过度地。

35. self-consciousness: 自我意识;probing:探索的,寻根究底的。

36. Francine du Plessix Gray: 弗朗辛·杜·普莱西克斯·格雷(1930— ),美国作家、文学评论家,出版多部非虚构文学作品,自传获全美图书批评家协会奖。下文引语出自创作谈《文本的引诱》(The Seduction of the Text, 2003);pact: 合同,契约;paradoxically: 悖论地,自相矛盾地。

37. Eros: (希腊神话)爱神厄洛斯,性爱。

38. wisdom: 格言,名言;Miles Davis:迈尔斯·戴维斯(1926—1991),美国爵士音乐家、小号手、乐队指挥和作曲家,20世纪最有影响力的音乐人之一。

39. cryptic: 神秘的,难解的。

40. give oneself to: 专心于,熱衷于;train: 一连串(想法)。

41. Ghana: 加纳,西非的一个共和国。
