S.D.Deshmukh•K.R.Hari•P.Diwan•M.P.Manu Prasanth
The nature of petrogenetic and geodynamic processbehind the generation of Archean continental crust still remains one of the most challenging problems in Earth Science(Hawkesworth et al.2010;Foley et al.2002;Rapp et al.2003;Xiao and Santosh 2014;Zhai 2014).Occurrence of Greenstone-Gneiss association is a common feature of Archean cratons(Naqvi2005).Theterm Greenstone Belt is generally used to describe elongated to variably-shaped terrain of variable length and width,consisting of spatially and temporally related materials from(1)Archean to Proterozoic intrusive and extrusive ultramafic,(2)mafic to felsic rocks commonly associated with variable amounts and types of metasedimentary rocks,and(3)intruded by granitoid plutons.85%of the ophiolite occurrences in the greenstone sequences can be classified as the subductionrelated tectonic environment.Subduction unrelated greenstone occurrencesare mainly developed during ocean basin evolution,and are related to continental rifting,seafloor spreading drift-rift tectonics and plume magmatism(Furnes et al.2014,2015).
The Peninsular Indian Shield,which is made up of low to high-grade metamorphic terrain,has an age range of 3.6–2.6 Ga.These terrain attained tectonic stability for prolonged periods,and they constitute continental crust designated as cratons(Naqvi and Rogers 1987;Balasubramanyan 2006;Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan 2008).Stabilization of a craton occurs when intruded by plutons,and as a result,the whole-rock isotopic systems become closed so platform sedimentation takes place on the newly formed basement(Rogers and Santosh 2003).The Bastar Craton,which is located in the eastern part of Peninsular India,is bordered by the Satpura mobile belt in the north,the Pranhita–Godavari rift in the south,the Deccan Traps in thewest,the Eastern ghatsmobilebelt in theeast and the Mahanadi rift in the north east(Ramchandra et al.2001;Ramakrishnan and Vaidyanadhan 2008).
The prominent Greenstone Belts of Peninsular India can be classified into the Keewatin-type and the Dharwar type(Radhakrishna 1976).The Keewatin-type(which includes Hutti-Maski,Sandur,Ramgiri and Kolar belts)can be comparable with other Archaean Greenstone Belts of the world;the Dharwar-type(which includes Bababudan,Chitradurga–Gadag,and Dharwar–Shimoga belts),on the other hand,are akin to the Proterozoic belts of a basinal and geosynclinal type(Radhakrishna and Ramakrishnan 1988,1990).The Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(SGB),located in the Northeastern part of Bastar Craton belongsto the Keewatin type.SGB coversan area of about 1200 km2and represents a late Archaean volcano-sedimentary sequence with mafic and felsic metavolcanic rocks along with Banded Iron Formation,comprised of sedimentary sequences of conglomerate,greywacke,argilliteand ferruginouschert(Arjuni Formation)(Deshmukh et al.2006,2008;Ramchandra et al.2001;Yedekar et al.1990;2003).In the present work,major and trace element geochemical characteristics of metabasalts from SGB are evaluated to elucidate the tectonic setting of the terrain.
The SGB,with NW–SE trend,is almost perpendicular to the NE-SW trending Central Indian Tectonic Zone CITZ(Fig.1).Based on the Rb–Sr data on meta rhyolites of SGB,Ghosh et al.(1995)proposed that the Sonkhan greenstone terrain formed around 2.5 Ga.However no detailed geochemical and isotopic studies are available from this terrain.The Baghmara Formation in the Sonakhan Greenstone terrane is a suite mainly composed of mafic metabasalts with subordinate rhyolite and tuffaceous materials.The mafic metavolcanic rocks of Baghmara Formation are represented by pillowed and massive/schistose metabasalts.Ray et al.(2000)and Ray and Rai(2004)reported potential gold mineralization from the SGB.Venkatesh(2001)carried out ore mineralogical studies in this terrane and proposed a mesothermal origin for gold mineralization.Deshmukh et al.(2008)reported komatiitic affinity for the metabasaltsof the SGB and correlated SGB with the Hutti Greenstone Belt of the Dharwar Craton.
