By Zhai Xingbo, Zhang Shanshan & Xu Zhengguo Translation by Lu Qiongyao & Zhu Yaguang Photos by Xue Yang, Liu Xiang & Yu Ming
June 9, 2018 was the second “Cultural and Natural Heritage Day” in China, which was also a historic anniversary of wildlife protection in Central China. On this day,representatives from Shennongjia National Park, Duheyuan National Nature Reserve, 18-li(i.e. 9 km) Long Canyon National Nature Reserve, Badong Golden Monkey Nature Reserve, the Three Gorges Wanchaoshan Mountain Nature Reserve,Yintiaoling National Nature Reserve, and Wulipo National Nature Reserve gathered in Kande Grand Land Hotel in Muyu Town of Shennongjia and established the first alliance of nature reserves in Central China. The latter two reserves are from Chongqing City,and the other five are all from Hubei Province.
Shennongjia in Central China is the only well-preserved virgin forest ecosystem located in the middle latitudes of the Earth, and a sanctuary for rare and endangered wildlife. It was located at the mysterious latitude 31 degrees north where some other natural and human miracles are located, such as Mount Everest, the Egyptian Pyramids, the Bermuda Triangle,and Sanxingdui, all of which are full of unsolved mysteries.Shengnongjia is a paradise for golden monkeys, the home of giant pandas, and a habitat for various “albino” animals. Here reside many national first-level protected wild animals such as clouded leopards, leopards, dwarf musk deer, golden eagles, and oriental white storks, and secondlevel protected wild animals such as Mrs. Gould’s sunbird, golden pheasants, jackals, black bears,yellow-throated martens, serows,giant salamanders, Chinese luehdorfia, Carabus dovidi, and otters
Liu Qijun, director of the Administration Bureau of Shennongjia National Park,said that the aim of establishing such an alliance was to create a mechanism which was jointly shared by various protected areas in western Hubei Province and eastern Chongqing, so that a format of “joint protection” could be built while the consistency and integrity of regional ecosystems can be improved. These nature reserves share a high degree of similarity in the aspects of climatic conditions, ecological environment, biodiversity,species distribution, and cultural customs, therefore, an extra area of more than 100,000 square kilometers has now been added to the 3,000 square kilometers for wildlife activity in Shennongjia Forest Region thanks to the establishment of the Alliance.By then wild animals will be able to run as far and as fast as they please, while still enjoying the benefits of protection no matter which reserve zone they enter.As Hu Xinghuan of the Hubei Provincial Forestry Department said, this means the migration passage of golden monkeys in Shennongjia could reach as far as Yeren Valley in the North, Badong in the South, and Chongqing in the West. The Wildlife Alliance is undoubtedly great news for wildlife animals.
Su Yang, researcher from the Development Research Center of the State Council, and Zhu Chun, chief representative of the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)in China, both commented that, different from those of some countries in the world,people and wildlife live together in harmony in the national parks and nature reserves in China. Facts have proved that when people in the reserve understand the importance of nature conservation, they will not threaten animals, instead, they can become good friends with wild animals.
中国中部地区的神农架,是地球中纬度地区唯一保存完好的原始森林生态系统和珍稀濒危动植物庇护所,与珠穆朗玛峰、埃及金字塔、百慕大三角、三星堆等自然人文奇迹同处在神秘的北纬31度,有众多未解之谜。 她是金丝猴的乐园、大熊猫的故地,是各种“白化”动物的栖息地,有云豹、金钱豹、林麝、金雕、东方白鹳等国家一级保护野生动物,还有蓝喉太阳鸟、红腹锦鸡、豺、黑熊、黄喉貂、鬣羚、大鲵、中华虎凤蝶、硕步甲和水獭等国家二级保护动物。
Due to the interference of human activities and the crossing of the 209 National Highway and other tourist highways, some species in the ecosystems were relatively isolated from others, which posed a threat to regional biodiversity protection and ecological security,and restricted wild animals’migration and activities.
