
2018-08-10 07:19:10后士浩晏晓娟
农业工程学报 2018年13期

刘 军,后士浩,张 凯,晏晓娟


刘 军,后士浩,张 凯,晏晓娟

(江苏大学汽车与交通工程学院,镇江 212013)

针对一般的单目视觉测距方法忽略汽车在行驶过程中姿态角变化的问题,该文提出了一种基于变参数逆透视变换和道路消失点检测的单目视觉测距模型,实现了车辆在相对运动过程中的纵向距离和横向距离实时测量。首先,该文通过基于纹理方向估计的道路消失点检测算法计算出汽车运动的偏航角和俯仰角,然后运用变参数的逆透视变换和几何建模分析方法,建立车辆测距模型。对不同道路环境和测距方法的2组对比试验分析该文方法的可行性和有效性,结果表明,该文所提出的测距模型能够有效测量纵向70 m、横向4 m以内的目标车辆距离,测量误差在5%以内,且道路环境越好,误差越小,道路良好的平坦道路测距误差在3%以内;该文算法的平均处理速度达到了40帧/s。


0 引 言






1 道路消失点的检测与跟踪







2 汽车姿态角估计模型







Note:is the number of horizontal pixels in the imaging plane,is the camera focal length, 2is the horizontal field angle of camera,is the yaw angle of camera. When the camera has no yaw and pitch angle, the vanishing point coordinates are(0,0). While having a yaw angle, the coordinates of the vanishing point in the imaging plane are(1,1);is an offset in the horizontal direction.

图2 摄像机偏航角估计示意图

Fig.2 Diagram of camera yaw angle estimation

3 基于道路消失点的逆透视变换




4 车辆测距模型

首先,标定实际道路俯视图与逆透视变换俯视图之间的纵向比例系数,如图4a所示,在透视图中每隔3 m的实际距离作等距横向标线,然后进行逆透视变换,如图4b所示,纵向比例系数可以描述为



图5 单目视觉测距模型分析示意图

在图5c中,已知(x,y)、(x, y)、(x, y),则点的坐标为(x,y),根据透视图与逆透视变换俯视图之间的关系,设对应的为d,对应的为d,则









5 车辆测距结果与分析

为了便于验证本文提出的方法,本文通过安装在某型号别克车上的单目摄像机抓取已知摄像机偏航角、俯仰角和车辆距离的图片,进行试验结果分析验证。试验中利用陀螺仪测量偏航角和俯仰角,卷尺测量目标车辆距本车的纵向、横向距离。摄像机安装情况:安装在车内后视镜处,离地高度为1.3 m,摄像机分辨率为×=720×576 像素,焦距为8 mm,透视图下边界所对应的实际距离的一半=1.58 m,纵向比例系数1=0.1453。

本文试验程序的运行平台为英特尔酷睿i7 7700K @ 3.0GHz,显卡为NVIDIA GTX 1060。软件的运行平台为Windows 10、Caffe以及Visual Studio 2013,使用C++代码实现了本文算法和基于Caffe框架的SSD目标检测算法[30]的融合,本文测距算法流程如图6所示。

图6 本文测距算法流程图

5.1 汽车姿态角的验证


表1 本文计算角度与测量角度对比

5.2 测距模型验证与分析

表2 两组试验的计算距离与实际距离对比


Note: Horizontal distance is distance from detected vehicle object to the camera and longitudinal distance is the distance from detected vehicle object to the front of the host vehicle. They are expressed as (horizontal distance, longitudinal distance). The horizontal distance in [22-23] is calculated from the vehicle width estimation.







注:FPS(frames per second)为帧速,描述动态视频的流畅度,帧·s-1。

6 结 论

本文将道路消失点的检测用于单目视觉车辆测距,提出了一种基于变参数逆透视变换的几何测距模型,对摄像机俯仰角进行了动态补偿,同时在测距模型中将摄像机由于车辆变道超车等引起的偏航角进行建模分析,建立了统一的数学模型。对提出的基于道路消失点的汽车姿态角估计模型进行了试验验证,同时对本文完整的测距模型进行了验证分析,试验结果表明,本文提出的测距模型能有效测量纵向70 m以内、横向4 m以内的车辆距离,对不同道路环境的车辆测距误差在5%以内,且算法的平均处理速度达到了40帧/s,实时性能好,鲁棒性高,满足智能车系统对算法实时性和准确性的要求,有一定的工程应用价值。