The mineral assemblages exhibited in the metabasalts are as follows:
In metabasalt,the overall abundance of plagioclase phenocrysts ranges from 5%to 15%.The other phenocryst phasesinclude clinopyroxene and amphibole(Fig.2a).The groundmass consists of plagioclase, clinopyroxene,amphibole,magnetite and sporadic apatite.In some sections,flow texture is also perceptible(Fig.2b).Secondary phases in some of the samples include chlorite,epidote,and calcite.
The geochemical analysis was carried out in order to determine the major oxides concentration by X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry (XRF)Philips-1400 (Holland)instrument.Rare earth elements(REE),high field strength elements(HFSE),large ion lithophile elements(LILE)and transition metals(Ni,Co,Cr,V,and Sc)were analyzed using the ICP-MS technique by ELAN DRC II(Perkin Elmer Sciex Instrument,USA)at the National Geophysical Research Institute,Hyderabad,India.
Deshmukh et al.(2008)reported the major element geochemistry of the mafic rocks of SGB and argued a komatiite affinity for these rocks.In the present paper,we are presenting the trace element data of the same samples presented in Deshmukh et al.(2008).For the convenience of the readers,we are incorporating major element data from Deshmukh et al.(2008)(Table 1)along with the new trace element data.
Traditionally,magmatic rocks are classified on the basis of the Total Alkali-Silica(TAS)diagram either by Le Bas et al.(1986)or by Le Bas and Streckeisen(1991).However,the metamorphism and hydrothermal reactions in the greenstone terrain increases the mobility of Na and K.Therefore,classification of igneous rocks in greenstone terrain on the basis of TAS diagram may not be appropriate.Hence,in order to give aproper nomenclature of the rocks,in the present work,we are using Zr/Ti–Nb/Y diagram(Floyd and Winchester 1975).When the samples were plotted in the Zr/Ti–Nb/Y diagram,it was found that all the plots fall in ‘‘basaltic field’’(Fig.3).
Chondrite-normalized REE pattern of all the rocks are similar(Fig.4)and have a typical flat REE [(La/Lu)n=1–1.5]pattern,which is a characteristic feature of komatiite related rocks.Condie(1989)proposed that the flat REE pattern is a characteristic feature of Archean Greenstone Belts with a komatiitic affinity(TH-1type).Incompatible trace element abundances(Table 1)in comparison to the Primitive mantle suggests that most of the SGB metabasalts are characterised by selective enrichment of Large Ion Lithophile Elements(LILE),such as Rb,Ba,and Sr,and relative depletion of High Field Strength Elements(HFSE)such as Nb,P,Ti,Y,and Yb.The primitive mantle normalized multi-element spider diagram is characterized by pronounced negative Nb and Zr anomalies(Fig.5).The presence of negative Nb anomaly indicates a subduction-related genesis (Pearce 1982). Positive anomalies of Pb and Ta were also observed.Sajona et al.(1996)proposed that the island arc basalts have low Nb content(<2 ppm).The low Nb content in the SGB metabasalts(0.236–2.092 ppm)further substantiates subduction magmatism.
Fig.1 Regional geological map of Sonakhan Greenstone Terrane(after Das et al.1990)
Fig.2 Photomicrographs of meta basalts of Sonakhan Greenstone Belt
Elemental mobility during post-magmatic alteration and metamorphism is a point of concern in the Archaean volcanic rocks(Polat et al.2002).It has been concluded by various workers(Ludden et al.1982;Rajamaniet al.1985;Xie et al.1993;Arndt 1994;Kröner et al.2013;Polat 2013)that the effects of alteration on HFSE,Ti,Cr,Ni,and REE(except Eu)are relatively insignificant(Pearce and Peate 1995).The element Zr is often used as an alteration index of metamorphosed volcanic rocks(Pearce 2014;Rollinson 1999).The mobility of LILE such as Rb,K,Sr and Ba is well documented in Archaean volcanic rocks(Arndt and Goldstein 1989;Arndt 1994).