In order to promote the interactions of species and connectivity of the ecosystem in the Shennongjia and Pan-Shennongjia regions in western Hubei and eastern Chongqing,Shennongjia National Park has initiated a wildlife passage program by building habitat passages in places where entry and exit of animals has been restricted so that wild animals could run freely. These passages blended into nature with the construction of naturally fallen trees, strangler vines, lichen,and other primitive forest elements. The result was a naturally integrated environment.Infrared monitoring equipment was installed near the passages to photograph and observe the adaptation of wild animals and promote wildlife protection and research. As a result, a special“road and passage network” was built to enable wild animals to come and go as they please.
On June 8, we saw an arched overpass near the Great Dragon Pool in Shennongjia National Park, which was actually a fallen century-old tree spanning over the trail in the woods. It was covered with wild flowers, grass,and moss, and properly trimmed by people. As a result, it became a dedicated animal overpass, on which dozens of golden monkeys were seen scurrying by.
According to Li Chunqing,deputy director of the Service Bureau of Shennongjia National Park, there were more than 20 overpasses like this in Shennongjia, including a multipurpose animal tree bridge, two overpasses for golden monkeys,and more than 20 simple passages along the highway and food supply points for birds in the Dajiu Lake wetlands.
生境廊道 Habitat Corridor
Tian Sigen, now aged 61, has retired from his work and left the Great Dragon Pool Golden Monkey Conservation Base in Shennongjia where he worked for 8 years.
Yang Jingyuan, director of the Science Research Institute at Administrative Bureau of Shennongjia National Nature Reserve, was reluctant to see Mr.Tian off. From a hunting master to a golden monkey guardian, Tian has witnessed the vicissitude of the forest.
Tian became a hunter in his early 20s, and his hunting career lasted for 20 years. At that time,dwarf musk deer, wild goats,and wild boars could be seen everywhere in the mountains, and he never returned empty-handed when he went hunting. “I could hunt more than 30 musk deer every year, which sold at 50 yuan each, while the price of an egg was only 0.02 yuan.” Said Tian. It was the high income that attracted more and more people to become hunters.
With the sound of gunshots becoming more frequent and intense, animals living in the mountain were dwindling away.
After the launch of the Natural Forest Protection Program, Tian handed in his shotgun, burnt the animal heads hanging all over his door frame, and quit hunting.
However, he had only 3mu(equal to 0.2 hectare) of land, and,by planting corn and potatoes, he could barely support his family.In order to make up the gap of his income, Tian had to take many part-time jobs.
Later, Tian joined the Great Dragon Pool Golden Monkey C o n s e r v a t i o n B a s e, a n d shouldered the responsibility of feeding golden monkeys. “Feeding them is just like looking after your own children. Punctuality is very important for the three meals every day.” After accompanying the golden monkeys for years, Tian now regards them as his family. At his last day of work, Tian stayed at the conversation base for a long while, feeling upset. “I just want to take a few more looks at them,”Tian bemoaned.
田思根与金丝猴结下不解之缘Tian Sigen and his golden monkey friends
猴宝宝在林间愉快玩耍 A baby monkey playing in the forest
At the end of last month,several golden monkey mothers holding their newborn babies were seen playing in the wild forests by the research base in the Great Dragon Pool of Shennongjia National Park.According to the staff, the golden monkey is currently in their peak breeding season. Six baby monkeys had been born in the first half of the year.
The golden monkey usually breeds from the beginning of March to the end of May each year. Female monkeys usually conceived between August and October in the previous year, with a pregnancy of nearly 200 days.Mother monkeys usually gave birth once every two years, with one baby per pregnancy. It takes mother monkey one year to feed the baby monkey.
Ever since the Great Dragon Pool Golden Monkey Research Base started feeding the monkeys in the winter of 2005, a group of monkeys have lived here. Every year a certain number of baby golden monkeys are born, with a survival rate of 100%. Compared to the number of golden monkeys in the 1980s when it was at its lowest, the number now in Shennongjia has more than doubled, exceeding 1,300.
金丝猴一家子 A golden monkey family