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Vehicle distance measurement with implementation of vehicle attitude angle estimation and inverse perspective mapping based on monocular vision

Liu Jun, Hou Shihao, Zhang Kai, Yan Xiaojuan


Due to the change of vehicle steering attitude caused by road conditions and driver’s intention during driving, location information of detected vehicles relative to the host vehicle is also changed. Aiming at the problem that the method of monocular vision ranging ignores changes in attitude angle in the process of driving, this paper presents a monocular vision ranging model based on inverse perspective mapping (IPM) of variable parameters and road vanishing point detection, which achieves a real-time measurement of longitudinal and horizontal distance during vehicle relative movement by taking advantage of location information of vehicle detection so that it can locate and detect the vehicle on the ground plane as well as provide a good environment perception for advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) and intelligent vehicle system. Firstly, owing to the relationship between changes in attitude angle and the coordinates of road vanishing point, the yaw angle and pitch angle of vehicle motion are calculated in real time through the algorithm for road vanishing point detection, which is based on texture orientation estimation. The algorithm, which possesses a better robustness under different light and road conditions, estimates dominant texture orientation of pixels according to joint activities and confidence measure of Gabor filter with 4 directions, and vanishing point candidates are confirmed by the modified locally adaptive soft voting and particle filter tracking algorithm. On account of the yaw angle which leads to a certain degree of rotation in the top view of IPM and the existence of the pitch angle which leaves the top view of IPM unable to restore the parallel relationship of thetop view of actual road, IPM of variable parameters based on the coordinate of road vanishing point is used to compensate for the pitch angle to eliminate the influence of inverse perspective distortion, thereby restoring the parallel relationship of road plane and measuring longitudinal distance between the detected vehicle and the host vehicle using calibrated longitudinal scale factor. Then a modeling analysis of the yaw angle of vehicle motion during the process of IPM is made and the effects of the shape and size of the detected vehicle on ranging model are considered. When the horizontal axis in the lower-right bounding box of detected vehicle is less than half of the number of horizontal pixels in the imaging plane, the detected vehicle would be on the left of the host vehicle and its longitudinal and horizontal distance are calculated in accordance with the coordinate in the lower-right bounding box, while the horizontal axis in the lower-left bounding box of detected vehicle is greater than half of the number of horizontal pixels in the imaging plane, the detected vehicle would be on the right of the host vehicle and its longitudinal and horizontal distance are calculated in accordance with the coordinate in the lower-left bounding box; otherwise, it would be directly in front of the host vehicle with the horizontal distance being zero, and its longitudinal distance is calculated in accordance with the coordinate in the middle base of bounding box. Finally, the vehicle ranging model on the basis of location information of vehicle detection is established to consider compensating for attitude angle. The feasibility and effectiveness of this method are analyzed from 2 groups of contrast experiments on different road environments and ranging methods, and the results show that the proposed ranging model can effectively measure the distance of detected vehicles within about 70 m in the longitudinal direction and 4 m in the horizontal direction, having a measurement error of less than 5%; and the better the road environment, the smaller the error; the ranging error of a good flat road is within 3%, and the average processing speed of this algorithm reaches 40 frames/s.

algorithms; models; vehicles; monocular vision; inverse perspective mapping; road vanishing point detection; monocular ranging

刘 军,后士浩,张 凯,晏晓娟. 基于单目视觉车辆姿态角估计和逆透视变换的车距测量[J]. 农业工程学报,2018,34(13):70-76.doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org

Liu Jun, Hou Shihao, Zhang Kai, Yan Xiaojuan. Vehicle distance measurement with implementation of vehicle attitude angle estimation and inverse perspective mapping based on monocular vision[J]. Transactions of the Chinese Society of Agricultural Engineering (Transactions of the CSAE), 2018, 34(13): 70-76. (in Chinese with English abstract) doi:10.11975/j.issn.1002-6819.2018.13.009 http://www.tcsae.org




刘 军,教授,博士,主要研究方向为汽车主动安全。Email:Liujun@ujs.edu.cn





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