A general consensus exists that field,petrographic and geochemical criteria may be applied for the evaluation of alteration sensitivity(mobility or immobility of elements)in volcanic rocks that have experienced submarine hydrothermal alteration and metamorphism.These criteria include the preservation of primary volcanic features such as pillows,uniform inter-element ratios and smooth REE patterns(excepting Ce and Eu)etc.However,submarine alteration and metamorphism might have affected the geochemistry of original volcanic rocksto avariableextent as seen in the thin sections.Therefore,the mobility of elements has to be evaluated prior to their application in petrogenetic modeling.
During hydrothermal processes,some major elements such as Ti,Al,and P are generally immobile,whereas others like Na and Ca are almost always mobile(MacGeehan and MacLean 1980;Mottl 1983).At greenschist facies metamorphic conditions,Si,Ti,Al,Mn,and Premain unchanged,whereas Fe,Mg,Na,and K may be mobilized(Pearce 1982;Rollinson 1993).Usefulnessof major element data is therefore often conditional on unknown factors of metamorphism.Therefore,in the present case,in order to evaluate the effect of metamorphism and hydrothermal alteration,we have to focus on the behavior of the trace elements.The mobility of trace elements in metamorphism can be generalized into two groups.(1)Low field strength(LFS)elements(Cs,Sr,K,Rb,and Ba)are generally mobilized,whereas(2)high field strength(HFS)elements(REE,Sc,Y,Th,Zr,Hf,Ti,Nb,Ta,and P)are relatively immobile(Pearce,1982).Further,Co,Ni,V,and Cr are also considered immobile(Rollinson 1993).The linear trendsare shown with Zr and Hf,because when plotted against Y,they indicate their immobile nature and thuscan be used for petrogenetic modeling(Fig.6a,b).
The tholeiite sequences with komatiitic affinity in the Archaean Greenstone Belts(TH-1 of Condie 1989)generally exhibit a flat REE pattern.Condie and Harrison(1976)studied the Maric Formation in the Midlands Greenstone Belt of Rhodesia and carried out petrogenetic modeling of TH-1,proposing that it is produced by 30%partial melting of a lherzolite source with olivine,clinopyroxene,orthopyroxene and spinel as residual minerals.Arth and Hanson(1975)proposed that TH-1 tholeiite from northwestern Minnesota was derived by 10–25%partial melting of the mantle.The REE patterns of metabasalts of Baghmara Formation closely resemble those of TH-1 from Minnesota,thus pointing towards a similar mantle-melting pattern.When SGB samples were plotted in the La/Yb versus Dy/Yb diagram,they fall in the stability field of spinel peridotite(Fig.7).Modeling of the samples of SGB was carried out using non-modal batch melting process(Baker et al.1997)with La/Yb ratio.The modeling was carried out considering the sample withlowest REE values(SK-6),and the results revealed these rocks were generated by~20%partial melting of a spinel lherzolite(Fig.8).
Table 1 Major and trace element concentrations of mafic metavolcanics of Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(major element values arefrom Deshmukh et al.2008)
Fig.3 Zr/Ti versus Nb/Y diagram of mafic meta volcanics from the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(Pearce 2008)
Fig.4 Chondrite normalized REE diagram of meta basalts from the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(Normalizing factors are from Boynton 1984)
Fig.5 Primitive mantle normalized multi element diagram of meta basalts from the Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(Normalizing factors are from McDonough and Sun 1995)
Fig.6 a Hf versus Y and b Zr versus Y diagrams indicating a linear geochemical trend for the meta basalts of SGB
Fig.7 Dy/Yb versus La/Yb plot for the meta basalts from SGB indicating their generation at shallower depths in spinel-peridotite stability field(Jung et al.2006)
Fig.8 La/Yb versus Yb diagram showing model melting curves for non-model fractional melting of garnet and spinel lherzolite facies(Baker et al.1997).Numbers on the curves represent the percentage of melting of model mantle
Variousdifferentiation processes have to be evaluated in detail for finding out the reason for magma modification.In the present case,fractional crystallization,which is the most important magma modification process,has been evaluated with the help of trace elements.In the La/Sm-La diagram,data points plot along a nearly horizontal line(Fig.9),indicating that fractional crystallization(Allegre and Minster 1978)has played a vital role in the modification of magma.Thepositiverelationship between Ni and Mg#(Fig.10a)indicates fractional crystallization of olivine minerals(Wilson 1989).Sc iscompatible in pyroxene but not in olivine(Rollinson 1993),and the positive correlation of Sc with Mg#indicate pyroxene fractionation(Fig.10b).
To evaluate the role of fractional crystallization,Rayleigh’s fractional crystallization model was used.The sample SK-6 exhibits the minimum values for REE(ΣREE=21.85 ppm),and it was considered as representative of the least fractionated magma in the whole assemblage.In contrast,the sample SK-51 with highest REE(ΣREE=51.92 ppm)was considered as the final product of fractional crystallization.It is evident from the variation diagrams and chondrite normalized diagrams that olivine,clinopyroxene,and plagioclase were the governing phases in the fractional crystallization.As these rocks are of tholeiite nature,it can be assumed that olivine governed the crystal fractionation to a lesser degree than clinopyroxene and plagioclase.For fractional crystallization modeling,the fractionating minerals considered were plagioclase,clinopyroxene olivine,magnetite,and ilmenite.Modeling with REE revealed that the most evolved samples represented the product of fractional crystallization of SK-6 with 35%plagioclase,35%clinopyroxene,20%olivine,5%magnetite and 5%ilmenite as fractionating minerals with 40%residual liquid(Fig.11).
Fig.9 La/Sm versus La Plots of SGB in a nearly horizontal line,indicating importance of fractional crystallization
Fig.10 Mg#values of SGB samples plotted against a Ni and b Sc
Fig.11 REE modeling results for fractional crystallization
During subduction,Ti becomes depleted in the source,whereas V is enriched in the source magma.As the oxidation increases due to subduction-derived fluids,vanadium becomes more incompatible than in the lower oxidation state.Thus,higher Ti/V ratio indicates a subduction influenced source region(Shervais1982).From Ti-V diagram(Fig.12)it wasobserved that all samplesexcept two were characterized by island arc setting.Scattering of thesamplesmay be dueto thevaried metasomatic effect or other post-magmatic alterations.
Fig.12 V versus Ti tectonic discrimination diagram(Shervais1982)of mafic metavolcanics of Sonakhan Greenstone Belt
Fig.13 Plot of Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb for metabasaltic rocksof SGB.The mantle array includes constructive plate boundary magmas(NMORB normal mid-ocean ridge basalts,E-MORB enriched mid ocean ridge basalts)and within-plate alkaline basalts(OIB ocean island basalts).AUCC is Archean upper continental crust.Fields for convergent margin basalts include the tholeiitic(TH),calc-alkaline(CA),and shoshonitic(SHO)magmaseries.The vectors S,C,W,and f refer to subduction zone component,crustal contamination,within plate fractionation,and fractional crystallization respectively(after Pearce2008).Forearc,arc,and backarc fieldsareof recent convergent margins fields are from Metcalf and Shervais(2008)
The classification scheme proposed by Pearce(2008)was followed in the next step.According to Pearce(2008),if the mantle arrays were modified by subduction-derived fluids,it would be enriched in Th.As a result,the Th/Yb ratio would be higher in subduction-related components than that of the mantle array.The basaltic rocks in the present area,when plotted in the Th/Yb versus Nb/Yb diagram(Fig.13),fall in the volcanic arc array with arcfore arc signatures.For further confirmation on the subduction-related genesis of SGB,we carried out the geochemical screening method proposed by Condie(1989).The average values of basaltic rocks from the terrane were compared with four screens,and it wasfound that therocks were characterized by subduction-related genesis(Table 2).The elemental ratios of Nb/La(0.455467),Ti/Y(252.3778),in first order of SCREEN 1 and Ti/V(20.56667),TiO2(0.778889),Ta(0.525667)and Nb(1.350889)values in the second order of SCREEN 1 clearly exhibited the arc basalt tectonic setting for the SGB.Hf/Th(0.953691)and Ce/Nb(5.53783)ratios indicated N-MORB in SCREEN 2.From SCREEN 3 the values of Th/Yb(0.283615),Th/Nb(0.45622),Nb/La(0.455467)exhibited arc basalt characteristics.In SCREEN 4,Zr/Y(0.924893)and Ta/Yb(0.030336)exhibited IAB-CABI character.IAB tectonic framework of the metabasalts from SGB was confirmed with Th/Yb(0.283615)and Ti/Zr(322.0413)ratios from SCREEN 5.Figure 14 depicts a flow chart illustrating different screening methods marked with the behavior of SGB metabasalts on each screen.The chemical composition of subduction zone magmas generated in theconvergent boundarieswasmainly controlled by two sources:the mantle wedge and the slab components(i.e.,fluids and/or melts generated from the subducting slab)(Tatsumi et al.1986;Morris et al.1990;Hawkesworth et al.1993;Pearce and Peate 1995;Pearce 2008).
Table 2 Geochemical screening of meta basalts of SGB(after Condie 1989)
Fig.14 Flow chart depicting tectonic classification of mafic metavolcanics from Sonakhan Greenstone Belt(Condie 1989)
Deshmukh et al.(2017)proposed a subduction-related genesis for the felsic metavolcanic rocks of Bagmara formation of SGB.Prominent negative Nb anomaly in the multi-element spider diagram,along with other elemental fingerprints,clearly indicated subduction magmatism(Keleman et al.2004;Pearce,2008;Perfit et al.1980;Tatsumiet al.1986;Pearceand Stern2006;Hawkesworth et al.1993;Pearce and Peate 1995).In an arc-related environment,the subducted slab underwent dehydration during the initial stageof subduction.The subducting slab dehydrated,and the subduction-derived fluids caused themetasomatism of the mantle wedge.However,the differences in the melting process in a subduction-related environment were primarily due to the difference in PH2O(Manning 2004;Mibe et al.2011;Anderson et al.1980)Thehigher PH2Oin an arc-related environment incorporated LILE and LREE into the melt phase and as a result,the residual mantle became enriched in HFSE.Depletion of HFSE with reference to the LILE and LREE/HFSE ratios and Nb,Zr anomalies,which were perceptible in the mafic rocks of SGB,were characteristic features of Island arc magmas(Fig.5)(Pearce2008;Manning 2004;Wilson and Davidson 1984).The enrichment in LILE indicated that the SGB metabasalts were derived as a result of metasomatism of the depleted mantle wedge beneath the Bastar Craton.The Archean geothermal gradient,size and dynamics of plates collectively played a significant role in the generation of these basaltic rocks.Various studies at Archean greenstone terrane imply that the Neoarchean convergent margins,wedge melting,arc magmatism and slab dehydration were the prominent mechanisms involved in the generation of arc basaltic magma(Wyman 2003;Kerrich et al.1998,Wyman and Kerrich 2009;Lafleche et al.1992).
AcknowledgementsSDD expresses his sincere thanks to Dr.S.K.Rajput,Principal,Govt.V.Y.T.PG Autonomous College,Durg.The authors are also thankful to Dr.Sandeep Vansutre and Dr.Shailesh Agrawal for their help in the preparation of the manuscript.Financial support from UGC to S.D.Deshmukh is gratefully acknowledged.
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